Athlete Records

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Nolan Bouchard - 9th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.37PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Jackson Burbic - 12th Grade
1000 Meters2:45.38PRJan 31Last Chance to Qualify Meet
Noah Colson - 8th Grade
1000 Meters3:27.0hDec 21Old Colony #2
Chase Conroy - 8th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.71PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Davondray Davy - 9th Grade
55 Meter Dash7.64PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Raphael Daniel De Souza - 10th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.22PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Timothy Decosta - 12th Grade
1 Mile4:59.6hPRDec 11Old Colony #1
Makhai Dickerson-Pells - 11th Grade
300 Meters45.64cDec 11Old Colony #1
Long Jump15' 8.5PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Malique Dickerson-Pells - 11th Grade
55 Meter Dash7.88PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Long Jump15' 7PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Cam Donoghue - 11th Grade
55m Hurdles - 39"10.24Dec 11Old Colony #1
High Jump5' 0Dec 21Old Colony #2
Long Jump18' 5Dec 21Old Colony #2
Sean Dumais - 11th Grade
55 Meter Dash7.22PRJan 31Last Chance to Qualify Meet
Cameron Faszewski - 11th Grade
1 Mile4:56.5hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
2 Miles10:24.94PRJan 31Last Chance to Qualify Meet
Christoph Fawcett - 11th Grade
55 Meter Dash7.43PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Long Jump18' 2PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Christopher Fawcett - 11th Grade
55 Meter Dash7.62PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Long Jump18' 7PRJan 31Last Chance to Qualify Meet
Brian Gagnon - 10th Grade
600 Meters1:58.1hPRDec 11Old Colony #1
Mike Haydon - 10th Grade
55 Meter Dash7.24Jan 31Last Chance to Qualify Meet
Matthew Higgins - 12th Grade
600 Meters1:45.5hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
Richard Horton - 11th Grade
1 Mile5:20.9hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
Tyler Huckemeyer - 11th Grade
600 Meters1:39.4hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
55m Hurdles - 39"10.56PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Nick Johnson - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb47' 1.5PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Brian Judge - 9th Grade
1 Mile5:22.9hDec 21Old Colony #2
Marius Kleinas - 8th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.92PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Harrison Lanman - 8th Grade
600 Meters1:59.1hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
1 Mile6:23.1hPRDec 11Old Colony #1
Thomas Lanman - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb23' 1Dec 21Old Colony #2
Lucas Lanzo - 11th Grade
300 Meters39.17Dec 21Old Colony #2
Joseph Lennon-Phillips - 10th Grade
600 Meters1:41.42PRJan 2Frosh/Soph Large School
2 Miles12:12.5hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
Daniel Loiselle - 11th Grade
1000 Meters2:50.99PRJan 31Last Chance to Qualify Meet
1 Mile5:09.2hDec 21Old Colony #2
Darius Luster - 8th Grade
600 Meters2:08.7hDec 21Old Colony #2
1000 Meters4:01.2hPRDec 11Old Colony #1
Rajendrak Mahabir - 10th Grade
300 Meters42.47Jan 2Frosh/Soph Large School
Rajendrakumar Mahabir - 10th Grade
300 Meters41.98Dec 21Old Colony #2
Eric Martir - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb34' 7.5PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Michael Martir - 8th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.26PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Zachary Morgan - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb37' 7PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Jack Murphy - 9th Grade
600 Meters2:14.1hDec 21Old Colony #2
Zachary Nelson - 10th Grade
55 Meter Dash7.88PRDec 11Old Colony #1
600 Meters1:44.3hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
Charles Nystrom - 9th Grade
1000 Meters3:07.02Jan 2Frosh/Soph Large School
Nicholas O' toole - 10th Grade
1 Mile5:11.68PRJan 2Frosh/Soph Large School
Ben O'Toole - 8th Grade
1 Mile5:29.7hDec 11Old Colony #1
Nicholas O'Toole - 10th Grade
2 Miles11:25.1hPRDec 11Old Colony #1
Christopher Rubin - 8th Grade
55 Meter Dash7.83PRDec 11Old Colony #1
