2015 Season Bests

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3,200 Meters show... | Show only

2 Miles show... | Show only


1.11Jaxon Clausen10:08.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
2.12Brendon Henkel10:18.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
3.10Bret Henkel10:20.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
4.12Jesse Smith10:22.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
5.12Alex Puentes10:32.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
6.11Eugene Kim10:39.0Aug 28Run on the Green
7.11Kevin Gonzalez10:41.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
8.11David Gonzalez10:43.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
9.10Benjamin Blankenburg10:47.0Aug 28Run on the Green
10.10Justin Lack10:49.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
11.10Hayden Low10:58.0Aug 28Run on the Green
11Cameron Holland10:58.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
13.9Tristan King11:00.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
14.9Damian King11:02.0Aug 28Run on the Green
15.9Spencer Cochran11:04.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
16.12Brian Ford11:05.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
17.11Chad Mowers11:16.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
18.12Hunter Childs11:19.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
19.10Joseph Lowenstein11:20.0Aug 28Run on the Green
20.10Nathaniel LaSalle11:20.2Sep 122015 Ed Sias Invitatio...
21.11Dayton Miers11:22.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
22.12Tyler McCown11:24.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
23.11Benjamin Sharer11:25.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
24.10Chris Hatch11:38.0Aug 28Run on the Green
25.10Gabriel Alderman11:42.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
26.12Jackson Contreras11:46.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
27.12Jeff Cho11:56.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
28.11Nathaniel Slaughter12:06.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
29.11Thomas Roussel12:12.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
30.11Vincent LaFe12:18.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
31.12Matthew Greisen12:22.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
32.11Ethan Tarrer12:26.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
33.11Mason McIver12:38.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
11Jason Kuphaldt12:38.0Aug 28Run on the Green
35.12Garrett Salyer12:47.0Aug 28Run on the Green
36.12Andrew Shade12:54.0Aug 28Run on the Green
37.10Jason Oberth13:00.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
38.9Joshua Ford13:04.0Aug 28Run on the Green
39.9Zachary Conwell13:06.0Aug 28Run on the Green
40.10Dade Weaver13:17.0PRAug 28Run on the Green
41.9Andrew Payne13:19.0Nov 7Sac-Joaquin Subsection...
42.9Bryan Gutierrez13:32.0PRNov 7Sac-Joaquin Subsection...
43.11Grant Penner13:57.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
44.9Michael Warner14:52.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
45.10Adrien Bourassa15:09.1Sep 122015 Ed Sias Invitatio...
46.9James Brennan15:17.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
47.10Jordan Vicze15:22.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
48.10Casey Zundel16:20.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...


1.12Kendall Derry11:52.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
2.12Brook Eberle12:14.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
3.12Kaitlin Derry12:19.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
4.12Sedona McNerney12:29.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
5.11Cessair McKinney12:29.4Sep 122015 Ed Sias Invitatio...
6.12Kristi Capello12:30.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
7.12Hannah Wohlenberg12:45.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
8.11Megan Drake13:34.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
9.10Alexis Wallace13:36.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
10.10Megan Miller13:38.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
11.10Kinsey Stephen13:41.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
12.11Linda Solt13:58.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
13.11Macey Lange14:09.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
14.12Carly Kleefeld14:09.4PRSep 122015 Ed Sias Invitatio...
15.10Brittney McCown14:18.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
16.9Hannah Gow14:23.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
17.11Alyssa Egbert14:24.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
18.11Sara Holm14:35.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
19.11Katie Self14:47.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
20.9Jordan Grafton14:52.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
21.11Emily Gottardi14:56.8Sep 122015 Ed Sias Invitatio...
22.12Bianca Gherasim14:59.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
23.9Karlin York15:00.0PRNov 7Sac-Joaquin Subsection...
24.11Hannah Sims15:01.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
25.11Sophie Luke15:02.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
26.10Katie Allen15:15.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
27.10Natalie Fulton15:24.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
28.10Kendra Worthington15:53.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
29.11Hailey Miguel15:57.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
30.11Hannah Robinson16:02.6Sep 122015 Ed Sias Invitatio...
31.10Marissa Parks16:03.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
32.10Nicole Strand16:05.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
33.10Emma Olsen16:20.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
34.9Jordyn Centerwall16:28.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
35.11Melanie Lopez16:40.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
36.12Marie Andre16:42.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
37.12Darynne Cross16:56.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
11Edryanna Lascala16:56.0PRSep 122015 Ed Sias Invitatio...
39.10Maddy Gallegos-Gelein17:19.0Aug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
40.11Maddy Todd17:34.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
41.9Kayla Herdemann17:58.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
42.9Taylor Matsumoto18:29.3PRSep 122015 Ed Sias Invitatio...
43.11Rachel Kloth18:51.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
44.9Elizabeth Amador19:11.0PRAug 21Bella Vista Intrasquad...
45.12Debbie Gutierrez22:21.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
46.9Allie Morgan22:59.0PRSep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...

