Athlete Records

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Jamison Beer - 3rd Grade
100 Meters21.24cApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
200 Meters46.44cMay 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
Long Jump5' 10May 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
Standing Long Jump3' 9Apr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
Evan Bendersky - 4th Grade
100 Meters21.04cPRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
200 Meters48.34cPRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
Long Jump6' 9PRMay 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
Standing Long Jump4' 0PRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
Jacob Biscan - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.24cApr 1Dioc of Cleveland Meet #2-Lavelli Field
800 Meters2:26.52PRMay 21Dioc of Cleveland Championship
Long Jump15' 10.5PRMay 16Dioc of Cleveland-District 4-Independence
Louie Blasiole - 5th Grade
100 Meters15.24cApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
400 Meters1:13.14cPRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
High Jump4' 0PRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Anthony Ennemoser - 6th Grade
200 Meters41.04cPRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
400 Meters1:31.94cPRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
1600 Meters7:50.0hApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
High Jump3' 8PRMay 17Dioc of Cleveland-Section C-Hudson
Standing Long Jump5' 3Apr 1Dioc of Cleveland Meet #2-Lavelli Field
Carter Giacomo - 6th Grade
100 Meters15.74cPRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
200 Meters34.14cPRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
High Jump3' 8PRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Long Jump8' 9.5PRApr 1Dioc of Cleveland Meet #2-Lavelli Field
Maxwell Hardy - 3rd Grade
100 Meters17.64cApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
200 Meters42.04cPRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
400 Meters1:22.84cPRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
800 Meters3:25.0hApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
1600 Meters7:20.0hMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Long Jump7' 0.25PRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
Jaiden Harris - 7th Grade
100 Meters14.44cApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
200 Meters30.54cApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
Long Jump13' 11.5May 17Dioc of Cleveland-Section C-Hudson
Caden Heineking - 8th Grade
100 Meters17.64cApr 1Dioc of Cleveland Meet #2-Lavelli Field
Shot Put - 4kg21' 9PRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
Long Jump8' 10.75PRApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
Standing Long Jump6' 6PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Jack Heineking - 6th Grade
100 Meters17.94cApr 1Dioc of Cleveland Meet #2-Lavelli Field
800 Meters3:09.4hMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Shot Put - 6lb20' 8PRApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
Long Jump11' 2.75May 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Luke Heineking - 3rd Grade
100 Meters19.94cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
200 Meters44.14cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
400 Meters1:42.84cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Long Jump6' 5Apr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Standing Long Jump4' 7Apr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
Jacob Hier - 5th Grade
Shot Put - 6lb18' 11May 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
Standing Long Jump5' 0.5May 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Mason Hier - 7th Grade
200m Hurdles - 30"37.24cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Noah Hier - 3rd Grade
100 Meters19.04cApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
200 Meters39.44cPRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
400 Meters1:23.14cApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
800 Meters3:13.3hMay 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
1600 Meters6:50.0hMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Long Jump9' 5.75May 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
Standing Long Jump5' 3Apr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
Myles Mathys - 6th Grade
800 Meters3:41.71May 17Dioc of Cleveland-Section C-Hudson
1600 Meters6:23.0hPRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Connor McLaughlin - 5th Grade
100 Meters16.04cApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
200 Meters33.04cApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
400 Meters1:22.44cPRApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
High Jump3' 8May 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
Long Jump10' 3Apr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Michael Michniak - 3rd Grade
200 Meters45.04cMay 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
400 Meters1:40.14cApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Long Jump7' 4May 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
Standing Long Jump4' 6PRApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
Stephen Michniak - 6th Grade
100 Meters17.34cPRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
800 Meters3:06.7hMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
1600 Meters6:59.0hApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
High Jump3' 6PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Long Jump9' 9.75May 17Dioc of Cleveland-Section C-Hudson
Liam Mitchell - 6th Grade
100 Meters16.14cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
200 Meters33.54PRMay 17Dioc of Cleveland-Section C-Hudson
400 Meters1:20.84cPRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Long Jump10' 9.25PRMay 17Dioc of Cleveland-Section C-Hudson
Nicholas Rushnok - 4th Grade
100 Meters20.54cPRApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
