Independent Hypothetical XC Meet 3,000 Meters

Check out the imaginary results for what would happen if all the athletes in the top 75 teams from Independent competed head to head and every athlete ran their season best times!
115Preston, ID - Team Time (1st 5) 48:55.5 | Spread (1st 5) 1:35.2
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (6), (7)
Garrett Hale, Edison Leffler, Reynger Davidsavor, Druw Jones, Tristan Lyon, (Matt Crosgrove), (Jonathon Seamons)
8:59.9, 9:04.1, 9:58.6, 10:17.8, 10:35.1, (10:35.7), (10:35.9)
250Malad, ID - Team Time (1st 5) 58:46.6 | Spread (1st 5) 1:15.4
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, (13), (17)
Austin Nalder, Ryan Adams, Zach Mills, Daniel Talbot, Gavin Price, (Trevor Mills), (Bryce Jones)
10:53.6, 11:29.5, 12:07.2, 12:07.3, 12:09.0, (12:33.6), (14:01.5)
382South Fremont, ID - Team Time (1st 5) 1:09:45.8 | Spread (1st 5) 53.6
14, 15, 16, 18, 19, (20), (21)
Darrin Winegar, Ian Simmons, AJ Stalker, Jessie Vargas, Michael Waite, (Thaxton Clark), (Beau Baler)
13:39.2, 13:42.2, 13:43.0, 14:08.6, 14:32.8, (15:38.9), (16:24.0)