3,400 Meters show... | Show only


1.10Hayden Low11:26.8PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
2.10Benjamin Blankenburg11:32.3PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
3.9Tristan King11:33.8Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
4.10Nathaniel LaSalle11:34.2PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
5.10Justin Lack11:35.7PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
6.9Damian King11:44.0Nov 14CIF Sac-Joaquin Sectio...
7.9Spencer Cochran11:56.8Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
8.12Hunter Childs12:00.6PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
9.11Dayton Miers12:07.2PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
10.10Joseph Lowenstein12:08.0Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
11.11Nathaniel Slaughter12:16.5PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
12.10Gabriel Alderman12:17.4PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
13.12Jackson Contreras12:27.0PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
14.11Benjamin Sharer12:37.0Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
15.12Matthew Greisen12:50.5PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
16.10Chris Hatch12:54.7PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
17.11Mason McIver13:06.2PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
18.11Thomas Roussel13:07.7PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
19.12Jeff Cho13:11.2Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
20.9Bryan Gutierrez13:27.0PRNov 14CIF Sac-Joaquin Sectio...
21.12Andrew Shade13:36.1Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
22.9Joshua Ford13:47.0Nov 14CIF Sac-Joaquin Sectio...
23.10Jason Oberth13:48.4PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
24.9Zachary Conwell13:54.0Nov 14CIF Sac-Joaquin Sectio...
25.9Andrew Payne14:01.0Nov 14CIF Sac-Joaquin Sectio...
26.11Jason Kuphaldt14:21.3Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
27.12Garrett Salyer14:39.7Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
28.10Dade Weaver14:49.0PRNov 14CIF Sac-Joaquin Sectio...
29.10Jordan Vicze14:52.0PRNov 14CIF Sac-Joaquin Sectio...
30.11Grant Penner15:25.5Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
31.9James Brennan16:31.3Oct 30Capital Valley Confere...
32.9Michael Warner17:03.2PROct 30Capital Valley Confere...
33.10Adrien Bourassa17:14.8Oct 30Capital Valley Confere...
34.10Casey Zundel18:06.9Oct 30Capital Valley Confere...


1.10Alexis Wallace14:18.7PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
2.11Macey Lange14:22.5PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
3.10Brittney McCown14:38.0PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
4.11Linda Solt14:38.4PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
5.11Alyssa Egbert14:41.9PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
6.10Kinsey Stephen14:42.5PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
7.11Hannah Sims15:00.6PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
8.11Emily Gottardi15:00.9Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
9.9Karlin York15:04.0PRNov 14CIF Sac-Joaquin Sectio...
10.10Megan Miller15:04.8PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
11.12Bianca Gherasim15:10.0PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
12.9Hannah Gow15:11.0PRNov 14CIF Sac-Joaquin Sectio...
13.10Katie Allen15:45.3Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
14.11Sophie Luke15:45.7PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
15.11Suzy Sanchez15:46.7Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
16.9Jordan Grafton15:53.0Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
17.11Katie Self15:57.4PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
18.10Natalie Fulton16:14.3PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
19.10Nicole Strand16:14.7Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
20.11Edryanna Lascala16:23.3PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
21.11Hannah Robinson16:24.4Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
22.9Elizabeth Amador16:28.3PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
23.10Emma Olsen16:38.0Oct 30Capital Valley Confere...
24.10Kendra Worthington16:54.5PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
25.12Darynne Cross16:57.8Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
26.11Hailey Miguel17:03.9Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
27.9Jordyn Centerwall17:09.7Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
28.10Marissa Parks17:26.3PROct 30Capital Valley Confere...
29.11Maddy Todd17:42.0PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
30.12Marie Andre17:44.6PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
31.9Taylor Matsumoto17:46.4Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
32.11Melanie Lopez18:07.7Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
33.9Kayla Herdemann19:11.2PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
34.9Grace Holmes19:22.0Oct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
35.9Allie Morgan24:09.3PROct 17Bella Vista Bronco Inv...
36.10Andrews Marie25:24.0PROct 30Capital Valley Confere...

