Athlete Records

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Aidan Acord - 6th Grade
100 Meters15.6hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
High Jump4' 0May 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump11' 2May 3ATA vs Kelly
Jose Ascencio-Lopez - 7th Grade
800 Meters3:20.6hApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
1500 Meters6:24.0hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
80m Hurdles - 30"17.9hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Discus - 1kg45' 0May 3ATA vs Kelly
High JumpPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Cristopher Baimbridge - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.8hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
200 Meters35.4hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
80m Hurdles - 30"16.7hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg39' 0PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Long Jump10' 2PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Angelique Baker - 7th Grade
Discus - 1kg40' 11PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Isaac Barrera - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 8lb27' 2.5PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Discus - 1kg68' 8PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump11' 3.5PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Wesley Baum - 7th Grade
100 Meters19.3hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
200 Meters1:00.4hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg47' 5PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
High Jump3' 8PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Donald Calhoun - 6th Grade
200 Meters39.2hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
400 Meters1:32.1hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Shot Put - 6lb29' 9.5PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Emillia Carpenter - 6th Grade
Discus - 1kg53' 4PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Kaela Childers - 7th Grade
Discus - 1kg43' 9PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Nathan Corcoran - 8th Grade
100 Meters13.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
High Jump4' 4PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump14' 9.5PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Sarah Diess - 7th Grade
Discus - 1kg43' 7PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Shelby Faherty - 8th Grade
Discus - 1kg37' 11PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
David Friedemann - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 8lb25' 7PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg77' 3PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump12' 7PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Kai Fuji - 6th Grade
1500 Meters5:44.0hMay 3ATA vs Kelly
High Jump3' 10PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Saori Fuji - 8th Grade
Discus - 1kg38' 6PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Vance Hargrove - 6th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb17' 7PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
High JumpPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump11' 11PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Forrest Harmon - 7th Grade
80m Hurdles - 30"16.5hApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
High Jump4' 0Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump12' 3Apr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Peyton Hobie - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 8lb31' 3.75PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg68' 0PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Luis Hoffman - 6th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb22' 11PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Discus - 1kg45' 5.5May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump6' 1PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Austin Hubbard - 6th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb25' 8May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg51' 5Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Elias Jimenez-Silva - 6th Grade
100 Meters20.6hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Shot Put - 6lb18' 9PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg38' 3May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump7' 2PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Julia Larson - 8th Grade
Discus - 1kg47' 11PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Alia LeClair-Maddy - 6th Grade
Discus - 1kg35' 7PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Jack Love - 7th Grade
400 Meters1:14.6hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
1500 Meters5:24.6hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 30"16.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Alyssa Martin - 6th Grade
Discus - 1kg27' 7PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Samantha Moesta - 6th Grade
Discus - 1kg36' 11PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
River Moore - 6th Grade
100 Meters15.5hApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 30"16.1hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Shot Put - 6lb26' 9Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Kyle Morales - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.3hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
200 Meters30.5hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump12' 1.5Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Jauki Murphy - 6th Grade
800 Meters3:07.9hMay 3ATA vs Kelly
80m Hurdles - 30"17.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
High Jump4' 2PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Long Jump12' 0Apr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Chance Murray - 6th Grade
100 Meters14.5hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
80m Hurdles - 30"16.2hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
High Jump4' 0PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Nathan Payne - 7th Grade
1500 Meters6:20.1hMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Shot Put - 8lb20' 7.75PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump8' 9PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Joslyn Pfaff - 7th Grade
Discus - 1kg53' 11PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Braden Roemen - 6th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb25' 7Apr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg55' 2.5May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Seth Salle - 6th Grade
100 Meters16.9hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters35.9hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
400 Meters1:48.1hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Shot Put - 6lb20' 11.75PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump9' 4PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Austin Salud - 8th Grade
400 Meters1:11.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
800 Meters2:58.8hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump11' 10.5PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Jason Seiner - 6th Grade
800 Meters3:05.5hMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
1500 Meters6:00.4hMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
High Jump3' 6Apr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Long Jump11' 5PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Matthew Shanaman - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.3hApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters25.0hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump11' 1PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Ava Silvey - 7th Grade
Discus - 1kg34' 1PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Brett Snyder - 8th Grade
100 Meters13.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
400 Meters1:01.6hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
High Jump4' 0PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Kyle Stogsdill - 6th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb24' 1PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Discus - 1kg50' 8PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump10' 5Apr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Joshua Stopher - 6th Grade
100 Meters14.6hApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters30.7hApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 30"15.7hApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump10' 9.5PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Anthony Stotsenberg - 8th Grade
