2022 Results Grid 

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Meet List
Algonkian Cup
Oatlands Invitational
Third Battle Invitational
Dulles District CC Championship
Race Distances
15,000 Meters
Show: All Years
Mens Womens
AthleteSep 14Sep 24Oct 15Oct 25
10Alesandro Alfaro19:35.0120:44.0118:59.01
11Farris Alikaj29:15.01 31:36.11
10Sawyer Anderson20:41.0120:33.0119:37.81
12Amir Aougab17:08.0116:20.0115:53.2115:41.51
10Khalid Arakhi
12Atash Barbic18:03.0119:08.0118:06.0118:00.81
10Chris Benitez
-Alejandro Berrios35:30.01
12Ryan Blough
12Henry Casares
10Colton Casey23:50.01 22:10.91
12Gabriel Cerdas
11Edmund Clinch20:26.01 19:24.31
9Kaleel Clinch30:23.01
9Roberto Dahiz Ferrufino22:48.01 21:49.11
10Robert (Cole) Deaso23:00.0121:22.01
12Noah Demangos23:50.01 21:13.71
10Levente Domonkos17:51.0118:11.0117:47.8117:01.31
9John Economou26:36.01 24:01.91
12Stephen Economou20:06.01 18:35.31
10Mason Egbert21:48.0120:46.0121:15.61
10Aladdin Fenaoui 31:15.01
9William Finke23:00.01 22:24.71
10Aaron Forgas18:26.0118:33.0118:14.7117:49.51
10Devin Fuller 22:00.81
12Rohan Gandhi
12Mihir Ganguli20:49.0120:43.0121:24.21
11Nathaniel Garland19:36.0119:36.0118:21.21
9Justin Gillette24:34.01 21:06.81
12Henry Goldberg33:26.01 34:34.61
12Connor Harrison18:48.0118:35.0117:39.1117:23.51
12Jose Herrera
12Griffin Hicks30:36.01 27:07.01
12Timothy Hicks
12Nick Inra18:11.0117:57.0117:59.0117:51.51
11Divin Kapinga
10Alex Kruse
10Zachary Kruse
9Vladyslav Kryvyi24:42.01 25:43.51
11Srikar Kunapuli18:25.0118:08.0118:53.5117:23.01
9Michael LaMorte31:43.01 31:10.21
12Owen Leinbach
10Herbert Mackay 20:45.0120:16.01
10Justin Maldonado Rivera29:35.01 27:17.61
12Jake Martin
11Samuel Melaku18:53.0118:37.0118:07.31
12John Miller
12Muad Nashnoush20:56.01 19:33.41
12Ali Niforoush
12Patrick Noonan
11Drew Peterson18:53.0118:45.0118:07.21
12Alexander Piszczatowski 25:05.41
12Andrew Pope
10Brendan Pope
10Len Radziewicz21:48.0122:01.0122:33.41
10Daniel Ramirez
11Alejandro Restrepo28:26.01
10Vladimir Rivera25:22.01 23:30.91
9Anthony Rodriguez20:15.0120:34.0119:02.81
12Joseph Samaha
12Jackson Schuler23:33.01 22:15.91
11Jake Sibley
10Sebastian Tattum25:05.01
12Aiden Van Voorhis
12Joshua Vilorio
12Frank Wesdock
12Tyler Whitfield21:16.0120:46.0119:43.01
9Nathaniel Wilson19:58.0119:52.0119:20.41
11Markus Yemane19:49.0119:42.0118:50.51
9Evan Young23:07.01 20:54.11
10Aayan Zaman25:44.01 24:29.61

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0:00 Personal Record for this distance
0:00 Season Record for this distance