2016 Season Bests

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3,200 Meters show... | Show only

2 Miles show... | Show only


1.11Nathaniel LaSalle10:09.0PRAug 26Run On The Green
2.12Jaxon Clausen10:10.0Aug 26Run On The Green
3.12Eugene Kim10:25.0PRAug 26Run On The Green
4.10Damian King10:30.0Aug 26Run On The Green
5.11Hayden Low10:33.0PRAug 26Run On The Green
6.12Dayton Miers10:35.0PRAug 26Run On The Green
7.11Bret Henkel10:36.0Aug 26Run On The Green
8.11Gabriel Alderman10:37.0PRAug 26Run On The Green
9.10Spencer Cochran10:53.0Aug 26Run On The Green
10.12David Gonzalez10:57.0Aug 26Run On The Green
11.12Kevin Gonzalez10:58.0Aug 26Run On The Green
10Tristan King10:58.0Aug 26Run On The Green
13.11Justin Lack11:12.0Aug 26Run On The Green
14.11Chris Hatch11:13.7Sep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
15.11Joseph Lowenstein11:16.0Aug 26Run On The Green
16.9Jamie Hawkins11:24.0Sep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
17.12Nathaniel Slaughter11:25.5PRSep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
18.9Jeremy LaPorte11:27.9Sep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
19.10Blake Bailey11:40.0Aug 26Run On The Green
20.10Zachary Conwell11:56.8Sep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
21.12Thomas Roussel12:03.0PRAug 26Run On The Green
22.12Vincent LaFe12:06.0PRAug 26Run On The Green
23.9Bryan Albor12:12.6Sep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
24.10Joshua Ford12:24.0PRAug 26Run On The Green
25.9Jacob Crummett12:24.4Sep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
26.9Will Buckerfield12:32.0Aug 26Run On The Green
27.10Andrew Payne12:35.0Aug 26Run On The Green
28.10Sean Bradford12:36.6Sep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
29.9Evan Manley12:40.0Aug 26Run On The Green
30.9Cody Harlow12:45.0Aug 26Run On The Green
31.12Ben Toffoletti12:48.0PRSep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
32.12Jason Kuphaldt13:09.0Aug 26Run On The Green
33.12Chad Mowers13:16.0Aug 26Run On The Green
34.11Casey Zundel13:24.0Aug 26Run On The Green
35.10James Brennan13:26.7Sep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
36.11Adrien Bourassa13:28.0Sep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
37.9Holden Thibideau14:10.8Sep 24Pacific Tiger HS Invit...
38.9Keith Campbell14:24.0Aug 26Run On The Green
39.9Austin Parks14:26.2Nov 5Sac-Joaquin Sub-Sectio...
40.11Jordan Vicze14:43.0PRSep 3Lagoon Valley Classic
41.10Michael Warner15:26.0Aug 26Run On The Green


1.12Cessair McKinney11:16.2PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
2.10Victoria Dix12:14.0PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
3.11Alexis Wallace12:17.1PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
4.10Hannah Gow12:31.0PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
5.12Sara Holm12:33.9PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
6.12Alyssa Egbert13:03.1PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
7.12Macey Lange13:06.4PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
8.12Emily Gottardi13:09.6PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
9.11Kinsey Stephen13:10.2PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
10.12Megan Drake13:19.6Oct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
11.11Brittney McCown13:20.7Oct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
12.12Hannah Sims13:39.2PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
13.12Sophie Luke13:41.5PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
14.12Katie Self13:53.8PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
15.12Hannah Robinson14:01.1PROct 21Clovis North/Saucony T...
16.10Abigail Rasmussen14:46.0Nov 5Sac-Joaquin Sub-Sectio...
17.10Kendra Gottardi14:51.4Sep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
18.10Jordan Grafton15:00.4Nov 5Sac-Joaquin Sub-Sectio...
19.9Haley Bartlett15:04.9Nov 5Sac-Joaquin Sub-Sectio...
20.10Jaime Mabbutt15:07.9Nov 5Sac-Joaquin Sub-Sectio...
21.12Linda Solt15:24.1Sep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
22.10Jordyn Centerwall15:36.0Sep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
23.9Faith Kidd15:37.2Sep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
24.11Nicole Strand15:38.2PRSep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
25.10Grace Holmes16:03.7PRSep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
26.12Miranda Shearer16:14.8PRSep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
27.11Emma Olsen16:27.6Sep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
28.9Natalie Dinin16:32.5Sep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
29.10Inna Dlugan16:48.4PRSep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
30.10Samantha Cutts16:50.1Sep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
31.10Samantha Ross16:57.6PRSep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
32.9Emily Alderman16:58.9Sep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
33.10Zoe Pantis17:16.1PRSep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
34.9Jacy Lovins18:58.1Sep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
35.9Jordan Jackson19:02.7PRSep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
36.9Ashleigh Mitchell19:45.5Sep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...
37.9Ryley Walker22:13.0PRSep 17De La Salle/Carondelet...

