Athlete Records

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Mason Adams - 6th Grade
100 Meters13.2hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200 Meters30.4hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
High Jump4' 4PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump12' 0PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Jovon Aragon - 8th Grade
100 Meters13.9hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
200 Meters28.9hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Long Jump14' 3PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Jessen Aschenbrenner - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.5hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
200m Hurdles - 30"35.6hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Long Jump12' 2PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Fernando Bareterro - 8th Grade
200 Meters35.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
800 Meters2:33.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
1600 Meters5:43.0hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
High Jump4' 8PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Long Jump15' 4PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Triple Jump32' 6PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Adrian Barretero - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.8hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
200 Meters34.2hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Long Jump11' 1.5PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Brandon Becker - 7th Grade
100 Meters17.3hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
75m Hurdles - 36"30.6hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Long Jump10' 3Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Triple Jump21' 6Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Harrison Bittner - 8th Grade
800 Meters2:50.1hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
1600 Meters6:01.0hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Triple Jump25' 4PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Braxxton Burroughs - 7th Grade
Long Jump10' 0Mar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump21' 8Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Steven Doyle - 8th Grade
200m Hurdles - 30"34.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Discus - 1kg71' 2PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
High Jump4' 6PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Long Jump13' 11PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Matthew Dunkleman - 8th Grade
100 Meters13.9hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Shot Put - 4kg39' 10PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Andrew Foster - 8th Grade
100 Meters15.2hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
1600 Meters6:22.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
75m Hurdles - 36"16.8hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Long Jump11' 0PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Tyce Gartner - 8th Grade
3200 Meters13:45.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
75m Hurdles - 36"15.3hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
200m Hurdles - 30"33.3hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
High Jump4' 8PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Hernan Gonzalez - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.5hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
200 Meters31.5hApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
400 Meters1:14.9hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
800 Meters3:29.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
75m Hurdles - 36"17.5hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
James Greenup - 7th Grade
100 Meters13.7hMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
200 Meters29.4hMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
75m Hurdles - 36"14.6hApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
200m Hurdles - 30"34.4hApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Walker Grove - 8th Grade
200m Hurdles - 30"35.1hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Discus - 1kg75' 7PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Long Jump12' 9PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Aundrew Henry - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.8hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
75m Hurdles - 36"16.2hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Long Jump12' 1PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Alex Hershberger - 7th Grade
800 Meters2:30.8hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
3200 Meters11:58.6hMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Aidan James - 6th Grade
200 Meters28.3hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
400 Meters1:09.1hApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Shot Put - 4kg28' 7.5Apr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Jared Kasprzak - 8th Grade
200 Meters26.7hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
400 Meters59.9hMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Shot Put - 4kg47' 0.5PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Discus - 1kg134' 6.5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Cody Kiess - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.1hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Long Jump14' 10PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Tony Klagge - 8th Grade
800 Meters2:30.9hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
1600 Meters5:32.0hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
3200 Meters11:15.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Triple Jump29' 5PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Adam Knight - 8th Grade
1600 Meters6:41.0hApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Discus - 1kg46' 0PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump20' 7PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Junio Lang - 6th Grade
100 Meters14.4hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
200 Meters29.7hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
800 Meters2:32.1hMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
1600 Meters5:48.0hApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Long Jump13' 9Mar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Cameron Lemus - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg35' 5PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Discus - 1kg97' 4PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
High Jump4' 6PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump13' 3PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump31' 10.5PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Tommy Meyer - 7th Grade
200 Meters33.2hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump10' 10Mar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Alex Moyer - 8th Grade
100 Meters13.7hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200 Meters28.5hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump13' 3.5PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Triple Jump29' 7PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Donovan Murphy - 8th Grade
75m Hurdles - 36"15.1hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Triple Jump26' 2PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Ehret Nottingham - 7th Grade
200 Meters35.2hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Shot Put - 4kg24' 7Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Discus - 1kg62' 0.5Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Saul Parra - 7th Grade
200 Meters30.9hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
800 Meters2:33.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
1600 Meters6:20.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Ben Pederson - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.3hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200 Meters30.4hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
75m Hurdles - 36"18.2hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Shot Put - 4kg25' 1.5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Discus - 1kg86' 5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Sterling Pettit - 8th Grade
