Athlete Records

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Neil Abcouwer - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb33' 1.5PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Jordan Broschard - 9th Grade
1 Mile5:28.79PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Matt Bugas - 11th Grade
400 Meters1:05.58PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Brian DeWillie - 11th Grade
High Jump5' 7.75Feb 23Penn State Invitational
Triple Jump36' 8.5PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Kevin DeWillie - 9th Grade
1 Mile5:19.62PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Zach Gershenson - 12th Grade
3000 Meters10:04.04PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Caleb Hufford - 9th Grade
60 Meter Dash8.46PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Ben Lengerich - 9th Grade
3000 Meters10:13.64PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Darrin Lin - 12th Grade
High Jump5' 3.75PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Long Jump18' 7.5PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Triple Jump41' 1.75PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Evan Miller - 11th Grade
60m Hurdles - 39"10.87PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Andy Nelson - 12th Grade
60 Meter Dash7.49PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
200 Meters24.10PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Peter Nettekoven - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:13.86PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Dylan Pensyl - 11th Grade
200 Meters25.05PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Long Jump18' 10Feb 23Penn State Invitational
Eric Reichert - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:01.89PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational


Julie Cheung - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg19' 0PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Mary Conklin - 9th Grade
60 Meter Dash9.20PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Kathryn Crawford - 11th Grade
400 Meters1:18.97PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Danni Heller - 11th Grade
200 Meters30.21PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Mimi Kirk - 9th Grade
1 Mile6:04.63PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Skylar Kulbacki - 12th Grade
Long Jump13' 0.75PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Triple Jump31' 3.25PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Melissa Murray - 10th Grade
200 Meters31.40PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Julie Seidel - 10th Grade
1 Mile6:36.27PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Emma Shank - 10th Grade
3000 Meters11:19.27Feb 23Penn State Invitational
Kaitlyn Shank - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:42.09PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Katie VanEtten - 9th Grade
800 Meters3:05.77PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Alyssa Walizer - 10th Grade
400 Meters1:14.06Feb 23Penn State Invitational
Hanna Witwer - 11th Grade
Long Jump13' 3.5PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Triple Jump29' 11.5PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Ashley Wynn - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg21' 7.5PRFeb 23Penn State Invitational
Blue text indicates a mark from the current week.