2010 Results Grid 

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Meet List
Flame Invitational
Fleet Feet/New Balance Lagoon Valley Classic
Oak Ridge HS Trojan Invite
37th Stanford Cross Country Invitational (High School)
Bret Harte Frogtown Invitational
2010 32nd Clovis Cross Country Invitational
Bronco Invitational
Eagle Invitational
63rd Mt. SAC Cross Country Invitational (Saturday)
SJAA League Championships
Sac-Joaquin Sub-Sections
Sac-Joaquin sections
2010 CIF State Cross Country Championships
Race Distances
11.8 Miles
21.95 Miles
33,200 Meters
42 Miles
53,300 Meters
63,400 Meters
72.93 Miles
83 Miles
95,000 Meters
103.2 Miles
Show: All Years
Mens Womens
AthleteSep 1Sep 4Sep 18Sep 25Sep 25Oct 9Oct 16Oct 22Oct 23Oct 28Nov 6Nov 13Nov 27
9Blake Alexander 18:26.05 13:05.01
9Ernesto Alvarado 14:02.6414:49.05 14:43.04 12:31.16 18:29.07 12:18.0412:03.03
10Carlos Andrade 16:22.84 16:09.04 12:36.01 15:13.04
11Garrett Bertsch 18:07.8818:33.0917:28.09 18:22.39 17:07.07 20:39.08
10Tommy Burnett 13:26.05 14:00.04 12:57.96 19:34.07 12:50.04
9Michael Collins 14:32.01
9Jacob Curl 16:50.3416:01.05 15:53.04 14:59.1612:28.01 14:18.04
11Connor Daley 18:37.68 19:20.09 17:47.0917:32.29 16:23.07 16:53.0817:12.09
10Ben Deckert 14:37.84 16:02.04 14:34.8611:48.01 13:44.04
10Andrew Fonda 19:13.2819:28.0919:25.09 12:52.66 19:00.07 12:30.0412:20.03
10Alec Fromm 19:45.1820:06.09 19:25.0912:38.06 18:25.07 12:36.0412:21.03
9Johnny Gilley 14:05.14
9Derek Jackson 13:56.34 14:59.5612:31.01 14:14.04
10Dustyn Jimenez 12:21.01 14:28.04
11Daniel Jordan 22:27.09 22:25.0821:32.0920:36.2919:34.010 20:03.08
9Phillip Kruse 13:10.54 13:07.0418:37.0912:39.96 18:55.07 12:20.0412:16.03
9Hudson Kuehne 14:04.05 14:51.04 11:15.01 13:26.04
12Zackary Lamson 24:51.38 28:09.08
9Brad Larson 20:33.04
10Walter Lloren 14:14.05 15:49.04 14:11.04
12Tommy Lomeli 16:58.19 16:12.07 17:00.0817:37.09
10Enrique Lopez 14:16.05 14:53.04 13:28.8611:14.01 13:00.04
9Andrew Lund 17:53.05 20:29.04 17:33.04
10Matthew Mellor 18:48.3819:36.0918:33.09 18:19.0912:27.76 17:58.07 12:04.0412:25.03
11Dillon Olagaray 19:41.0920:56.59 20:40.08
9Luis Orozco 19:33.04
11Donnie Pette 18:45.0918:30.09 18:43.29 17:35.07 18:34.08
9Nick Pette 14:22.5414:29.05 14:54.04 13:43.1611:51.01 13:56.04
10Connor Phillips 18:46.1818:49.0919:34.09 19:25.0912:29.46 18:50.07 12:40.0412:19.03
10Anthony Piombo 16:02.04
10Johnny Rafter 16:50.05 16:54.04
11James Reddis 18:05.0917:28.09 16:41.07 17:45.08
11Adam Robinson 20:59.09 21:22.08 19:18.010 19:42.08
9Cooper Scheideman 16:00.05 15:10.9612:11.01 14:29.04
11Ethan Sprague 23:40.09 23:32.08 23:10.2920:32.010 22:35.08
9Bryson Tassano 19:21.05 21:54.04 17:57.04
9Clay Taylor 17:59.04 14:52.04