300 Meters42.81PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Daniel Rufo - 8th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.66PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Long Jump11' 9.75PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Nathan Ryan - 12th Grade
600 Meters1:35.4hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
Liam Sives - 9th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.81PRDec 11Old Colony #1
55m Hurdles - 39"12.47PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Harrison Snook - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb34' 2PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Ian Steenstra - 12th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.99Dec 21Old Colony #2
Ray Todoroff - 12th Grade
1000 Meters2:42.82PRJan 31Last Chance to Qualify Meet
1 Mile4:42.64PRFeb 10MIAA D2 Indoor State Championships
High Jump4' 10PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Ethan Weiner - 8th Grade
1000 Meters3:24.7hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
1 Mile5:52.4hPRDec 11Old Colony #1
Arthur Weinstock - 9th Grade
55 Meter Dash9.96PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Shot Put - 12lb24' 0.5Dec 21Old Colony #2
Ian Wojtowicz - 9th Grade
1000 Meters3:35.2hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
Chase Woodward - 12th Grade
1000 Meters3:08.2hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
High Jump4' 10PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Edward Xu - 8th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.39PRDec 21Old Colony #2


Julia Ashe - 9th Grade
1000 Meters4:09.0hDec 21Old Colony #2
Eve Bancroft - 9th Grade
1000 Meters4:14.2hPRDec 11Old Colony #1
Long Jump10' 8PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Isabella Burbic - 10th Grade
600 Meters2:27.0hDec 11Old Colony #1
Shot Put - 4kg19' 1PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Bridget Conway - 9th Grade
55 Meter Dash10.21PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Shot Put - 4kg20' 2PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Long Jump9' 6.5PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Sophia Cook - 8th Grade
300 Meters49.64cPRDec 11Old Colony #1
McKenna Duff - 9th Grade
300 Meters54.72Dec 21Old Colony #2
Tatiana Dunne - 9th Grade
2 Miles14:34.1hDec 21Old Colony #2
Nevada Elkins - 11th Grade
55 Meter Dash11.06PRDec 11Old Colony #1
55m Hurdles - 33"19.52PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Livia Fontaine - 9th Grade
300 Meters57.31PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Emma Garrity - 9th Grade
1 Mile6:51.6hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
2 Miles14:00.5hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
Renee Gruner-Mitchell - 10th Grade
1000 Meters3:28.0hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
1 Mile5:58.2hPRDec 11Old Colony #1
Jada Henderson - 9th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.87PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Breann Hill - 9th Grade
55 Meter Dash10.69PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Bijon Luczkow - 9th Grade
300 Meters52.93Dec 21Old Colony #2
Rajanigandaha Mahabri - 8th Grade
55 Meter Dash9.17PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Ashley Matoso - 9th Grade
55 Meter Dash10.45PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Halee Murphy - 12th Grade
600 Meters2:10.7hDec 21Old Colony #2
2 Miles13:57.3hPRDec 21Old Colony #2
Margret Peterson - 12th Grade
300 Meters54.54cPRDec 11Old Colony #1
Aliyah Pires - 9th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.89PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Olivia Price - 11th Grade
55 Meter Dash10.04PRDec 11Old Colony #1
55m Hurdles - 33"12.92PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Jasmine Rose - 9th Grade
600 Meters2:06.4hDec 11Old Colony #1
Shot Put - 4kg20' 10.5Dec 11Old Colony #1
Sahara Rose - 11th Grade
1000 Meters4:15.6hPRDec 11Old Colony #1
Madeline Sawyer - 8th Grade
55 Meter Dash8.72PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Julia Thomas - 9th Grade
55 Meter Dash10.36PRDec 11Old Colony #1
Grace Walsh - 9th Grade
600 Meters2:09.3hDec 21Old Colony #2
1 Mile6:11.07Jan 2Frosh/Soph Large School
Long Jump11' 11PRDec 21Old Colony #2
Blue text indicates a mark from the current week.