2017 Results Grid 

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Meet List
Oatlands Invitational
Pacers Running DCXC Invite
Glory Days Invitational
Race Distances
15,000 Meters
Show: All Years
Mens Womens
AthleteSep 16Sep 23Oct 7
10Henry Alves 23:02.0123:33.01
-Gavin Anzaldi22:10.01 20:53.01
11Luke Anzaldi18:21.0117:30.0118:28.01
10Christian Auth
10Julius Bakke21:35.0120:23.0120:13.01
11Peter Bardo
10Hugo Bell
11Isaac Bendon
11Russell Biddle
11Wyatt Biddle 21:40.01
10Christopher Bird 20:30.0120:12.01
11Jesse Bloome 19:49.01
-Zach Bobeczko 21:57.01
10Daniel Brancati20:52.0119:42.0119:58.01
11Shayne Brooks
11John Bruce 23:54.01
12Tom Byron 24:05.0124:44.01
10Henry Cari
11Greg Curtin19:24.0118:12.0118:38.01
-Parker Danaceau 24:41.01
12Cory Dudka23:41.0121:19.0122:38.01
12Brendan Dunn18:34.0117:15.0117:47.01
12Aidan Endo20:18.0118:00.0118:24.01
10Isaac Endo
11Ryan Gallant 22:12.01
9Aiden Henderson 21:54.0121:56.01
12Matthew Herrity
9Henry Hubbard22:41.0122:04.0122:30.01
12Victor Huggett
12Alejandro Ifarraguerri 25:01.01
11Jonny Jackson18:13.01 17:40.01
11Matthew Jaffe
10Kabir Jipp20:32.0120:23.01
11Clay Krumm
11Jay La Piana21:41.01 19:51.01
11William Lawson
12Ward Lehardy
12Will Lehardy
10Bryce Lewis
9James Licato 22:52.0121:09.01
10Dylan Lyons22:47.0120:31.0121:32.01
-Winston May21:28.01 20:20.01
11Zach Meiners20:41.0119:18.01
9Nicolas Mestre20:35.0120:27.0119:57.01
11Ryan Mulcahy20:38.01
9Timothy Naff22:21.0121:27.0121:04.01
12Jason Nguyen
11Liam O'Casey19:55.0118:43.0118:40.01
11Nicholas Palmer24:01.01 23:47.01
12Joshua Phillips
10Joseph Ryan22:41.0120:47.0121:04.01
11Declan Secrest
11Sam Sharp20:47.0119:10.0119:32.01
-Tanner Sykhammountr 24:03.01
11Max Tankersley21:09.01 20:38.01
12Sod-Uul Tuvshinsaikhan 21:11.01
12Liam Webster21:55.0120:04.0122:13.01
11Kelton Williams19:51.0118:44.0119:17.01
9Thanos Zervos 27:20.01
AthleteSep 16Sep 23Oct 7
11Arielle Angerthal 23:57.01
11Eva Arnade
12Catherine Ashley
10Faith Bennett 29:30.01
9Rachel Brill 30:07.0129:39.01
12Skylar Brodowski
12Mary Brooks
12Belle Brown
11Grace Anne Brown
10Zoe Cachion24:31.0124:17.0124:23.01
10Ava Canfield
12Isabella Corry
10Caitlin Cunningham 22:16.01
10Caroline Cunningham25:40.0124:52.0125:10.01
10Jessie Dertke
11Bella Drake
10Elizabeth Egner
11Isabella Ellingswort 22:59.01
9Anna Erskine 29:48.0128:14.01
12Julia Flynn24:00.0122:40.0123:51.01
9Kate Ford23:01.0122:23.0123:12.01
-Holland Forsythe 30:18.01
12Abby Fry 31:10.01
11Mia Giacomo 29:37.01
10Azelia Gonzales
10Megan Goodell 32:40.01
-Elissa Hall 28:18.01
11Liana Hardy 23:51.01
10Anna Harpel22:44.0121:09.0121:18.01
11Elizabeth Holemans
10Alexa Iglesias
10Maddie Kuzdal
12Caroline Laybourn26:29.0124:30.0125:02.01
-Jeanie Laybourn27:54.01 24:52.01
10Lilly Loughney
11Lucy Mangum30:28.01 27:00.01
11Maeve Marsh
10Giulia Mesa27:00.0126:48.01
9Shea Messman 28:52.01
12Madeline Miller28:43.0126:02.0128:10.01
11Joselyn Miranda26:46.0125:42.0125:35.01
10Sophia Moesch26:53.0126:16.0126:51.01
-Kate Mulvaney27:50.01 23:51.01
-Rachel Mulvaney24:49.01 23:16.01
11Erin Naff
10Lilly Nelson
10Eva Nichols 25:33.01
9Ally Obenberger23:50.0123:24.0125:11.01
11Megan O'Casey 32:45.01
10Sophia Perez24:32.01
11Seneca Randolph27:02.0125:32.0125:55.01
10Atti Rattelman 28:41.01
11Gemma Roberts
10Lucy Robinson24:34.0123:37.01
12Abby Ryan28:33.0125:48.0126:20.01
11Isabella Schneck 28:51.01
9Juliette Sellgren26:25.0126:48.0125:58.01
12Maggie Smiedala 24:22.01
11Eva Smith-Perry20:14.0119:23.01
12Annabeth Stokely
-Kristina Swingle 28:55.01
11Grace Tayloe
10Abigail Taylor
9Esmeralda Valladares 29:47.0129:24.01
-Tessa Webster30:28.01 27:53.01
12Essi Wunderman

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0:00 Improvement over previous season races of the same distance.
0:00 Personal Record for this distance
0:00 Season Record for this distance