2018 Results Grid 

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Meet List
Great Meadow Invitational
Algonkian Quad
Glory Days Grill Invitational
Dulles District Championship
VHSL 4A Region C
VHSL 4A State XC Championships
NXR Southeast Regional Championships
Race Distances
12.95 Miles
25,000 Meters
Show: All Years
Mens Womens
AthleteAug 25Sep 5Oct 6Oct 24Oct 31Nov 10Nov 24
12Omar Aougab16:49.0217:52.1214:49.0116:42.0216:59.0218:03.0216:15.52
12Sekai Banes
-Rohan Bangalore 25:31.42
12Gregory Barengolts 20:13.1217:02.01
11Amanuel Bartolomeas 21:33.52
12Ryan Base19:04.0218:33.8216:03.0117:57.0218:21.0218:14.0217:59.42
11Jared Beasley
-Denis Bykov 26:36.2222:17.01
12Christian Calma
-Ethan Camacho 22:42.22
9Hayden Cameron 27:17.52
11Turner Correll 21:14.02
9Emilio Cortez21:56.0223:08.6218:40.01
9Aidan Crotty22:34.0223:37.8219:26.01
9Trent Dao 26:16.9219:58.01
11Ryan Demangos18:58.0222:29.9217:07.01 19:47.52
9Peter Downey23:35.0225:58.9219:53.01
12Steven Drake 21:10.92
11Sean Earley 22:32.7219:00.01
12Alexander Edwards 23:01.7220:26.01
10Heath Evers19:11.0219:55.1216:53.01 18:11.02
-Hank Faircloth 26:32.92
11Daniel Ferrante
9Matthew Ferrante
11Nathaneal Ferrante
9Aaron Foster20:01.0221:06.4217:36.01 19:30.92
11Kyle Foster18:30.0219:29.0217:00.01 20:16.0219:37.0218:26.02
9Chase Goetschi23:07.0223:42.9219:30.01
11James Golden 26:41.3223:21.01
11Patrick Golden
-Tyler Greenfield 27:26.82
12Trevor Harrison 24:08.92
9Noe Herrera 26:13.8221:16.01
10Alex James22:48.0224:02.52
12Milen John
12Jarod Johnson18:54.0219:40.3217:09.01
12Zachary Kennedy
9Arin Kodolikar 26:55.32
9Malik Kurtz 25:38.7219:15.01
11Dylan Kysela
-John LaMorte18:39.02
12John Marshall LaMorte 19:24.62 18:10.0218:54.0218:17.02
-Bennett Love21:42.0222:39.8220:09.01
-Cole Lucas 22:39.6218:38.01
12Umar Mahdi
10Jake Mancuso19:23.02 16:52.01
9Arun Mantena22:50.0225:00.7219:13.01
10David Maravilla 24:06.0220:01.01
9Nathan McCrosson23:18.0224:08.7219:37.01
11James Melton
11John Milenski
11Luke Miller17:04.0218:18.1215:40.0117:31.0218:15.02 17:40.32
10Bhargov Moosani22:21.0221:56.4218:37.01 20:41.82
9Samuel Murphy20:50.02 18:03.01
12Samuel Ochoa 19:09.4217:06.01
11Dylan O'Rourke22:18.0222:16.7218:54.01
11Diego Pena
12Samuel Radomsky19:54.0222:33.12
-Amin Safi 27:58.22
10Joshua Sanchez21:58.0222:45.2219:16.01
9Arnav Sareen21:05.0221:30.1218:08.01
-Jacob Schaible 27:39.62
9Kyle Schlemmer 25:11.5218:58.01
10John Schroeder 27:49.9222:10.01
11Mark Schroeder
9Spencer Sherry22:58.0223:43.72
11Michael Silk
-Mark Tannous 27:39.8223:30.01
9Maxim Titov 24:05.2219:59.01
9Mike Tran23:13.0224:51.2219:45.01
12Mohammad Ullah
