2015 Results Grid 

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Meet List
St. Xavier Tiger Run
Shelby County Invitational
Trinity / Valkyrie Invitational
Pacers Running DCXC Invite presented by New Balance
Greater Louisville Classic
KHSAA 3A Region 4 Championship
KHSAA 3A State Championships
NXN Southeast Regional
Race Distances
15,000 Meters
Show: All Years
AthleteAug 29Sep 5Sep 19Sep 26Oct 3Oct 31Nov 7Nov 28
10Nate Allen 23:40.3116:36.11 21:27.31
11Zach Allen 20:25.0119:19.9119:18.01
11Will Barker 22:59.5121:38.21 20:06.91
9Jack Baum 16:31.6117:07.01 16:53.8117:14.81
11Zach Beville 17:30.0117:54.01
9Ryan Biddle 21:17.21 21:50.31
9Will Bobrow 19:29.41
10Paul Bradford 19:59.4120:11.01
12Hunter Brashear20:03.51 19:47.9120:25.01
10Drew Brumfield 22:18.4121:22.21 20:21.71
10Jacob Burnam16:38.11 16:53.8117:21.01 16:30.1116:34.61
9Andrew Cawood 21:02.6120:41.01
11Nick Christenson 22:20.8121:27.01 20:53.61
10Alex Cyterski 18:40.6119:11.01
12Cole Davis
11Dalton Davis
9Daylen Dawkins 25:12.51 23:43.21
12Jonathan Del Toro26:31.81 21:45.51
11Kevin Deye 17:54.9117:52.01
9Nicholas Friebert 28:36.51 30:53.01
12Aaron Fust19:21.21 18:48.6118:51.01
11Alex Garbus
9Nick Gnadinger 22:26.61 21:52.51
12Luis Gonzalez20:16.2120:52.0120:00.4120:40.01
12Axel Halvarson18:15.01 17:56.6117:33.01
12Tim Hardesty
9Griffin Holloway 28:23.9126:22.91 25:05.41
10Christian Howard 22:32.3121:33.81 20:28.91
10Thomas Kane 20:05.8120:29.6120:03.01
12Brad Koenig
9Ethan Lally 20:34.0119:34.2119:53.01
11Daniel Langford 23:31.6120:50.5121:22.01
12Dustin Little
9Ben Mattingly 31:25.5128:17.11
12Sam McAlpin
12Sam McCalpin16:45.51 16:44.3116:49.01 16:03.0116:13.1116:38.61
11Luke Mckean
10Jack Meredith16:59.91 16:56.5116:57.01 16:52.0116:57.01
9Nick Michaels 18:37.2118:38.01
11Andrew Moak
12Michael Motiff
12Conor Mullaney22:14.4121:52.11 22:06.61
9William Mullen 18:08.2118:25.01
9Nick Neumann 17:50.8117:52.01
12Cameron Neville19:48.81 18:58.4119:58.01
12Conor O'Brien23:31.6122:39.2122:06.41 21:55.21
12Taylor Osborn17:24.41 16:56.1117:11.01
12Taylor Osburn
10Paul Passanisi 21:41.6120:15.4119:29.01
9Michael Payne 28:10.3127:21.11 25:22.01
9Grant Perry 23:42.6123:41.41 22:15.71
11Andrew Raque 21:09.41 20:38.21
9Dominic Repp 20:41.3119:37.5119:59.01
9Gregor Richard 23:05.6120:04.0121:30.01
10Sam Roth 23:37.0122:48.31
12Michael Sandell
12Phillip Sandman17:22.71 16:36.1116:50.01 16:58.81
12Nathaniel Schmitt
10Nick Schmitt 20:44.8119:10.5119:22.01
11Jake Schneider 18:46.6118:33.01
12Henry Shay17:31.51 23:14.4116:52.01
9Nick Stauble 17:56.7118:05.01
10Patrick Sullivan 22:49.21 22:31.31
11Glavin Swain16:46.41 16:36.5116:57.01 16:50.7116:58.81
9Kyle Thorne 25:12.7122:26.31 21:52.21
12Mark Tierney18:39.51 17:40.3117:56.01
10Jacob Travelstead 17:47.8118:25.01 17:14.91
11Max Turnier
11Brian Vassallo 24:12.71
10Trevor Warren16:47.51 16:24.5116:51.01 15:46.1116:09.61
12Daniel Williams20:22.4120:09.7118:49.3119:22.01
9Shane Williams 18:16.9118:19.01
9Henry Wilmes 18:35.3118:44.01
10Matthew Woodall 18:43.4119:05.01
11Travis Zaremba 23:19.31

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