Event Records

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55 Meter Dash
1.12Reece Morgan6.56PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
2.11Richard G Johnson6.85Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
3.11Thomas Feemster III6.91PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
4.12Chad Neely6.96PRDec 16Reindeer Classic
5.12Ethan Nowicky7.04PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
10Brenden Robbins7.04Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
7.11Carter Waters7.06Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
8.11Jackson Fleurant7.10Jan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
9.10Andre Lebby7.15PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
11Jory Thompson7.15PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
11.9Joshua Barton7.17Jan 28Bulldog Invitational
11Cameron Bryden7.17PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
13.10Aronne Cosentino7.18Jan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
9Bryce Gatlin7.18Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
9Connor Best7.18Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
16.10Haden Waters7.20PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
17.11Nicholas Ivanov7.31PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
9Erik Taylor7.31PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
19.11Charles Spellings7.34Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
20.9Dax Chapman7.35PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
21.12Christian Seibert7.36Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
22.11Brady Townsend7.39PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
23.9Mason Inman7.41PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
24.10Michael Studney7.42PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
25.10Josiah Sanni7.46PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
26.10Will Nali7.47Jan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
27.11Braden Smith7.52PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
28.10Nathan Pike7.53PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
29.9Paxton Fore7.54Jan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
30.9Kieran Betts7.55PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
31.9Ellis Hill7.60PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
32.11Jackson Buttars7.67PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
33.12Leevi Freitag7.71PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
34.9Thomas LeNoble7.72Jan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
35.10Ethan Journalist7.76Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
36.9Micah Carsto7.81PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
37.11Sebastian Cuestas8.00PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
38.9Patrick Laughlin8.12PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
39.9Maximilian Black8.28Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
40.10Joshua Antonio8.35PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
41.10Stefan Dadonkin8.41Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
9Mason Haymore8.41Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
43.12Pablo Carrero Elvira8.52PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
200 Meters
1.12Reece Morgan21.74PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.12Killian Fahy22.28PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
3.11Keenan Jackson22.44PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
4.11Richard G Johnson23.38PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
5.11Charles Spellings23.44PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
300 Meters
1.12Killian Fahy34.13PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
2.12Reece Morgan34.33PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
3.11Keenan Jackson35.85PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
4.11Richard G Johnson36.39Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
5.9Amari Barrow37.86Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
6.11Jory Thompson37.92PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
7.11Charles Spellings38.23Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
8.11Jackson Fleurant38.24Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
9.11Carter Waters38.31Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
10.10Brenden Robbins38.41Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
11.10Ethan Journalist38.42PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
12.12Christian Seibert38.73Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
13.12Chad Neely38.98PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
14.9Joshua Barton39.08Jan 28Bulldog Invitational
15.10Andre Lebby39.17PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
16.9Dax Chapman39.23Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
17.11Braden Smith39.69PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
18.9Rohin Patel39.75Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
19.11Brady Townsend39.81PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
20.10Aronne Cosentino39.91Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
21.10Haden Waters39.95PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
22.11Cameron Bryden40.01PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
23.10Michael Studney40.04PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
24.10Quinten LeMay40.60Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
25.12Ethan Nowicky40.79PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
26.9Connor Best40.82PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
27.9Elliott Lightfoot40.87Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
28.9Erik Taylor41.00PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