800 Meters3:05.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
1500 Meters6:07.1hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump7' 11PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Trenton Taylor - 6th Grade
100 Meters15.8hApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
200 Meters33.3hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
400 Meters1:12.5hMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
1500 Meters6:23.3hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Jacob Truitt - 7th Grade
800 Meters2:30.0hApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
1500 Meters4:57.5hMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump13' 11.5Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Eric Vasquez-Hernandez - 6th Grade
100 Meters15.8hApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
200 Meters32.3hApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump11' 6Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Giovanni Vasquez-Silva - 6th Grade
400 Meters1:16.2hMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
1500 Meters5:49.9hMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump9' 5PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Sterling Vincent - 7th Grade
Shot Put - 8lb20' 0.5PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg40' 7PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Anthony Wahto - 6th Grade
High JumpPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump9' 3PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Colton White - 6th Grade
200 Meters35.6hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Shot Put - 6lb27' 4PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg55' 7PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Merrill Williams - 7th Grade
800 Meters2:53.6hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
1500 Meters5:38.3hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 30"16.5hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Long Jump12' 8PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Branden Wilson - 8th Grade
100 Meters13.8hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters29.0hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
80m Hurdles - 30"14.7hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
High Jump4' 4PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump13' 11PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Iverson Woodworth-Ambrose - 8th Grade
400 Meters1:04.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
1500 Meters5:24.4hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS


Sirra Anderson - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb24' 10.5PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Angelique Baker - 7th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb21' 9PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg40' 11PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Alexis Barrett - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.3hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters33.3hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
High Jump4' 0PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Sanjuanita Baun - 6th Grade
200 Meters49.0hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Shot Put - 6lb14' 0Apr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Long Jump5' 7Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Janely Becerra - 6th Grade
100 Meters15.2hMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters30.5hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Shot Put - 6lb16' 8Apr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Caitlin Bray - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.2hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters29.9hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Aurora Brown - 7th Grade
400 Meters1:25.0hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
1500 Meters7:24.7hMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Shot Put - 6lb19' 0PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg50' 0May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump9' 0.5PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Emillia Carpenter - 6th Grade
80m Hurdles - 30"13.9hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 33"16.8hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Discus - 1kg53' 4PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
High Jump3' 8Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Kaela Childers - 7th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb20' 8PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg48' 5May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Destiny Christensen - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.7hApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
200 Meters32.9hApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
1500 Meters6:46.3hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Shot Put - 6lb22' 10.75May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
High JumpPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Skylnne Clark - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.5hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 30"15.7hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 33"16.1hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump9' 5PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Grace Dawson - 7th Grade
100 Meters18.1hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Shot Put - 6lb17' 9Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg34' 9May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump7' 5PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Sarah Diess - 7th Grade
800 Meters3:12.6hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg46' 3May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Jazmine Dunmore - 8th Grade
80m Hurdles - 30"17.1hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
80m Hurdles - 33"16.1hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Shot Put - 6lb34' 3PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
High Jump3' 10PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Stormie Ehret - 7th Grade
200 Meters35.6hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump9' 5Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Shelby Faherty - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb18' 7PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Discus - 1kg42' 0PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump9' 0PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Elliott Freeman - 8th Grade
200 Meters41.8hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
800 Meters3:38.9hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 30"20.1hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 33"20.7hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Discus - 1kg37' 1PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Saori Fuji - 8th Grade
800 Meters2:50.9hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
1500 Meters5:28.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg62' 1PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Kylee Gambill - 6th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb19' 10.25May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg30' 0Apr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump8' 10PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Meggie Hoffman - 7th Grade
400 Meters1:50.5hApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg27' 3May 3ATA vs Kelly
Angela Horn - 8th Grade
80m Hurdles - 30"18.1hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg46' 1PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump10' 5.5PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Ellie Jitto - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.5hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters33.2hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
400 Meters1:17.7hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
800 Meters3:14.4hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
80m Hurdles - 30"19.1hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump10' 7PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Jolie Jitto - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.7hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters30.6hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
