Athlete Records

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Connor Atkinson - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.54cPRMar 12Go for the Goat
200 Meters27.54cMar 12Go for the Goat
400 Meters57.98May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
High Jump4' 8May 1Landon Mini Invitational
Cyrus Bahadori - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:58.29PRMay 1Landon Mini Invitational
1 Mile5:59.66PRApr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
Jeffrey Billingslea - 12th Grade
300m Hurdles - 36"43.99PRMay 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Ed Booth - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb28' 11Apr 20McNamara Mustangs Invitational
Discus - 1.6kg88' 5May 1Landon Mini Invitational
Triple Jump29' 5.5PRMar 12Go for the Goat
Cole Bransford - 10th Grade
400 Meters51.27May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
800 Meters2:03.9hMar 12Go for the Goat
Peter Brennan - 10th Grade
1600 Meters5:02.52May 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
Ben Bush - 11th Grade
400 Meters53.64cPRMay 18VISAA State Championships
800 Meters1:59.16PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
Bennett Caplin - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.04cMar 12Go for the Goat
200 Meters24.70PRApr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
Long Jump11' 5.25PRMar 12Go for the Goat
Triple Jump33' 2May 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
Jason Carnes - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb35' 2May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Matt Carrington-Fair - 10th Grade
100 Meters11.84cPRMar 12Go for the Goat
200 Meters26.54cApr 6Potomac Invitational
Long Jump17' 4PRApr 6Potomac Invitational
MAtt Dungan - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.12PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
200 Meters25.24May 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
Randy Frank - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb38' 8PRMay 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Discus - 1.6kg70' 4PRApr 6Potomac Invitational
Mateen Ghassemi - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.92PRMay 1Landon Mini Invitational
200 Meters30.34cPRMay 6ISL/MAC "B Championships"
Tucker Gibson - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:22.05Apr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
1600 Meters5:15.7hApr 6Potomac Invitational
3200 Meters11:38.7hMar 12Go for the Goat
Patrick Gustafason - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb23' 6May 18VISAA State Championships
Discus - 1.6kg59' 10PRMay 1Landon Mini Invitational
Mark Kensinger - 11th Grade
1600 Meters5:24.0hApr 6Potomac Invitational
3200 Meters11:54.65May 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
Nick Kensinger - 12th Grade
400 Meters52.89PRApr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
800 Meters2:03.3hPRMar 12Go for the Goat
1 Mile4:41.33PRApr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
Elliot Kim - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:18.46PRApr 20McNamara Mustangs Invitational
1600 Meters5:54.9hMar 12Go for the Goat
1 Mile5:54.89PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
3200 Meters13:16.0hPRApr 6Potomac Invitational
Parker Kobayashi - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:26.8hApr 6Potomac Invitational
1600 Meters5:41.8hMar 12Go for the Goat
Michael Liao - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb26' 4.5May 1Landon Mini Invitational
Discus - 1.6kg77' 7PRMay 1Landon Mini Invitational
Connor Logue - 10th Grade
110m Hurdles - 39"20.34cApr 6Potomac Invitational
300m Hurdles - 36"49.34cMar 12Go for the Goat
Matt Loughney - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.34cPRMar 12Go for the Goat
Long Jump19' 1May 18VISAA State Championships
Triple Jump38' 10.5PRMay 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Evan May - 11th Grade
400 Meters56.62PRMay 1Landon Mini Invitational
800 Meters2:21.3hPRApr 6Potomac Invitational
Adam Moses - 11th Grade
400 Meters55.24cPRMay 18VISAA State Championships
800 Meters2:02.43PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
Toby Robinson - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:31.9hApr 6Potomac Invitational
1600 Meters5:27.3hMay 6ISL/MAC "B Championships"
Long Jump16' 6.25PRMar 12Go for the Goat
Hale Ross - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:06.3hPRMar 12Go for the Goat
1600 Meters4:29.11May 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
1 Mile4:34.04PRApr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
3200 Meters9:45.00May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Tyler Sanders - 9th Grade
Discus - 1.6kg94' 0PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
Gianmarco Terrones - 9th Grade
1600 Meters4:54.7hMay 18VISAA State Championships
3200 Meters11:19.6hMar 12Go for the Goat
Long Jump14' 2.75PRMar 12Go for the Goat
Max Urbany - 11th Grade
200 Meters25.54cMar 12Go for the Goat
400 Meters53.58May 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
Grant Voeks - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb41' 7May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Discus - 1.6kg121' 9May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships


Kelsey Brandon - 11th Grade
200 Meters28.04cMar 12Go for the Goat
400 Meters1:00.02PRMay 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Michelle Brouckman - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:34.14May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Marisa Colon - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.34cPRMay 6ISL/MAC "B Championships"