29.12Leevi Freitag41.52PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
30.10Nathan Pike41.54PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
31.10Will Nali41.66Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
32.9Ellis Hill42.03PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
33.9Kieran Betts42.24PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
34.11Nicholas Ivanov42.58PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
35.9Paxton Fore42.64Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
36.11Thomas Feemster III43.09PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
37.9Mason Inman43.67PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
38.10Stefan Dadonkin43.82Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
39.9Micah Carsto44.03PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
40.9Thomas LeNoble44.99PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
41.12Luke Matthews45.15PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
42.10Josiah Sanni46.04PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
43.9Mason Haymore46.17Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
44.9Patrick Laughlin46.42PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
45.10Joshua Antonio46.81PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
46.11Sebastian Cuestas46.92PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
47.12Pablo Carrero Elvira47.15PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
48.9Maximilian Black48.57PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
400 Meters
1.12Killian Fahy48.22PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.12Reece Morgan49.01PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
3.9Amari Barrow51.61Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
4.9Rohin Patel53.69PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
500 Meters
1.12Killian Fahy1:04.93PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
2.9Amari Barrow1:08.15Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
3.12Lawson Windsor1:09.81PRDec 16Reindeer Classic
4.12Davis Kroeger1:10.63PRFeb 4Charlotte City Championship
5.12Timothy Salicco1:11.12PRDec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
6.9Rohin Patel1:11.23Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
7.9Elliott Lightfoot1:13.64Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
8.11Jory Thompson1:15.94PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
9.11Cameron Bryden1:17.34PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
10.9Joshua Barton1:17.48PRDec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
11.9Connor Best1:19.34PRDec 16Reindeer Classic
12.10Michael Studney1:20.22PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
13.11Jackson Fleurant1:20.79PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
14.9Dax Chapman1:21.83Jan 28Bulldog Invitational
15.12Luke Matthews1:22.63PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
16.11Jackson Buttars1:26.60PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
800 Meters
1.9Blake Dixon2:09.51PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.9Alfred Willie2:12.20PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
1000 Meters
1.12Timothy Salicco2:37.07PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
2.10Brandt Anderson2:39.64PRFeb 4Charlotte City Championship
3.11Charlie Schihl2:41.12Jan 28Bulldog Invitational
4.12Peter Schihl2:42.91PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
5.9Blake Dixon2:46.72Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
6.11Thomas Wlazlowski2:47.47Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
7.11Grady Crumpler2:47.57Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
8.11Justin Bevacqua2:48.09Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
9.9Alfred Willie2:48.87PRFeb 4Charlotte City Championship
10.10Kevin Geyer2:49.89Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
11.10Duncan Mcrorie2:50.43Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
12.10Hayden Houlihan2:58.87Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
13.11Vincent Vocke3:03.97Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
14.10Matthew Coffey3:04.24PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
15.10Gianni Huertas3:04.87Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
16.10Michael Neenan3:05.61PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
17.9Asher Fountain3:21.39Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
18.9Luciano Huertas3:36.79PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
19.9Tucker Usry3:44.45PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
20.9Mohamed Amer3:45.42Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
1600 Meters
1.12Peter Schihl4:30.48PRFeb 4Charlotte City Championship
2.11Charlie Schihl4:32.76Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
3.10Brandt Anderson4:35.34Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
4.12Timothy Salicco4:35.46PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
5.11Justin Bevacqua4:39.73Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
6.10Kevin Geyer4:54.48Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
7.9Alfred Willie5:01.13Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
8.10Duncan Mcrorie5:09.19Dec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
9.10Michael Neenan5:10.89Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
10.10Hayden Houlihan5:12.96Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
11.9Blake Dixon5:13.81Jan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
12.11Vincent Vocke5:19.49Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
13.10Matthew Coffey5:22.20PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
14.10Gianni Huertas5:38.39Jan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