12Nicolas Vandenheede 18:00.9214:54.0116:54.0217:10.0217:19.0216:21.92
10Joseph Vilorio19:34.0221:05.4217:03.0118:47.02 18:05.32
11Justin Wang19:34.0220:50.3216:38.01 18:57.0219:11.32
9Matthew Wang22:48.0223:05.2219:33.01
9Jacob Wesoky20:38.0220:30.0218:07.01
11Ian Whitfield 19:49.6216:10.0117:43.0217:48.0217:55.02
12Evan Widlake18:41.0219:40.7216:57.01
12Shawn Williams
AthleteAug 25Sep 5Oct 6Oct 24Oct 31Nov 10Nov 24
-Isabella Albaladejo 33:12.32
12Maria Andreu Zamora 27:05.72
9Claire Becker 29:57.0222:56.01
12Dilek Beg 29:01.6223:21.01
-Alexa Berkey 33:18.02
12Sarah Blusiewicz 25:18.4222:17.01
11Sydney Bravo22:15.0224:22.82 22:30.6222:34.02
-Allyson Caudill 27:09.4223:04.01
10Ashley Cerino23:29.0224:36.82
11Madison Cho 23:58.01
12Kylee Cole
-Olivia Cole 26:35.52
12Mika Cutler 29:14.92
-Emily Daugherty 36:59.12
-Sophie DeWinter 34:16.12
12Alexandra Erim
9Ashley Ferguson 26:44.62
9Michelle Flores 27:52.6220:01.01
10Katherine Fox 30:55.02
-Julienne Galie21:46.0223:49.5220:35.01
9Kelsey Golden 32:36.42
11Eligia Goodwin
11Evamarie Gravallese 28:38.82
-Paige Greenfield 25:13.72
11Ryan Hale22:19.0224:16.52 22:06.9222:41.02
12Katie Heifetz
12Caroline Hess
9Gabriella Hoover 32:30.0223:47.01
9Audrey Husted 34:16.82
10Marissa Inra 26:41.1223:06.01
12Alexandra Ivanovic
12Meghan Kelleher 33:18.52
11Maeve Kirwan
9Chastity Koerner 29:55.3222:04.01
-Sreya Kunapuli 26:35.2223:15.01
9Kyra Lim 27:52.9222:53.01
-Abigail Low23:17.0224:36.62 22:04.4222:51.02
-Cora MacMillan23:58.0225:40.72
11Charlotte Madden 31:03.42
12Simran Mangat 28:33.92
9Elina Mehta 30:02.82
12Camryn Mills 29:15.42
9Cathryn Mills 30:31.8223:39.01
11Kayla Moghaddam22:57.0224:13.72
11Ryah Nadjafi
9Kylee O'Brien 33:33.92
11Payton O'Brien23:50.0224:23.72
11Kaitlin O'Neill 20:19.2220:26.0219:49.0220:06.72
11Katie O'Neill
11Dyan Page
9Mia Paparello 32:45.32
11Abigail Paredes
12Hannah Peacock
12Kylee Popovich
10Sonal Prakask 31:15.22
9Brenda Reyes 34:15.62
-Bahar Saafi 30:38.0222:34.01
-Hadesa Sadat 35:01.42
11Mina Saljuki23:58.02 20:32.0123:41.52
10Natalie Sandridge23:39.0225:05.92 23:40.02
9Mary Shabon 31:08.9223:09.01
10Mackenzie Sherry 26:45.02
12Devin Silva
10Casey Stapleton
12Whitney Swain 29:16.12
9Reyna Tannous 36:59.52
9Chloe Tarazi 27:32.62
10Kate Tarazi 28:52.12
12Paige Thimmesch23:59.0224:24.92 22:14.5222:48.02
11Kathryn VanBelleghem
9Emma Virtue 33:02.82
12Lila Virtue22:30.0224:04.32 22:15.3222:55.02
-Ashley Welther 30:50.5222:51.01
12Emily Wesoky 29:37.4223:52.01
9Ella Wolok 26:46.1220:02.01
9Hailey Wolok 27:50.0220:23.01
12Seneca Woods
12Maria Andreu Zamora

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