Metro Hypothetical XC Meet 3 Miles

Check out the imaginary results for what would happen if all the athletes in the top 75 teams from Metro competed head to head and every athlete ran their season best times!
124Seattle Prep, WA - Team Time (1st 5) 1:20:22.1 | Spread (1st 5) 35.8
2, 3, 4, 7, 8, (10), (11)
Jack Killalea, Charles Sheh, James Brennan, Joe Sheh, Conor Brennan, (Henry Gruen), (Cooper Klein)
15:43.7, 16:02.8, 16:05.8, 16:10.3, 16:19.5, (16:29.9), (16:31.0)
233Nathan Hale, WA - Team Time (1st 5) 1:20:58.8 | Spread (1st 5) 1:08.6
1, 5, 6, 9, 12, (13), (14)
Surafel Muche, Abel Demoz, Spencer Otis, Sela Navot, Olifa Biftu, (Kale Strange), (Zachary King)
15:33.5, 16:07.5, 16:10.1, 16:25.6, 16:42.1, (16:42.9), (16:47.8)