15.9Asher Fountain6:09.64Jan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
16.9Luciano Huertas6:17.98PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
17.9Tucker Usry6:19.35Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
18.9Mohamed Amer6:20.17Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
3200 Meters
1.12Peter Schihl9:41.86PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
2.11Charlie Schihl9:50.71PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
3.10Brandt Anderson9:57.15PRNov 19Dash For Doobie
4.11Justin Bevacqua9:59.33Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
5.11Ross Bridgforth10:13.12PRNov 19Dash For Doobie
6.11Thomas Wlazlowski10:33.26Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
7.10Kevin Geyer10:52.50Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
8.9Alfred Willie10:52.88Jan 6Weddington Invitational
9.10Michael Neenan11:18.40Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
10.9Asher Fountain13:19.15Dec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
11.9Luciano Huertas13:43.17PRDec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
12.9Mohamed Amer13:52.39PRDec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
55m Hurdles - 39"
1.11Charles Spellings7.78Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
2.12Lawson Windsor8.12PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
3.10Quinten LeMay8.49Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
4.9Connor Best9.70PRJan 6Weddington Invitational
5.9Ellis Hill9.81PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
60m Hurdles - 39"
1.11Charles Spellings8.59Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
4x200 Relay -
1.Richard G Johnson
Keenan Jackson
Killian Fahy
Reece Morgan
1:29.11Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
2.Charles Spellings
Keenan Jackson
Killian Fahy
Reece Morgan
1:30.48Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3.Richard G Johnson
Keenan Jackson
Charles Spellings
Reece Morgan
1:32.38Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
4.-Charles Spellings
Amari Barrow
Jackson Fleurant
Richard G Johnson
1:33.64Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
5.Charles Spellings
Chad Neely
Richard G Johnson
Lawson Windsor
1:34.15Dec 16Reindeer Classic
6.Relay Team 1:34.31Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
7.Chad Neely
Thomas Feemster III
Jory Thompson
Christian Seibert
1:37.10Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
8.Charles Spellings
Connor Best
Thomas Feemster III
Richard G Johnson
1:37.39Jan 6Weddington Invitational
9.Chad Neely
Jackson Fleurant
Christian Seibert
Japheth Rutoh
1:38.47Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
10.Thomas Feemster III
Jory Thompson
Rohin Patel
Amari Barrow
1:39.35Dec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
11.Carter Waters
Haden Waters
James Lightfoot
Rohin Patel
1:42.38Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
4x400 Relay
1.Relay Team 3:16.27Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.Reece Morgan
Keenan Jackson
Lawson Windsor
Killian Fahy
3:20.98Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3.Reece Morgan
Lawson Windsor
Keenan Jackson
Killian Fahy
3:24.51Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
4.Reece Morgan
Keenan Jackson
Amari Burrow
Killian Fahy
3:26.96Feb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
5.-Amari Barrow
Rohin Patel
Davis Kroeger
Japheth Rutoh
3:32.55Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
6.Rohin Patel
Keenan Jackson
Amari Barrow
Killian Fahy
3:35.55Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
7.Rohin Patel
Carter Waters
Dax Chapman
Amari Barrow
3:37.83Dec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
8.Rohin Patel
Amari Barrow
Davis Kroeger
Lawson Windsor
3:41.84Jan 6Weddington Invitational
9.James Lightfoot
Japheth Rutoh
Rohin Patel
Amari Barrow
3:47.33Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
10.Jory Thompson
James Lightfoot
Rohin Patel
Davis Kroeger
3:49.33Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
11.Chad Neely
Jackson Fleurant
Jory Thompson
Davis Kroeger
3:50.70Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
12.Davis Kroeger
James Lightfoot
Rohin Patel
Keenan Jackson
4:01.95Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
13.Grady Crumpler
Blake Dixon
Alfred Willie
Kevin Geyer
4:08.40Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
14.Vincent Vocke
Blake Dixon
Hayden Houlihan
Matthew Coffey
4:17.23Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
15.Gianni Huertas
Hayden Houlihan
Matthew Coffey
Michael Neenan
4:20.83Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
16.Duncan Mcrorie
Michael Neenan
Gianni Huertas
Luciano Huertas
4:40.24Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
4x800 Relay
1.Charlie Schihl
Peter Schihl
Brandt Anderson
Timothy Salicco
8:13.98Feb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
2.Peter Schihl
Charlie Schihl
Brandt Anderson
Timothy Salicco
8:17.43Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3.Relay Team 8:20.37Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
4.Thomas Wlazlowski
Grady Crumpler
Alfred Willie
Blake Dixon
8:48.28Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
5.Grady Crumpler
Kevin Geyer
Blake Dixon
Timothy Salicco
8:48.48Dec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
6.-Grady Crumpler
Kevin Geyer
Duncan Mcrorie
Blake Dixon
8:49.40Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
SMR 1600m - [200-200-400-800]
1.Relay Team 3:32.31Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.Charles Spellings
Keenan Jackson
Reece Morgan
Timothy Salicco
3:37.45Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3.Richard G Johnson
Chad Neely
Amari Barrow
Justin Bevacqua