9Josh Veit 16:02.05
9Armando Villa 22:04.04 15:55.01 18:33.04
9Joshua Watts 17:25.04 11:41.01 14:06.04
9Brandon Woods 13:40.05 14:38.04 13:37.66 19:09.07 13:34.04
10Dylan Woods 12:52.05 21:39.08 13:00.76 18:37.07 12:45.0412:39.03
AthleteSep 1Sep 4Sep 18Sep 25Sep 25Oct 9Oct 16Oct 22Oct 23Oct 28Nov 6Nov 13Nov 27
10Madelyn Blank 15:39.05 15:37.06 22:45.07 14:42.0414:44.03
9Ashlie Chavez-Ochoa17:06.02 19:24.05 19:26.04 15:28.01 17:50.04
10Cassidy Daley 19:50.0919:13.09 18:37.09 18:15.0718:44.0919:05.0818:50.0918:39.09
10Karen Fregozo 21:14.04 17:36.6614:55.01 17:06.04
9Juanita Garcia18:28.02 20:01.05 23:48.04 19:10.2614:52.01 17:48.04
9Clarissa Gonzalez17:44.02
12Madison Gritsch 21:24.09
12Vanessa Hernandez
12Emily Highsmith
10Jessilyn Howser 16:24.05 18:04.04 15:59.26 15:56.0415:38.03
10Kaelyn Hybarger 26:09.04
9Harman Kalcut15:12.02 18:28.04 13:29.01 18:21.04
10Kathy Le 24:27.04 16:04.01
11Elizabeth Long 27:28.09 28:00.08 27:57.9923:46.010 23:23.0925:56.08
11Santa Monica Malagon 31:57.09 27:02.010
9Rose Malfabon18:42.02
10Mayra Mejia 15:02.05 27:29.08 12:47.01 15:30.0414:46.03
12Xochitl Mellor 21:31.09 22:13.0821:31.09
9Brooklyn Mullen15:48.02 16:50.05 18:35.04 15:59.0613:03.01 16:46.04
12Brenley Noori 21:11.3821:19.0920:14.09 20:40.19 19:34.0719:27.0920:21.0820:33.09
10Daria Noori 18:10.04
10Kaitlyn O'Brien 16:56.05
11Katie O'Connor 24:01.1824:51.09 26:18.49 22:20.0923:52.08
11Sydney Olagaray 21:40.7821:49.0920:56.09 19:55.0921:14.19 19:59.0719:44.0920:24.0820:06.09
9Kellie Olson14:39.02 17:07.05 17:08.4613:57.01 16:08.04
9Miranda O'Mahony12:57.0215:45.8423:15.0924:12.09 16:30.36 22:54.07 15:38.0415:34.03
9Yesenia Orozco15:52.02 18:40.04 18:06.1614:08.01 16:14.04
11Chelscie Pacheco
10Maria Padilla 24:07.04
11Victoria Pritchard 30:21.09 21:29.04 27:53.08
9Jessica Raybe12:39.02 25:15.08 14:00.7611:53.01 20:24.0913:48.049
10Haley Schlageter 15:03.05 24:22.08 12:46.01 15:25.0414:48.03
12Sam Schmidt 25:31.08 22:51.010
10Valentina Schmitz 21:06.04 15:22.01 18:03.04
9Arianna Schwabauer14:37.02 15:45.05 16:28.6613:14.01 15:42.0415:21.03
11Kelly Sheridan 21:30.04 26:50.19 24:46.0926:29.08
10Katie Smith 16:59.05 27:44.08 16:31.4613:29.01 15:40.0415:40.03
12La Rue Taufer 25:00.09 27:44.08 25:35.6922:37.010 23:18.0924:22.08
12Carla Taylor 23:09.0921:01.09 22:12.89 20:49.0720:17.0921:14.0821:00.09
9Jessica Van Ness17:46.02 18:13.05 22:17.04 15:15.01
10Reyna Villanueva 16:55.05 18:02.04 16:24.04
11Katelin Westerterp 19:42.2821:12.0920:27.09 21:32.49 20:13.0720:02.0920:44.0820:09.09

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0:00 Improvement over previous season races of the same distance.
0:00 Personal Record for this distance
0:00 Season Record for this distance