4,000 Meters show... | Show only


1.11Jaxon Clausen13:30.0PRSep 2Opening Night
2.12Brendon Henkel13:33.0PRSep 2Opening Night
3.10Bret Henkel13:37.0PRSep 2Opening Night
4.12Jesse Smith13:47.0PRSep 2Opening Night
5.12Alex Puentes14:09.0PRSep 2Opening Night
6.10Benjamin Blankenburg14:16.0PRSep 2Opening Night
7.12Brian Ford14:17.0PRSep 2Opening Night
10Justin Lack14:17.0PRSep 2Opening Night
11Eugene Kim14:17.0PRSep 2Opening Night
10.11Kevin Gonzalez14:18.0PRSep 2Opening Night
11.11David Gonzalez14:19.0PRSep 2Opening Night
12.10Hayden Low14:38.0PRSep 2Opening Night
13.9Damian King14:42.0PRSep 2Opening Night
14.12Tyler McCown14:56.0PRSep 2Opening Night
15.11Dayton Miers15:02.0PRSep 2Opening Night
16.9Spencer Cochran15:05.0PRSep 2Opening Night
17.11Cameron Holland15:07.0PRSep 2Opening Night
18.11Benjamin Sharer15:14.0PRSep 2Opening Night
19.10Joseph Lowenstein15:15.0PRSep 2Opening Night
20.10Chris Hatch15:29.0PRSep 2Opening Night
21.12Jackson Contreras15:34.0PRSep 2Opening Night
22.12Hunter Childs15:38.0PRSep 2Opening Night
23.11Chad Mowers15:46.0PRSep 2Opening Night
24.12Matthew Greisen15:49.0PRSep 2Opening Night
25.12Jeff Cho16:15.0PRSep 2Opening Night
26.11Thomas Roussel16:21.0PRSep 2Opening Night
27.9Tristan King16:31.0Sep 2Opening Night
28.11Vincent LaFe16:33.0PRSep 2Opening Night
29.11Nathaniel Slaughter16:40.0PRSep 2Opening Night
30.11Jason Kuphaldt16:42.0PRSep 2Opening Night
31.12Andrew Shade16:55.0PRSep 2Opening Night
32.10Jason Oberth17:43.0PRSep 2Opening Night
33.9Andrew Payne18:06.0Sep 2Opening Night
34.11Mason McIver18:07.0PRSep 2Opening Night
35.10Dade Weaver18:13.0PRSep 2Opening Night
36.11Grant Penner18:28.0PRSep 2Opening Night
37.9Zachary Conwell18:32.0PRSep 2Opening Night
38.10Adrien Bourassa20:17.0PRSep 2Opening Night
39.9Michael Warner20:41.0PRSep 2Opening Night
40.10Jordan Vicze21:33.0PRSep 2Opening Night
41.9James Brennan22:00.0PRSep 2Opening Night
42.10Casey Zundel24:13.0PRSep 2Opening Night