400 Meters1:16.0hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Long Jump10' 2.5PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Kennedy Lancaster - 7th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb17' 9PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg32' 4PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump9' 0PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Julia Larson - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb24' 0PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg47' 11PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Alia LeClair-Maddy - 6th Grade
100 Meters17.5hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Shot Put - 6lb22' 8.5PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg47' 4May 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump7' 10PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Selena Leres - 8th Grade
100 Meters15.6hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters32.1hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump11' 8PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Emma Lupian - 6th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb13' 0PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg30' 8PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
High JumpPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump5' 11PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Jasmine Malone - 7th Grade
100 Meters13.8hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
200 Meters30.5hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump12' 4PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Alyssa Martin - 6th Grade
100 Meters18.9hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
800 Meters3:56.0hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Shot Put - 6lb17' 1.5PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Discus - 1kg36' 2PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
High JumpPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump7' 1PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Lauren Mayer - 6th Grade
100 Meters17.2hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 30"19.5hApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump8' 11.5May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Makayla Melton - 8th Grade
100 Meters16.3hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Haeley Miller-Eisenbeis - 6th Grade
80m Hurdles - 30"17.3hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
80m Hurdles - 33"17.5hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
High JumpPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump12' 1.5May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Samantha Moesta - 6th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb14' 11May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg36' 1May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Sara Montero - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.7hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
High Jump3' 8PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Olyviah Moriguchi - 6th Grade
100 Meters17.2hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters36.5hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Shot Put - 6lb20' 5Apr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg36' 1.5May 3ATA vs Kelly
Allison Nittler - 6th Grade
400 Meters1:21.5hApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 30"17.2hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 33"17.1hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Natalie Ochs - 6th Grade
100 Meters16.8hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
1500 Meters6:58.4hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump10' 9PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Samantha Olson - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb20' 6PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg36' 8PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump9' 7.5PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Joslyn Pfaff - 7th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb21' 11.5PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Discus - 1kg67' 8PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
High Jump3' 10PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Nora Quick - 7th Grade
100 Meters16.5hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
200 Meters35.2hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
400 Meters1:23.6hMay 3ATA vs Kelly
800 Meters3:26.3hMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump9' 8.5May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Tia Roane - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb20' 8PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg53' 0PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump9' 11PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Anastasia Rusco - 6th Grade
800 Meters4:15.4hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Shot Put - 6lb18' 2PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg44' 0PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump7' 5PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Kaleyah Rusco - 7th Grade
400 Meters1:37.1hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Shot Put - 6lb19' 8.25PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump7' 4PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Kara Ryker - 6th Grade
400 Meters1:24.1hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
800 Meters3:12.0hApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
1500 Meters6:24.2hMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump11' 10.25May 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Carlie Salud - 8th Grade
800 Meters3:04.2hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
High JumpPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump9' 0.5PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Holly Sand - 8th Grade
1500 Meters6:29.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Shot Put - 6lb22' 6.25PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump10' 10PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Cedar Schaffer - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.4hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters30.8hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
1500 Meters6:24.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump11' 5PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Ava Silvey - 7th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb17' 6PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg34' 1PRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
High Jump3' 10PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Leah Snyder - 8th Grade
800 Meters3:10.5hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
1500 Meters6:10.0hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
Discus - 1kg29' 3PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Sarah Stogsdill - 8th Grade
400 Meters1:13.7hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Emily Tatsumi - 8th Grade
200 Meters31.7hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 30"15.6hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 33"14.4hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
High Jump3' 10PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Cybela Teran-Reiley - 6th Grade
100 Meters14.5hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
200 Meters29.4hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
400 Meters1:15.7hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
80m Hurdles - 30"16.3hPRApr 19Kelly vs Spencer Butte
80m Hurdles - 33"16.7hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Long Jump12' 6.5PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Cassandra Tippetts - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.7hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
200 Meters32.0hPRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Raelynn Torres - 8th Grade
100 Meters16.8hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
400 Meters1:29.7hPRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Araceli Vega - 6th Grade
800 Meters4:22.8hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Shot Put - 6lb19' 5PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Discus - 1kg44' 2PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump7' 0PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Houston Wahto - 8th Grade
High Jump4' 2PRApr 26Monroe MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump13' 7PRMay 3ATA vs Kelly
Jessica Welch - 8th Grade
800 Meters3:03.8hPRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Long Jump10' 6PRMay 10Madison MS vs Kelly MS
Blue text indicates a mark from the current week.