3:50.15Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
4x55 Shuttle Hurdles - 39"
1.Lawson Windsor
Quinten LeMay
Ellis Hill
Charles Spellings
33.93Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
Shot Put - 12lb
1.12Gatlin Lundy53' 1.25PRFeb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
2.10Maalik Lamar41' 9Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
3.10Spencer Christensen38' 8Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
4.11Ethan Mull38' 6Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
5.11Carson Tate37' 9PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
6.12Ethan Nowicky34' 4.5PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
7.10Parker Meaux33' 4Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
8.10Maddox Intihar33' 0.5PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
9.10Cooper Riedl30' 3Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
10.12Jack Trombley30' 1PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
11.9Rishi Gorjala28' 8.5PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
12.10Ethan Torres27' 8PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
13.10Benjamin Cluna26' 7PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
14.10Jake Tiber24' 8.5PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
High Jump
1.11Japheth Rutoh5' 10Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
11Braden Smith5' 10PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
3.10Josh Mills5' 8Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
10Joshua Mills5' 8Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
5.12Leevi Freitag5' 4PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
6.11Jackson Buttars5' 2Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
Pole Vault
1.12Lawson Windsor13' 0PRFeb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
2.12Davis Kroeger12' 0PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
3.11Carlton Kimani10' 0Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
4.9Thomas LeNoble7' 6Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
Long Jump
1.12Lawson Windsor21' 1.5PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
2.9Connor Best19' 10Jan 6Weddington Invitational
3.11Thomas Feemster III18' 8PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
4.11Japheth Rutoh18' 0PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
5.12Christian Seibert17' 8Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
6.10Joshua Mills17' 2Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
7.11Nicholas Ivanov17' 1.5PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
8.9Bryce Gatlin16' 7PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
9.9Mason Inman16' 5PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
10.9Erik Taylor15' 7.5PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
11.10Cooper Riedl15' 0PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
Triple Jump
1.12Christian Seibert44' 6.75PRFeb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
2.12Lawson Windsor41' 7PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
3.11Japheth Rutoh38' 7Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
4.9Bryce Gatlin32' 9PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
5.12Leevi Freitag30' 10PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..


55 Meter Dash
1.12Maya Studney7.51PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
2.11Isabelle Liu7.58PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
3.11Miranda Watts7.66Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
4.11Marissa Watts7.68Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
5.10Tatiana Blake7.71Dec 16Reindeer Classic
6.9Nya Burrell7.85PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
7.9Lille Boyle7.94PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
8.10Ava Howard8.05PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
9.9Mariah Prewitt8.08PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
10.9Morgan Allen8.24Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
11.9Payton Chester8.34PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
9Gabriela Martens8.34PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
13.10Emma Baychuk8.37PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
14.9Brielle Moore8.39PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
15.9Kathleen O'Brien8.41Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
9Julia D'Errico8.41Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
17.10Rachel Bartolucci8.44PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
18.12Alanna Johnson8.47PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
19.10Cassie Bryden8.48Jan 28Bulldog Invitational
20.11Savannah Morrow8.49PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
21.9Caroline Petroff8.51Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
22.10Naomi Sanni8.58Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
23.11Juliana Wedra8.70PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
24.11Avery Patterson8.71PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
25.10Ainsley Burt8.72PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
26.11Julianna Wedra8.80PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
9Alla Mouradkhanian8.80PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
28.11Taylor Neenan8.81PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
29.11Taylor Crabbe9.08Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
30.10Addison Connolly9.26PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
31.9Katelyn Salzman9.48Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
32.9Gabriella Cameron10.07PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
33.12Cristina Malagisi10.45PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
200 Meters
1.10Tatiana Blake27.29PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