1.12Kendall Derry15:11.0PRSep 2Opening Night
2.11Cessair McKinney15:31.0PRSep 2Opening Night
12Brook Eberle15:31.0PRSep 2Opening Night
4.12Kaitlin Derry15:50.0PRSep 2Opening Night
5.12Hannah Wohlenberg15:56.0PRSep 2Opening Night
6.12Sedona McNerney16:04.0PRSep 2Opening Night
7.12Kristi Capello16:22.0PRSep 2Opening Night
8.10Brittney McCown17:23.0PRSep 2Opening Night
9.11Megan Drake17:27.0PRSep 2Opening Night
10.11Linda Solt17:29.0PRSep 2Opening Night
11.11Macey Lange17:53.0PRSep 2Opening Night
12.12Carly Kleefeld18:01.0PRSep 2Opening Night
10Alexis Wallace18:01.0PRSep 2Opening Night
14.11Emily Gottardi18:02.0PRSep 2Opening Night
15.11Sara Holm18:17.0PRSep 2Opening Night
16.10Megan Miller18:38.0PRSep 2Opening Night
17.11Katie Self18:59.0PRSep 2Opening Night
18.12Bianca Gherasim19:02.0PRSep 2Opening Night
19.11Hannah Robinson19:10.0PRSep 2Opening Night
20.10Kinsey Stephen19:29.0PRSep 2Opening Night
21.11Alyssa Egbert19:36.0PRSep 2Opening Night
22.11Hannah Sims19:42.0PRSep 2Opening Night
23.11Sophie Luke19:46.0PRSep 2Opening Night
24.9Karlin York19:52.0PRSep 2Opening Night
25.10Katie Allen20:22.0PRSep 2Opening Night
26.10Nicole Strand20:38.0PRSep 2Opening Night
27.10Natalie Fulton21:24.0PRSep 2Opening Night
28.12Darynne Cross21:26.0PRSep 2Opening Night
29.9Jordan Grafton21:27.0Sep 2Opening Night
30.10Emma Olsen21:41.0PRSep 2Opening Night
10Kendra Worthington21:41.0PRSep 2Opening Night
32.11Melanie Lopez22:33.0PRSep 2Opening Night
33.10Marissa Parks22:39.0PRSep 2Opening Night
34.11Edryanna Lascala22:44.0PRSep 2Opening Night
35.11Rachel Kloth23:22.0PRSep 2Opening Night
36.9Taylor Matsumoto23:32.0PRSep 2Opening Night
37.9Kayla Herdemann27:50.0PRSep 2Opening Night

2.93 Miles show... | Show only


1.11Jaxon Clausen16:07.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
2.12Brendon Henkel16:31.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
3.12Jesse Smith16:44.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
4.11Eugene Kim16:48.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
5.9Tristan King16:54.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
6.10Justin Lack17:01.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
12Brian Ford17:01.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
8.10Nathaniel LaSalle17:04.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
9.10Benjamin Blankenburg17:08.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
10Bret Henkel17:08.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
11.10Hayden Low17:20.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
12.9Damian King17:34.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
13.11Cameron Holland17:41.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
14.9Spencer Cochran17:42.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
15.12Hunter Childs17:51.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
16.11Dayton Miers17:59.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
17.11Benjamin Sharer18:00.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
18.11Kevin Gonzalez18:04.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
19.10Joseph Lowenstein18:12.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
20.12Jackson Contreras18:36.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
21.11Nathaniel Slaughter19:00.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
22.12Alex Puentes19:07.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
23.12Matthew Greisen19:15.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
24.11Thomas Roussel19:29.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
25.10Chris Hatch19:30.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
26.11Chad Mowers19:41.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
27.12Andrew Shade20:15.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
28.11Jason Kuphaldt20:50.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
29.9Joshua Ford21:10.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
30.11Vincent LaFe21:11.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
31.12Garrett Salyer21:16.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
32.9Bryan Gutierrez21:53.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
33.9Zachary Conwell22:21.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
34.9Andrew Payne22:59.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
35.11Grant Penner23:20.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
36.9James Brennan24:32.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
37.10Jordan Vicze25:42.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...


1.12Kendall Derry17:48.0PROct 2468th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
2.12Kristi Capello18:33.0PROct 2468th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
3.12Brook Eberle18:59.0PROct 2468th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
11Cessair McKinney18:59.0Oct 2468th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
5.12Kaitlin Derry19:12.0PROct 2468th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
6.12Sedona McNerney19:30.0PROct 2468th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
7.12Hannah Wohlenberg19:46.0PROct 2468th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
8.10Alexis Wallace21:40.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
9.10Brittney McCown22:10.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
10.10Megan Miller22:17.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
11.10Kinsey Stephen22:35.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
12.11Katie Self22:52.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
13.12Bianca Gherasim23:12.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
14.11Hannah Sims23:26.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
15.11Hannah Robinson23:48.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
16.11Sophie Luke23:50.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
17.12Darynne Cross25:21.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
18.9Karlin York25:42.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
19.11Edryanna Lascala25:47.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
20.9Jordan Grafton26:57.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
21.10Katie Allen27:00.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
10Natalie Fulton27:00.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
23.12Debbie Gutierrez27:12.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
24.10Emma Olsen27:18.0Oct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
25.10Marissa Parks27:58.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
26.11Maddy Todd28:10.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...
27.11Rachel Kloth30:18.0PROct 2368th Mt. SAC Cross Cou...