200 Meters30.51Apr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
Long Jump9' 11PRMar 12Go for the Goat
Lili Davoudian - 12th Grade
High Jump4' 6Apr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
Caroline Dove - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:36.3hPRMar 12Go for the Goat
Sophie Dunkelberger - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:33.5hPRMar 12Go for the Goat
1600 Meters5:43.44PRApr 20McNamara Mustangs Invitational
1 Mile5:54.34PRApr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
Charlotte Ferenbach - 12th Grade
1600 Meters6:06.5hPRApr 6Potomac Invitational
1 Mile6:40.77PRApr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
3200 Meters14:30.41PRApr 20McNamara Mustangs Invitational
Linda Kate Gilbreath - 11th Grade
400 Meters1:08.64cPRApr 6Potomac Invitational
1600 Meters6:12.4hPRMar 12Go for the Goat
Olivia Givens - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.26PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
200 Meters27.10PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
400 Meters1:03.34cPRMar 12Go for the Goat
Danielle Grae - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:04.00PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
Rachel Granovsky - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:53.51Apr 20McNamara Mustangs Invitational
1 Mile5:48.54PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
3200 Meters12:24.41May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Rachel Greaney - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:44.9hPRMar 12Go for the Goat
Mary-Kate Hall - 12th Grade
400 Meters1:06.84cPRApr 6Potomac Invitational
Sophie Hearn - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:38.65Apr 20McNamara Mustangs Invitational
1600 Meters6:25.7hPRApr 6Potomac Invitational
Julia Keller - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:47.2hPRMar 12Go for the Goat
3200 Meters14:10.51Apr 20McNamara Mustangs Invitational
Amelia Klitenic - 9th Grade
1600 Meters6:49.31May 1Landon Mini Invitational
1 Mile6:51.49PRApr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
3200 Meters15:20.5hApr 6Potomac Invitational
Olivia Kobayashi - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.69May 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
200 Meters27.56May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Tiffany Luehrs - 11th Grade
400 Meters1:18.34cPRMar 12Go for the Goat
100m Hurdles - 33"18.79May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
300m Hurdles - 30"54.43May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Amanda Maruca - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:58.9hPRMay 6ISL/MAC "B Championships"
Catie Mathias - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:48.5hPRMay 6ISL/MAC "B Championships"
Erykah Murray - 9th Grade
100 Meters14.54cApr 6Potomac Invitational
200 Meters30.14cApr 6Potomac Invitational
400 Meters1:10.34cPRMar 12Go for the Goat
Brittany Nguon - 10th Grade
1600 Meters6:44.8hPRMay 6ISL/MAC "B Championships"
Kate O'Brien - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:55.5hPRMay 6ISL/MAC "B Championships"
Long Jump13' 9.25PRMay 6ISL/MAC "B Championships"
Alex Pancake - 12th Grade
1600 Meters6:02.91May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Bria Peace - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:05.04cMar 12Go for the Goat
Long Jump14' 1.5Apr 20McNamara Mustangs Invitational
Triple Jump29' 7Apr 20McNamara Mustangs Invitational
Kate Peters - 9th Grade
1600 Meters6:27.0hPRMay 6ISL/MAC "B Championships"
Maria Rachal - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:41.94Apr 20McNamara Mustangs Invitational
1600 Meters6:02.45PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
Hannah Repke - 11th Grade
Triple Jump30' 8.25PRMar 12Go for the Goat
Sydney Robinson - 11th Grade
100 Meters14.28PRMay 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
200 Meters29.46May 1Landon Mini Invitational
Long Jump12' 2Apr 6Potomac Invitational
Jessica Selig - 9th Grade
800 Meters3:02.6hApr 6Potomac Invitational
Gabby Smith - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.14cMar 12Go for the Goat
200 Meters29.02Apr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
400 Meters1:07.44cPRMar 12Go for the Goat
Shot Put - 4kg19' 1PRMay 18VISAA State Championships
Caroline Spartin - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:40.98May 1Landon Mini Invitational
1600 Meters5:55.70Apr 278th Annual Cassel's XBC Track Experience
3200 Meters12:34.07PRMay 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
Joy Stewart - 9th Grade
800 Meters3:31.3hApr 6Potomac Invitational
1600 Meters7:27.29May 1Landon Mini Invitational
1 Mile7:49.55PRApr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
Emily Tran - 9th Grade
200 Meters29.34cApr 6Potomac Invitational
400 Meters1:07.04cApr 6Potomac Invitational
Natasha Urbany - 11th Grade
100 Meters14.22PRMay 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
400 Meters54.58PRMay 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
300m Hurdles - 30"55.04cPRMar 12Go for the Goat
Tricia Yeonas - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:35.33PRMay 332nd General Philip Draper Invitational
1600 Meters5:56.13May 10ISL / MAC Track & Field Championships
1 Mile5:55.84PRApr 13Saints Track & Field Showcase
Blue text indicates a mark from the current week.