2.11Miranda Watts27.65PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
3.11Marissa Watts28.21PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
4.9Lille Boyle28.94PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
5.10Emma Baychuk31.48PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
6.11Taylor Crabbe33.20PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
300 Meters
1.12Rebecca Cornett42.70Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
2.10Tatiana Blake42.87Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
3.11Marissa Watts43.02Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
4.11Meredith Palmer43.38PRDec 16Reindeer Classic
11Miranda Watts43.38PRFeb 4Charlotte City Championship
6.11Isabelle Liu43.74Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
7.9Lille Boyle44.30Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
8.9Nya Burrell44.53Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
9.10Katherine (Kate) Cushing45.78PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
10.10Maggie Houp45.90PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
11.9Brielle Moore46.19Jan 28Bulldog Invitational
12.9Mariah Prewitt46.21PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
13.9Cara Schultz46.45PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
14.11Eryn Ebben46.54PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
15.10Cassie Bryden46.76Jan 28Bulldog Invitational
16.11Juliana Wedra46.90PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
17.9Morgan Allen47.03Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
18.10Rachel Bartolucci47.12Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
19.9Kathleen O'Brien47.20Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
20.10Ashley Royse47.21Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
21.9Gabriela Martens47.43PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
22.9Lydia Derokov47.52PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
23.12Alanna Johnson47.80PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
24.9Kaitlyn Bell48.08Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
25.9Julia D'Errico48.39Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
26.11Taylor Neenan48.66PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
27.9Caroline Petroff48.98Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
28.11Savannah Morrow49.71PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
29.10Ainsley Burt49.88Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
30.12Shelby Elliott50.03Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
31.10Naomi Sanni50.24Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
32.11Avery Patterson50.74PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
33.9Peyton Anna Chewning51.41Dec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
34.10Kennedy Flint51.99PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
9Peyton-Anna Chewning51.99Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
36.9Katelyn Salzman52.22PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
37.11Taylor Crabbe52.73PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
38.9Payton Chester53.35PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
39.11Julianna Wedra53.91PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
40.10Addison Connolly54.11PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
41.9Alla Mouradkhanian54.26PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
42.9Gabriella Cameron56.29PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
43.10Emma Baychuk59.45PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
44.12Cristina Malagisi1:03.39PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
400 Meters
1.12Rebecca Cornett59.08PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
500 Meters
1.12Rebecca Cornett1:18.09PRFeb 4Charlotte City Championship
2.12Caroline Parillo1:20.23PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
3.11Meredith Palmer1:23.22PRDec 16Reindeer Classic
4.10Maggie Houp1:23.51PRFeb 4Charlotte City Championship
5.12Lillian Nasta1:24.54PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
6.11Eryn Ebben1:26.27PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
7.9Nya Burrell1:26.56Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
8.9Cara Schultz1:30.01PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
9.10Rachel Bartolucci1:30.08Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
10.9Kaitlyn Bell1:30.14Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
11.11Taylor Neenan1:31.19PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
12.10Kennedy Flint1:32.44PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
13.9Lydia Derokov1:33.28PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
14.10Cassie Bryden1:33.46PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
15.10Katie Poole1:34.24Jan 6Weddington Invitational
16.9Peyton Anna Chewning1:38.26PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
17.9Peyton-Anna Chewning1:39.78PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
18.9Katelyn Salzman1:40.97PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
800 Meters
1.9Josie Schihl2:23.64PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
1000 Meters
1.11Charlotte Bell2:49.32PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
2.11Stella Kermes2:50.37PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
3.12Alyssa Preisano2:53.45PRJan 28Mondo Elite HS Invitational
4.11Justine Preisano2:54.73Feb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
5.12Lillian Nasta3:07.29Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
6.9Josie Schihl3:08.16Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
7.10Ava Walters3:17.81Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