100 Meters13.7hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
High Jump4' 8PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump31' 5PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Jacob Regalado - 7th Grade
800 Meters2:58.0hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
1600 Meters6:01.0hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Ethan Rigdon - 7th Grade
Long Jump10' 1.5PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Peter Ritschard - 7th Grade
400 Meters1:06.7hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
1600 Meters6:04.0hApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
3200 Meters13:01.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Triple Jump25' 2Mar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Martin Rodriguez - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg35' 6PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Discus - 1kg105' 9PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Luis Sanchez - 7th Grade
200 Meters37.9hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Aden Shaffer - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.7hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
200 Meters29.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
400 Meters1:06.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Grant SInclair - 8th Grade
100 Meters13.9hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
75m Hurdles - 36"15.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
200m Hurdles - 30"33.5hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump13' 1PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Derek Sirokman - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.2hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200 Meters30.5hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
400 Meters1:16.1hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
800 Meters3:12.4hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Garrett Solin - 7th Grade
100 Meters16.4hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
75m Hurdles - 36"17.8hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
200m Hurdles - 30"40.2hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Discus - 1kg51' 11.5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Long Jump11' 5PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Shyloh Talbot - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.6hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200 Meters32.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
400 Meters1:08.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Long Jump11' 6.75PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Kobi Turner - 6th Grade
100 Meters13.5hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200 Meters30.0hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
400 Meters1:08.0hApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Long Jump12' 2.5Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Kellis Ward - 8th Grade
3200 Meters12:59.0hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200m Hurdles - 30"35.8hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump13' 2PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump28' 10PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Liam Whitacre - 7th Grade
200 Meters31.6hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
400 Meters1:20.0hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Long Jump11' 6Mar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump22' 9Mar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball


Hannha Atkin - 8th Grade
High Jump4' 0PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Raleigh Basart - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.9hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
400 Meters1:13.0hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Shot Put - 6lb28' 0Apr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Discus - 1kg61' 6.5Apr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump12' 1Mar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Kara Benner - 8th Grade
200 Meters30.7hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Shot Put - 6lb28' 8PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Long Jump14' 4PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Emily Black - 7th Grade
800 Meters2:42.0hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
1600 Meters6:01.0hApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
75m Hurdles - 30"15.2hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
200m Hurdles - 30"36.0hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Alysa Bohm - 7th Grade
200 Meters37.3hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200m Hurdles - 30"49.4hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Long Jump8' 2PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Baylee Branscum - 7th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb23' 4.5PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Discus - 1kg46' 0.5PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Long Jump8' 0PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Jordann Brown-Thompson - 6th Grade
100 Meters14.2hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200 Meters30.4hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump10' 3Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Natsuda Bunphila - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.2hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
400 Meters1:10.5hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Isabella Cambron - 7th Grade
100 Meters20.6hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200 Meters38.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Dana Casey - 7th Grade
200 Meters30.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
400 Meters1:07.0hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Long Jump12' 10Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Yessenia Chavez - 6th Grade
1600 Meters6:42.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
3200 Meters15:11.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Grace Clark - 7th Grade
Discus - 1kg35' 5PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Triple Jump21' 0PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Mahayla Copeland - 7th Grade
100 Meters17.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
400 Meters1:48.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Discus - 1kg37' 1.5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Long Jump9' 3.5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Alexis Diaz - 8th Grade
1600 Meters7:38.0hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Long Jump9' 6PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Makayla Dill - 7th Grade
Discus - 1kg37' 4PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump10' 5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Sophia Domago - 8th Grade
100 Meters15.4hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
800 Meters3:14.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Sydney Duertsche - 6th Grade
1600 Meters6:38.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
3200 Meters13:56.0hApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Shot Put - 6lb17' 9PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Triple Jump24' 5Apr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Kaylee Echard - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.4hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Shot Put - 6lb19' 9Apr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Discus - 1kg40' 11Apr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Long Jump9' 8.5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Abby Egle - 8th Grade
3200 Meters18:24.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Discus - 1kg41' 7.5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Long Jump9' 9Apr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Maddy Frink - 7th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb27' 1Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Discus - 1kg56' 4Apr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Katya Gaytan - 8th Grade