200 Meters45.64cApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
400 Meters1:46.14cApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Long Jump7' 11.5Apr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Standing Long Jump4' 4Apr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Colin Scahill - 8th Grade
800 Meters2:50.8hPRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
1600 Meters6:22.0hPRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
Standing Long Jump6' 10.5PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Liam Scherer - 5th Grade
100 Meters17.74cPRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
200 Meters39.34cPRApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
400 Meters1:38.94cPRMay 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
High Jump3' 6PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Long Jump9' 8PRApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
Austin Smith - 5th Grade
100 Meters17.14cApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
400 Meters1:36.14cApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
800 Meters3:26.0hMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
1600 Meters7:35.0hMay 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
High Jump3' 8May 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
Long Jump10' 2May 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Standing Long Jump5' 2Apr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Jacob Smith - 3rd Grade
100 Meters16.34cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
400 Meters1:25.64cMay 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
Long Jump10' 0.5May 9Dioc of Cleveland Meet #52-Lavelli Field
Standing Long Jump5' 6Apr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
Joey Stephan - 5th Grade
100 Meters18.44cApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
200 Meters38.14cApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
400 Meters1:25.44cPRApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
High Jump3' 8PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Long Jump8' 0.5Apr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
David Verba - 7th Grade
100 Meters16.34cPRApr 1Dioc of Cleveland Meet #2-Lavelli Field
200 Meters41.94cPRApr 1Dioc of Cleveland Meet #2-Lavelli Field
400 Meters1:12.14cPRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
High Jump3' 8PRApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
Long Jump12' 3.25PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Standing Long Jump6' 5PRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban


Mariah Carter - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.12PRMay 16Dioc of Cleveland-District 4-Independence
200 Meters29.44cPRApr 1Dioc of Cleveland Meet #2-Lavelli Field
Standing Long Jump7' 0PRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Standing Vertical Jump6' 11.75May 16Dioc of Cleveland-District 4-Independence
Magen Case - 4th Grade
100 Meters19.04cPRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
200 Meters42.44cPRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
Long Jump8' 2May 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Standing Long Jump4' 8PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Samantha Hier - 8th Grade
400 Meters1:13.32PRMay 16Dioc of Cleveland-District 4-Independence
800 Meters3:02.6hPRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Kolleen Lewis - 7th Grade
100 Meters15.74cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
200 Meters33.64cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Maria Lonneman - 6th Grade
100 Meters17.14cApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
200m Hurdles - 30"41.04cPRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Shot Put - 6lb23' 3Apr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
High Jump4' 0May 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Kathryn Milton - 8th Grade
100 Meters14.94cApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
200 Meters32.04cPRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
400 Meters1:14.75PRMay 16Dioc of Cleveland-District 4-Independence
Standing Vertical Jump6' 9May 16Dioc of Cleveland-District 4-Independence
Standing Long Jump6' 11PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Abbi Novotny - 5th Grade
100 Meters16.74cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
200 Meters35.84cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Long Jump9' 4May 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Anna Parham - 6th Grade
100 Meters15.84cMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
200 Meters40.44cApr 26Dioc of Cleveland Meet #27-U of Akron
Long Jump10' 2.25May 17Dioc of Cleveland-Section C-Hudson
Standing Long Jump6' 4.5May 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Standing Vertical Jump5' 11.5May 17Dioc of Cleveland-Section C-Hudson
Isabell Parshall - 4th Grade
100 Meters17.24cPRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
200 Meters36.34cPRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Long Jump9' 5.5PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Standing Vertical Jump4' 9PRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
Standing Long Jump5' 4.75PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Caley Scahill - 6th Grade
800 Meters3:04.0hApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
1600 Meters6:48.27PRMay 17Dioc of Cleveland-Section C-Hudson
Shot Put - 6lb17' 5PRApr 12Dioc of Cleveland Meet #9-Hoban
High Jump3' 6PRApr 19 Dioc of Cleveland Meet #17-Hoban
Gwen Sterrett - 6th Grade
400 Meters1:15.81May 17Dioc of Cleveland-Section C-Hudson
High Jump3' 6May 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Cameron Zucchero - 8th Grade
100 Meters17.14cPRApr 1Dioc of Cleveland Meet #2-Lavelli Field
200 Meters35.78PRMay 16Dioc of Cleveland-District 4-Independence
Standing Long Jump6' 3.5PRMay 3Dioc of Cleveland Meet #36-U of Akron
Blue text indicates a mark from the current week.