2009 Results Grid 

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Meet List
Cougar-Wildcat 6 Mi XC Relay
Bronco Roundup
Mt. Carmel Movin Shoes Cross Country Invite
36th Stanford Cross Country Invitational (High School)
So. Cal Invitational
Kit Carson Invitational
62nd Mt. SAC Cross Country Invitational (Saturday)
CIF-SDS Cross Country Championships
2009 CIF State Cross Country Championships
Foot Locker National Championships
Race Distances
11.5 Miles
22 Miles
32.4 Miles
42.6 Miles
52.7 Miles
62.75 Miles
72.93 Miles
82.95 Miles
93.04 Miles
105,000 Meters
Show: All Years
Mens Womens
AthleteSep 5Sep 12Sep 19Sep 26Oct 17Oct 23Oct 24Nov 21Nov 28Dec 12
11Dan Averbiry 12:58.5220:59.08 20:12.91020:39.010
10Max Avila 11:31.1218:38.08 18:29.410 17:37.07
9Dawson Bailey9:28.0112:22.22 21:51.010
9Matt Barge 11:47.2219:15.08 19:31.610 18:07.07
11Nick Bergum 11:20.0217:25.08 17:38.310 16:51.0717:44.0916:52.010
10Tristan Bodmer 12:40.82 22:02.010
9Eric Cabrera 29:18.51030:10.010
11Matt Carpowich 10:29.4216:55.0816:25.01016:38.110 15:53.0716:13.0915:49.010
9Troy Carson14:19.0116:19.8225:55.08 31:29.010
10Owen Chen 11:25.9218:21.08 19:41.21019:50.010
10Connor Colburn 11:36.6218:22.08 18:15.07
9Nick Cole11:18.0114:45.62 27:17.11026:24.010
9Justin Collet9:17.0112:31.1220:22.08 20:47.410 20:20.07
9Sean Depolo10:19.0113:29.3222:34.08 26:49.010
11Rex Dunham 11:40.0219:07.08 18:35.210 17:27.07
12Josh Dutton10:40.0114:56.4222:03.08 23:33.010
11Andrew Eckberg 10:28.7217:05.0817:14.01016:42.210 16:21.0717:18.0916:45.010
9Seab Elliot10:25.0113:43.2222:09.08 24:58.71023:34.010
10Kareem El-Tayeb10:02.01 22:29.910
9Tyler Elwell9:47.01 21:26.08
11Chris Everett 11:21.3217:53.08 18:05.310 17:31.07
10Alec Garton 12:18.7219:44.08 19:53.11019:56.010
9Nick Guo 12:29.6219:47.08 20:04.810 19:11.07
9Kyle Hallman10:10.01 21:55.31021:55.010
10Omron Hassan 25:01.010
11Sam Hiraoka 19:31.08 19:25.610
9Kanyon Iwannni 14:35.8223:43.08 24:18.51024:22.010
12Alex Jafek 10:35.3216:33.0816:37.01016:12.810 15:52.0716:48.0916:21.010
9Ben Jafek 12:00.2219:01.08 19:04.710 17:43.07
10Seth Johnson 11:19.8218:15.08 18:14.810 17:43.07
10Kyle Joyner10:16.0113:59.8222:47.08 24:41.81024:24.010
9Sid Katz9:28.0113:01.32 24:43.61023:55.010
9Josh Kim9:58.0113:05.9219:56.08 20:33.210 19:02.07
10Kevin Kirch 21:02.08 20:43.91024:01.010
9Sam Kozma11:55.0114:40.62 28:00.61026:13.010
10Arjun Kumar 10:49.9217:18.0817:54.01017:13.110 16:32.0717:19.0917:05.010
11Calvin Lee 12:09.7218:54.08 19:17.01020:10.010
9Aaron Levis 13:11.42 22:01.010
9Benji Lu9:31.0112:41.4220:12.08 20:27.710 23:19.07
9Kirk Masci 15:43.5224:59.08 24:24.110
12Connor McBride 17:12.0817:32.01017:14.410 16:48.07
11Trent Newquist
9Nathan Platt 11:35.2218:27.08 18:36.010 17:30.07