3 Miles show... | Show only

5,000 Meters show... | Show only


1.11Jaxon Clausen16:07.4Sep 30CVC Center Meet
2.12Brendon Henkel16:09.2PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
3.10Bret Henkel16:19.4PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
4.12Jesse Smith16:23.5PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
5.12Alex Puentes16:30.3PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
6.9Tristan King16:30.4Nov 282015 CIF State Cross C...
7.10Justin Lack16:46.9PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
8.11Eugene Kim16:49.5Sep 30CVC Center Meet
9.11Cameron Holland16:54.7PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
10.10Nathaniel LaSalle16:58.7Nov 282015 CIF State Cross C...
11.12Brian Ford16:59.2PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
12.10Hayden Low17:12.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
13.12Tyler McCown17:14.1PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
14.11Kevin Gonzalez17:23.8Sep 30CVC Center Meet
15.10Benjamin Blankenburg17:25.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
16.11David Gonzalez17:26.2Sep 30CVC Center Meet
17.11Dayton Miers17:47.7Sep 30CVC Center Meet
18.12Hunter Childs17:51.6Sep 30CVC Center Meet
19.11Nathaniel Slaughter18:26.7Sep 30CVC Center Meet
20.11Benjamin Sharer18:33.0PRNov 14CIF Sac-Joaquin Sectio...
21.12Jeff Cho18:43.8PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
22.12Matthew Greisen18:47.7PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
23.11Chad Mowers18:50.1PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
24.12Jackson Contreras18:54.2PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
25.11Thomas Roussel19:10.5Sep 30CVC Center Meet
26.10Joseph Lowenstein19:20.6Oct 102015 37th Clovis Cross...
27.11Mason McIver19:23.3PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
28.11Jason Kuphaldt20:02.6PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
29.12Andrew Shade20:02.9PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
30.11Grant Penner20:54.8PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
31.11Vincent LaFe22:09.6Oct 30Capital Valley Confere...


1.12Kendall Derry17:43.2PRNov 282015 CIF State Cross C...
2.11Cessair McKinney18:19.7Nov 282015 CIF State Cross C...
3.12Kristi Capello18:43.5PRNov 282015 CIF State Cross C...
4.12Hannah Wohlenberg18:50.0Nov 282015 CIF State Cross C...
5.12Brook Eberle18:51.2Nov 282015 CIF State Cross C...
6.12Sedona McNerney19:07.2PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
7.12Kaitlin Derry19:31.2Sep 30CVC Center Meet
8.12Carly Kleefeld21:06.6PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
9.11Megan Drake21:11.2Sep 30CVC Center Meet
10.11Macey Lange21:27.1Sep 30CVC Center Meet
11.11Linda Solt21:31.2PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
12.10Brittney McCown21:36.0Sep 26Pacific Tiger High Sch...
13.11Sara Holm21:49.3Sep 30CVC Center Meet
14.11Alyssa Egbert21:50.0Sep 30CVC Center Meet
15.11Emily Gottardi21:53.6Sep 30CVC Center Meet
16.11Katie Self22:05.9PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
17.12Bianca Gherasim22:06.2PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
18.11Hannah Sims22:37.4Sep 30CVC Center Meet
19.11Hannah Robinson22:53.1PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
20.11Sophie Luke23:27.3Sep 30CVC Center Meet
21.12Britney Johnson23:49.1Sep 30CVC Center Meet
22.12Darynne Cross24:37.4PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
23.11Edryanna Lascala24:40.4PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
24.12Marie Andre25:34.4PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
25.11Melanie Lopez25:34.8PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
26.11Hailey Miguel25:55.8PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
27.11Maddy Todd25:56.2PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
28.11Rachel Kloth29:45.0PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
29.12Debbie Gutierrez32:54.9Sep 30CVC Center Meet
30.12Sydney Keller32:55.4PRSep 30CVC Center Meet
31.12Lacey Ewing35:11.9PROct 30Capital Valley Confere...