2.1 Miles show... | Show only


1.11Nathaniel LaSalle11:27.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
2.12Jaxon Clausen11:30.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
3.9Jamie Hawkins11:47.8PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
4.12Eugene Kim11:56.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
5.11Bret Henkel11:58.0Aug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
6.11Gabriel Alderman11:59.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
7.11Hayden Low12:00.0Aug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
8.10Spencer Cochran12:04.6PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
9.12David Gonzalez12:05.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
10.12Kevin Gonzalez12:12.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
11.9Jeremy LaPorte12:14.1PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
12.10Zachary Conwell12:18.1PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
13.12Dayton Miers12:30.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
14.9Jacob Crummett12:47.4Nov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
15.9Evan Manley12:53.5PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
16.10Joshua Ford12:57.0PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
17.9Cody Harlow13:02.4PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
18.11Joseph Lowenstein13:16.0Aug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
19.10Blake Bailey13:18.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
20.10Sean Bradford13:22.6PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
21.11Chris Hatch13:27.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
22.12Thomas Roussel13:28.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
23.10Andrew Payne13:44.5PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
24.9Will Buckerfield13:54.8Nov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
25.12Vincent LaFe14:07.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
26.9Austin Parks15:29.0PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
27.10James Brennan15:44.4PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
28.12Chad Mowers15:51.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
29.11Adrien Bourassa16:58.0Aug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
30.11Casey Zundel17:01.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
31.12Jason Kuphaldt17:07.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
32.10Michael Warner17:39.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
33.9Keith Campbell17:47.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
34.9Holden Thibideau17:50.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad


1.12Cessair McKinney13:09.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
2.10Victoria Dix13:09.5PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
3.10Hannah Gow14:15.6PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
4.10Kendra Gottardi14:31.1PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
5.10Jordan Grafton14:35.3PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
6.11Alexis Wallace14:40.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
7.12Sara Holm15:02.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
8.10Abigail Rasmussen15:14.8PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
9.9Haley Bartlett15:15.0PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
10.10Jaime Mabbutt15:23.2PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
11.12Macey Lange15:41.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
12.12Hannah Sims15:49.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
13.10Grace Holmes15:51.6PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
14.11Brittney McCown15:53.0Aug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
15.10Jordyn Centerwall15:56.1PRNov 12Sac-Joaquin Section Ch...
16.12Megan Drake16:00.0Aug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
17.10Samantha Ross16:13.9PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
18.10Anna Newey16:24.3PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
19.10Taylor Matsumoto16:24.5PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
10Samantha Cutts16:24.5PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
21.10Inna Dlugan16:34.3PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
22.12Alyssa Egbert16:40.0Aug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
23.12Emily Gottardi16:43.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
24.9Megan Rucker17:12.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
25.12Hannah Robinson17:20.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
26.10Aaliyah Kirkpatrick17:29.5PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
27.9Natalie Dinin17:45.1PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
28.9Faith Kidd18:14.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
29.9Jacy Lovins18:14.6PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
30.12Katie Self18:38.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
31.11Nicole Strand18:41.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
32.9Heather Andrews18:53.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
33.11Katie Allen18:54.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
34.9Emily Alderman19:11.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
35.11Kinsey Stephen19:22.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
36.9Ashleigh Mitchell19:35.3PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...
37.11Emma Olsen19:57.0PRAug 19Bella Vista Intrasquad
38.9Ryley Walker21:25.8PROct 1Capital Cross Challeng...

3,400 Meters show... | Show only

3 Miles show... | Show only

5,000 Meters show... | Show only