11Victor Pontis 12:19.5220:27.08 21:06.11021:22.010
9Santiago Quintana9:49.0113:15.3220:37.08 20:36.510
9Chris Ramphal9:38.0112:54.9221:06.08 22:04.41022:03.010
11Kaushik Sahoo
11Jack Turner9:03.0112:32.4220:08.08 20:02.210
9Kevin Wang 20:27.010
11Andrew Ward 9:56.0215:54.0816:18.01015:39.810 15:24.0716:56.0917:25.010
12Alec Webster 16:38.0816:55.01017:17.310 16:40.0718:28.09
10Perry Wheat9:09.0112:07.1220:05.08 20:15.01020:18.010
11Blake Wilson 11:06.3218:00.08 18:01.910 16:56.07 17:17.010
9Alex Yashchenko10:21.0114:36.4222:35.08 23:13.61022:46.010
AthleteSep 5Sep 12Sep 19Sep 26Oct 17Oct 23Oct 24Nov 21Nov 28Dec 12
9Haley Anderson12:01.0116:16.6221:58.05 18:30.6320:52.04
11Sabrina Barbas 14:18.1220:17.05 18:43.53
11Alli Billmeyer 11:07.6215:51.0518:10.010 17:45.0716:05.0617:46.010
9Tori Casella 13:00.9217:50.0520:42.010 19:49.0718:01.0619:49.010
10Lucy Chen 13:37.4219:36.05 16:15.03 20:13.07
10Shannon Coughlin 13:15.4218:13.05 21:27.07
10Ashlyn Dadkhah 11:15.6215:57.0518:16.010 17:47.0716:26.0617:56.010
10Erin Daly 13:29.6218:23.05 16:54.63 20:39.07
9Sarah Jo DeVore11:14.0115:35.32 21:45.04
12Anne Dhanens 13:58.8219:26.05 18:01.9320:40.04
11Rachel Gerard 15:25.4222:59.05
9Emily Gruzduwich 14:45.72 20:46.04
11Hannah Hackbart 14:01.1219:19.05 17:08.7318:53.04
11Chika Hirai 14:16.0219:19.05 17:28.4319:17.04
10Rachel Hiraoka 12:11.4216:52.0519:55.010 17:29.0619:08.010
10Tsuliko Jerger 14:10.5218:45.05
10Kate MacPhail12:22.0115:50.52
11Kate McBride 24:19.83
9Katie McClurg 15:24.72
12Megan Morgan 11:00.9214:55.0517:39.010 16:59.0715:39.0617:16.01018:01.910
11Mallory Murphy 15:05.5222:40.05 18:52.2321:12.04
9Kelsey O'Connell 12:25.8217:44.0520:57.010 20:21.0718:00.0619:27.010
9Kelsey O'Neill11:14.0115:18.8220:55.05 19:56.4323:15.04
9Parul Pubbi10:51.0114:52.7220:09.05 19:43.04
11Zoe Rhett11:20.01 21:49.05 19:41.8320:22.04
11Sara Seacat 12:50.6219:13.05 17:02.13 21:02.07
9Natasha Shoopack11:17.0115:31.0221:13.05 19:55.5321:50.04
11Stephanie Smith11:40.0115:27.62 23:45.04
9Jenny Sommer11:00.0115:45.7221:57.05 20:14.63
12Leah Stamer 18:16.05 20:35.07
12Dorit Stein 18:08.1320:05.04
10Brooke Tencer 13:37.0219:24.05 20:46.07
10Anais Teyton 13:58.1219:26.05 17:35.1318:52.04
11Lauren Waage 13:26.6218:38.05 15:55.83 20:55.07
9Lindsay Ward 19:30.05
10Soffe Watson 12:09.0216:28.0519:41.010 19:03.0717:48.0619:29.010
11Liv Williams 15:29.3222:33.05 22:38.04
9Kristin Wu11:21.0115:07.6220:29.05 21:06.04
12Riley Yahr 15:06.2220:09.05 18:16.0319:23.04
11Melissa Zhou10:58.0115:01.3221:23.05 18:13.13
11Mina Zhou10:35.01

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0:00 Improvement over previous season races of the same distance.
0:00 Personal Record for this distance
0:00 Season Record for this distance