8.9Addison Miller3:19.13PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
9.9Sammy Ross3:23.55Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
10.12Caison Turner3:25.64PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
11.10Emery Miller3:29.78Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
12.10Franki Gilreath3:32.72PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
13.10Bryn Koprivica3:34.50PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
14.10Sage Dailey3:35.32Jan 28Bulldog Invitational
15.10Ana Betancourt3:50.16PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
16.10Lisa Kruger3:52.19PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
17.9Eliana Hinckley3:55.27Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
18.9Catie Mclaughlin4:03.25Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
19.9Hailey Mauri4:18.70Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
20.11Ruth Almenara Loayza4:34.78PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
21.9Lily Mcguire4:44.36PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
1500 Meters
1.11Stella Kermes4:39.34Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
2.12Alyssa Preisano4:41.41Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3.11Charlotte Bell4:44.11Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
4.9Addison Miller5:14.31PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
5.11Lily Fierick5:21.21PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
1600 Meters
1.11Charlotte Bell4:45.19Feb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
2.11Stella Kermes4:47.27PRFeb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
3.12Alyssa Preisano4:49.40PRDec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
4.11Justine Preisano4:55.33Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
5.12Lillian Nasta5:08.11Jan 28Mondo Elite HS Invitational
6.9Josie Schihl5:18.49Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
7.9Addison Miller5:25.68PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
8.10Ava Walters5:38.02Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
9.9Sammy Ross5:39.22Jan 28Bulldog Invitational
10.11Lily Fierick5:43.20Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
11.12Caison Turner5:47.70PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
12.10Franki Gilreath5:54.31PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
13.10Emery Miller5:54.54Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
14.10Sage Dailey6:08.92Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
15.10Morgan Steiner6:20.24PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
16.10Bryn Koprivica6:24.89Dec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
17.10Ana Betancourt6:34.49PRDec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
18.10Lisa Kruger6:40.59PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
19.9Eliana Hinckley6:49.31Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
1600m Racewalk
1.12Caison Turner11:51.97PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
1 Mile
1.11Charlotte Bell4:49.80Jan 28Mondo Elite HS Invitational
2.11Stella Kermes4:53.25PRJan 28Mondo Elite HS Invitational
3.11Justine Preisano4:55.89Jan 28Mondo Elite HS Invitational
4.12Alyssa Preisano5:01.31Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
5.9Addison Miller5:34.80PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
6.11Lily Fierick5:45.27PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3200 Meters
1.11Justine Preisano10:41.55PRNov 19Dash For Doobie
2.12Alyssa Preisano10:44.05Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3.11Stella Kermes10:45.92PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
4.12Lillian Nasta10:52.49PRNov 19Dash For Doobie
5.11Charlotte Bell10:55.77PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
6.9Josie Schihl11:18.52Feb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
7.12Caison Turner11:39.98PRNov 19Dash For Doobie
8.9Sammy Ross11:48.87Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
9.10Ava Walters12:04.29Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
10.10Sage Dailey12:44.49PRFeb 4Charlotte City Championship
11.10Lisa Kruger14:34.85PRJan 6Weddington Invitational
2 Miles
1.12Alyssa Preisano10:47.40PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
2.11Stella Kermes10:49.55PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3.11Charlotte Bell10:59.42PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
55m Hurdles - 33"
1.10Katherine (Kate) Cushing9.04PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
2.10Tatiana Blake9.13Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
3.9Lydia Derokov9.29PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
4.12Shelby Elliott9.53PRJan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
5.10Ashley Royse10.59Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
6.9Cara Schultz10.87PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
7.11Eryn Ebben11.07PRJan 28Bulldog Invitational
8.9Peyton-Anna Chewning11.14Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
9.9Peyton Anna Chewning11.25Dec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
4x200 Relay -
1.Relay Team 1:45.16Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.Isabelle Liu
Miranda Watts
Meredith Palmer
Maya Studney
1:45.62Feb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
3.Isabelle Liu
Tatiana Blake
Meredith Palmer
Maya Studney
1:46.51Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
4.Tatiana Blake
Nya Burrell
Marissa Watts
Miranda Watts
1:46.84Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
5.Isabelle Liu
Rebecca Cornett
Meredith Palmer
Maya Studney
1:47.12Dec 16Reindeer Classic
6.Isabelle Liu
Meredith Palmer
Rebecca Cornett
Maya Studney
1:47.71Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
7.Marissa Watts