100 Meters15.9hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
75m Hurdles - 30"15.5hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Triple Jump22' 4PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Brenda Hernandez - 7th Grade
100 Meters16.3hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
200 Meters35.5hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Discus - 1kg34' 4PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Sam Impens - 7th Grade
200 Meters35.2hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
1600 Meters7:08.0hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
High Jump4' 0PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Long Jump12' 2PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump24' 9Mar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Izze Johnson - 8th Grade
800 Meters2:38.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
3200 Meters13:02.0hMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Emilee Keen - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.4hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Long Jump12' 0Mar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Triple Jump25' 4Mar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Camryn Kelly - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
400 Meters1:09.0hMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
High Jump4' 4PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Riley Kennison - 7th Grade
Long Jump10' 10PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump24' 0.25PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Katy Kness - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.6hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
800 Meters3:17.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
75m Hurdles - 30"15.8hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Mattie Kolb - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.7hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
200 Meters32.0hApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Shot Put - 6lb16' 4.5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Discus - 1kg34' 0PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Lauren Lehigh - 7th Grade
100 Meters13.8hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
200 Meters29.9hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Long Jump14' 4Apr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Tigerlily Lopez - 7th Grade
400 Meters1:14.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
1600 Meters6:59.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Long Jump9' 10PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Brittany Martinko - 7th Grade
800 Meters3:04.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Triple Jump22' 0PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Josie McCauley - 8th Grade
3200 Meters15:44.0hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Shot Put - 6lb20' 5PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump8' 7PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump16' 7PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Hallie McCrimmon - 8th Grade
100 Meters15.9hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
75m Hurdles - 30"15.8hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
200m Hurdles - 30"40.5hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Discus - 1kg53' 3.25PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Dawson McDonough - 7th Grade
100 Meters17.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
200m Hurdles - 30"40.9hMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Long Jump10' 2PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Dusty Miller - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.7hMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
75m Hurdles - 30"14.2hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
200m Hurdles - 30"36.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Arianna Newby - 8th Grade
400 Meters1:26.9hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Shot Put - 6lb21' 6PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Discus - 1kg46' 10PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Triple Jump21' 10PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Katlyn Pettit - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.7hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
200 Meters34.7hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
800 Meters3:13.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Discus - 1kg54' 10PRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Melanie Ramos - 7th Grade
100 Meters18.3hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Shot Put - 6lb18' 9PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Discus - 1kg46' 0PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Jordan Rodriguez - 8th Grade
800 Meters2:48.2hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Long Jump13' 1.5PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Triple Jump29' 1.5PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Cristina Romero - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.9hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
200 Meters31.5hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump28' 3Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Chelsea Schroeder - 8th Grade
100 Meters16.2hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
200 Meters32.5hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Long Jump10' 5.75PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Triple Jump25' 8PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Kyla Schuetz - 7th Grade
400 Meters1:15.9hApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
800 Meters2:51.5hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
1600 Meters6:58.0hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200m Hurdles - 30"36.9hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Triple Jump26' 0Mar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Grace Seeger - 7th Grade
800 Meters2:58.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
1600 Meters7:46.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Simone Spangler - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.4hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200 Meters33.3hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
1600 Meters7:06.0hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
75m Hurdles - 30"15.2hPRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Long Jump12' 10PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Laurel Stobbe - 8th Grade
75m Hurdles - 30"16.8hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
200m Hurdles - 30"47.4hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Discus - 1kg44' 1PRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
Adison Thorp - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.3hPRMar 19Bill Reed vs. Con Ball
High Jump4' 2PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Rebecca Valdez - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb33' 0PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Discus - 1kg83' 9PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Leontien Ven - 7th Grade
100 Meters16.3hPRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
200 Meters35.0hPRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Discus - 1kg48' 10PRApr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Megan Voeller - 7th Grade
1600 Meters6:37.0hMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
High Jump3' 8Apr 23Bill Reed vs. Severance
Triple Jump25' 8Mar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Shashone Walker - 6th Grade
100 Meters14.2hApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
200 Meters30.0hMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Sarah Wolfe - 7th Grade
100 Meters19.6hPRApr 9Bill Reed MS vs. Walt Clark MS
Shot Put - 6lb14' 4PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Discus - 1kg26' 7.5PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Cindy Ybarra - 8th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb30' 2PRMar 26Bill Reed vs. Erwin
Discus - 1kg76' 1.25PRApr 16Bill Reed vs. Windsor
Blue text indicates a mark from the current week.