2018 Results Grid 

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Meet List
Wilton XC Invitational - Middle School
NC Blazers Meet #3
NC Blazers Meet #4
WCC Championship
26th CT Middle School State XC Championship
USATF Connecticut Association Junior Olympic Championships
USATF Region 1 Junior Olympic Championships
USATF National Junior Olympic Championships
Race Distances
12,000 Meters
21.5 Miles
31.7 Miles
43,000 Meters
52.3 Miles
64,000 Meters
75,000 Meters
Show: All Years
Mens Womens
AthleteSep 15Oct 10Oct 24Oct 29Nov 4Nov 11Nov 18Dec 8
3Adrian Adam 16:30.5415:29.1418:07.44 10:43.2110:33.11
7Lucas Alvarez9:46.7211:46.0412:39.3411:32.1413:02.54
-Drew Bench
9William Bennett
-Adam Calle10:02.1211:58.5412:41.2413:26.24
5Matt Calle
-Matthew Calle14:58.52 21:22.04
-Christian Camporin
10Ajamo Carraby-Jones 17:20.6718:20.47
-Nico Caruso12:15.3214:33.3414:19.3414:22.2415:44.24
-Nolan Charlton
-Charlie Chisholm
-Cooper Colthup 12:57.5412:19.24
-Davis Cote 16:52.3717:31.47
5David Cuenca Goddard10:45.6213:25.2412:20.8413:52.0417:18.1513:24.9414:08.54
6Alden Dayton 12:07.3411:39.4413:29.1416:18.4512:44.6412:42.04
5Christopher DeMuth III10:55.2213:24.1412:25.2414:27.24
-Logan Diaz
-Will Donzeiser
-Ethan Douglas14:20.1218:39.4417:03.74
-Michael Elvin III
-Cem Geray
-John Goetz Jr
8Oliver Gray
-Finn Greiner9:55.1211:41.3411:07.44
7Reid Hanson9:39.8211:26.84 12:18.8415:35.0512:28.8412:33.64
-Brandon Heagle
-Brandon Heagle Jr
-Patrick Hennessey
10Dylan Imbruce
9Caleb Jacobson
-Tommy Jahns
6Oliver Johnson 14:05.5413:04.1414:06.04
-Mills Legge 13:01.94
8Lucas Liu9:56.9211:56.0411:22.0412:40.6415:36.8518:17.66
11Ryan Lytle 17:02.8717:45.97
10Lucas Madariaga 17:02.5718:38.17
10Alessandro Malagoli 16:48.6717:47.87
5Jonathan Mallory 12:07.7412:04.7413:06.04
8Aidan Muller12:40.32 13:04.7418:08.44
10Luca Palamenti 17:41.2718:44.37
-Alex Pardo
-Zander Sahlia
5Andrew Sharron9:21.5211:00.94 12:25.2415:02.3511:59.1412:12.4412:55.34
11-12Ben Skrelunas10:45.12 15:10.64
-Benjamin Skrelunas 14:06.3413:45.04
-Hugo Smith 14:17.94
7Hugo Smith Jr
-David Thompson
-Thomas Towers Jr
-Alexander Walther 15:55.9615:16.86
-Jack Wolpers
-Carl Wolpert 19:31.2720:01.07
7Luke Zerbe10:58.6212:33.7412:28.64 13:36.0313:11.3413:49.34
7Patrick Zoccolillo10:10.9211:47.4411:13.4412:54.2415:45.3518:29.06
AthleteSep 15Oct 10Oct 24Oct 29Nov 4Nov 11Nov 18Dec 8
-Grace Baker
-Ciara Bell
6Skylar Bennett 15:59.7517:09.2616:16.36
-Catherine Burges
6Pia Campbell12:43.4213:36.9412:45.04 17:55.65
-Emma Carlon13:12.92
-Adriana Caruso15:55.0214:41.5414:14.4417:46.44
9Abigail Cheney
-Abigail Cheney
9Mairead Clas
-Emerson Culliss 11:02.94 12:23.04
11Sophie Curcio 19:13.5720:04.4721:43.77
-Paige Davis
-Isabella DeVito 21:06.9417:50.34
-Sophia DeVito14:21.9217:08.6416:54.74 18:11.7418:11.74
-Jacqueline Doherty
9Lauren Doherty 18:40.9618:07.36
-Jane Dowdle
6Grace Driscoll10:25.7212:12.0411:48.6413:46.14
9Meghan Driscoll
7Fiona Garfield
7Elle George
9Ella Gibb
-Grace Gilman
5Avery Griffiths11:46.02 12:26.7414:54.14 13:20.2413:20.44
-Alice Hanson 15:11.9414:18.84
-Alie Hanson
-Clara Hennessey
12Sophie Hill 20:46.3721:39.97
9Kiera Hynes 17:50.5617:04.96
-Naila Jakovic
-Charlotte Jensen
-Sarah Kang
9Sophie Kang
-Lucy Kennelly
5Barbara Mallory 13:04.2412:45.8414:51.74
-Jade Marin
-Kiera Mastey
6Charlotte McGinness
-Elizabeth McLaughlin 16:09.94
-Skylar Munger
13-14Abby Neumann16:33.22 16:12.34
-Cate O'Connor
9Imogen Rawlings-Green 19:02.16
-Avery Russey
-Ivy Saunders
-Alex Schauer
-Ella Seymour 13:25.74
10Breanne Shipman 20:11.5721:31.3722:46.47
9Riley Shipman 17:32.2617:04.4618:48.56
-Lizzie Slocum
-Chloe Smith
-Delaney Smith
-Sadie Sorensen
-Alexandra Steinberg
-Julianne Teitler 17:56.0617:56.46
-Laura Veroude 15:13.8414:11.7415:42.34
-Ava Viscarello 14:01.44 16:03.04
-Zoe Walker
12Sophie Walther10:51.5212:25.2412:43.8414:11.7417:24.3513:29.1413:38.04
8Samantha Welch12:20.12 15:14.24
-Peri Wills
8Ashley Wolpers
-Caroline Zerbe

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0:00 Improvement over previous season races of the same distance.
0:00 Personal Record for this distance
0:00 Season Record for this distance