Nya Burrell
Maggie Houp
Miranda Watts
1:50.20Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
8.Tatiana Blake
Marissa Watts
Miranda Watts
Shelby Elliott
1:52.72Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
9.Lille Boyle
Brielle Moore
Rachel Bartolucci
Ava Howard
1:57.12Jan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
10.Lille Boyle
Rachel Bartolucci
Morgan Allen
Brielle Moore
1:57.29Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
4x400 Relay
1.Relay Team 4:03.50Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.-Rebecca Cornett
Maggie Houp
Caroline Parillo
Meredith Palmer
4:04.89Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
3.Rebecca Cornett
Meredith Palmer
Maggie Houp
Caroline Parillo
4:06.99Feb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
4.Meredith Palmer
Maggie Houp
Caroline Parillo
Rebecca Cornett
4:07.97Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
5.Meredith Palmer
Caroline Parillo
Maggie Houp
Rebecca Cornett
4:09.93Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
6.Tatiana Blake
Maggie Houp
Caroline Parillo
Rebecca Cornett
4:22.18Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
7.Maggie Houp
Tatiana Blake
Katie Poole
Caroline Parillo
4:23.88Dec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
8.Taylor Neenan
Eryn Ebben
Nya Burrell
Rachel Bartolucci
4:43.11Dec 10Liberty Flames HS Invitational
9.Taylor Neenan
Eryn Ebben
Rachel Bartolucci
Cara Schultz
4:44.80Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
10.Sammy Ross
Addison Miller
Franki Gilreath
Bryn Koprivica
4:48.18Nov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
11.Sage Dailey
Emery Miller
Addison Miller
Franki Gilreath
5:01.36Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
4x800 Relay
1.Relay Team 8:48.02Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.Justine Preisano
Charlotte Bell
Stella Kermes
Alyssa Preisano
8:57.98Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3.Lillian Nasta
Josie Schihl
Addison Miller
Justine Preisano
9:41.97Feb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
4.Maggie Houp
Lily Fierick
Caroline Parillo
Lillian Nasta
10:02.80Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
5.-Josie Schihl
Caison Turner
Lily Fierick
Addison Miller
10:09.20Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
6.Addison Miller
Sammy Ross
Ana Betancourt
Bryn Koprivica
11:14.46Dec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational
4xMile Relay
1.Relay Team 19:55.21Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
SMR 1600m - [200-200-400-800]
1.Relay Team 4:18.43Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.Marissa Watts
Miranda Watts
Maggie Houp
Addison Miller
4:24.58Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3.Isabelle Liu
Maya Studney
Rebecca Cornett
Caroline Parillo
4:31.78Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
DMR 4000m - [1200-400-800-1600]
1.Relay Team 11:35.51Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.Alyssa Preisano
Rebecca Cornett
Justine Preisano
Stella Kermes
11:40.32Feb 18JDL DMR Invitational
4x55 Shuttle Hurdles - 33"
1.Relay Team 37.03Mar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
2.Kate Cushing
Tatiana Blake
Cara Schultz
Lydia Derokov
37.25Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
3.Ashley Royse
Eryn Ebben
Peyton-Anna Chewning
Shelby Elliott
43.60Jan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
Shot Put - 4kg
1.10Evangeline Niedospial29' 9PRDec 16Reindeer Classic
2.12Jadyn Florin28' 1PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
3.11Maya Bakondi27' 10Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
4.12Ciara Arizmendi27' 7.5PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
5.12Ciara Arizmendi-Feliciano25' 4PRFeb 4Charlotte City Championship
6.9Aubrey Martin25' 2Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
7.10Ashlyn Kitoko20' 7.5PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
8.9Trisha Deshpande20' 1PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
High Jump
1.10Katherine (Kate) Cushing5' 0Jan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
2.11Meredith Palmer4' 8Jan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
3.11Eryn Ebben4' 4PRJan 17Southern Carolina and Sandhills Conference Championship..
Pole Vault
1.10Morgan Edwards9' 6Jan 5Porter Ridge Polar Bear #3
2.11Faith Koerner8' 0Feb 4Charlotte City Championship
3.10Ava Hyso7' 0PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
4.9Dana Dodd6' 6PRJan 30Weddington Polar Bear #3
Long Jump
1.12Maya Studney18' 0.5PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
2.11Isabelle Liu17' 6PRFeb 11NCHSAA 4A Indoor State Championships
3.11Meredith Palmer17' 0.5PRFeb 4Charlotte City Championship
4.9Nya Burrell13' 7.75PRJan 6Weddington Invitational
5.11Savannah Morrow12' 10PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
12Alanna Johnson12' 10PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
7.9Brielle Moore12' 5PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
8.10Emma Baychuk12' 4PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
9.10Naomi Sanni12' 3.5PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
10.11Juliana Wedra12' 2PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
9Morgan Allen12' 2PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
12.11Julianna Wedra11' 5Dec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
13.11Avery Patterson10' 11PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
14.9Alla Mouradkhanian10' 10.5PRDec 3Cuthbertson Polar Bear 2
15.11Taylor Crabbe10' 4PRNov 19Cuthbertson Polar Bear 1
Triple Jump
1.11Isabelle Liu38' 5PRJan 14Virginia Showcase Invitational
2.12Maya Studney37' 5.5PRMar 12New Balance Nationals Indoor
3.10Katherine (Kate) Cushing31' 8PRDec 17Christmas Is Near Invitational

*Recent improvement