Athlete Records

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Jude Barbano - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:19.59PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
1600 Meters5:01.74PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
3200 Meters10:56.34PRApr 23North East Valley Championships
Tyler Bassett - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.69 (-.1)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
200 Meters29.31 (-.3)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Marcus Booth - 9th Grade
100 Meters17.51PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Long Jump9' 5PRMar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Colton Breul - 12th Grade
100 Meters12.11Mar 28Westview at Horizon
200 Meters24.32 (-.3)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
400 Meters58.04PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Long Jump16' 9Mar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Brycen Brown - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:06.28Apr 23North East Valley Championships
1600 Meters4:42.93Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
3200 Meters10:27.80Mar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Donovan Castillo - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.10 (-1.2)Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
400 Meters50.26May 2AIA Division I Championship
800 Meters2:15.76Mar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Zane CorbinWeidner - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.18 (-1.2)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
200 Meters24.78 (-.2)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
High Jump5' 0PRMar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Grayson Dannels - 9th Grade
200 Meters31.75PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
800 Meters2:35.31PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters6:17.02PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Dylan Eichacker - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb28' 2PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Discus - 1.6kg99' 3PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Javelin - 800g57' 9PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Christopher Ekmekjian - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.52Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
200 Meters28.43Mar 28Westview at Horizon
Gerald Faris - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:25.60Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
1600 Meters4:58.13PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
3200 Meters11:10.98Mar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Ethan Ferguson - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.72PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
200 Meters28.16Apr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
400 Meters1:06.24Apr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
800 Meters3:11.54Mar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
1600 Meters6:58.36Mar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Robert Frassanito - 10th Grade
200 Meters27.36PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
400 Meters59.28PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
300m Hurdles - 36"50.32PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Allen George - 12th Grade
100 Meters13.77PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
800 Meters2:17.89PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters5:56.90Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Daniel Gidaro - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:11.17Mar 2478th NIKE Chandler Rotary Open
1600 Meters4:46.89PRMar 10Husky Invite
3200 Meters10:40.66Mar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Nash Giffin - 11th Grade
100 Meters11.52 (.6)Apr 23North East Valley Championships
200 Meters23.39 (.2)Mar 2478th NIKE Chandler Rotary Open
400 Meters58.45Mar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Shot Put - 12lb40' 6.5Apr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
Javelin - 800g141' 2May 2AIA Division I Championship
Long Jump21' 2 (1.0)PRMar 2478th NIKE Chandler Rotary Open
Benjamin Giordano - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb32' 4PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Discus - 1.6kg83' 1Mar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Nicholas Giunta - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb32' 5.5Mar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Discus - 1.6kg80' 3PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Adam Hamman - 9th Grade
200 Meters28.07PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
400 Meters1:01.00PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Long Jump15' 2PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Erik Hedberg - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:35.08Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
1600 Meters5:48.66Apr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Quinton Heit - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:01.03PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
800 Meters2:39.71Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Ray Joseph - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:38.98Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Javelin - 800g127' 8PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
High Jump5' 8Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Triple Jump26' 10.5Mar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Kase Kistler - 10th Grade
100 Meters11.96PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
200 Meters24.37Mar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
400 Meters52.79PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
JD Klever - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb32' 9PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Discus - 1.6kg92' 7.5PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Jordan Kozlowsky - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb37' 1Mar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Discus - 1.6kg108' 10Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Javelin - 800g115' 7Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Ethan Lavrusky - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb33' 11.75Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Discus - 1.6kg112' 10Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Javelin - 800g111' 4Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Logan Lavrusky - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb23' 6Apr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Discus - 1.6kg54' 6Mar 28Westview at Horizon
Javelin - 800g75' 8Apr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Kyle Lewis - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb32' 9.5PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Discus - 1.6kg85' 8PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Akhil Mahant - 12th Grade
Long Jump19' 0 (.0)PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Triple Jump38' 1 (.0)Mar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Blaze Markovich - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:29.34PRApr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
1600 Meters5:22.85PRApr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
3200 Meters12:47.65PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Jake Martinelli - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.44PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
200 Meters26.04 (.3)Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Jordan Moreno - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb27' 11.5PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Discus - 1.6kg77' 2PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Pole Vault7' 6Mar 28Westview at Horizon
Quinn Morris - 9th Grade
100 Meters14.46 (-.1)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
200 Meters29.98 (-.5)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Spencer Moseley - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.32PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
110m Hurdles - 39"21.47 (-3.6)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
High Jump5' 0PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Long Jump13' 9.5PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Jacob Nguyen - 12th Grade
Pole Vault8' 0PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Ethan Nicholson - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:45.04Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
1600 Meters5:58.50PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
3200 Meters13:21.33PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Andrew Pfutzenreuter - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:05.45Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters4:53.53Mar 2478th NIKE Chandler Rotary Open
3200 Meters11:32.88Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Charles Ratliff - 9th Grade
400 Meters54.30Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Conner Rich - 9th Grade
100 Meters14.71 (-1.6)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
200 Meters30.25 (-.5)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Jackson Sebastiani - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb29' 5Mar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Discus - 1.6kg85' 10Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Javelin - 800g77' 8PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Samuel Sesay - 12th Grade
100 Meters12.08 (-1.5)PRApr 23North East Valley Championships
Long Jump18' 4 (1.9)PRApr 23North East Valley Championships
Samuel Siamon - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb36' 3.5PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Discus - 1.6kg73' 1PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Javelin - 800g81' 2PRMar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Dylan Sorrell - 11th Grade
100 Meters11.81 (-1.7)Mar 2478th NIKE Chandler Rotary Open
200 Meters23.70 (-.3)Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
400 Meters53.46Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Drake Tasev - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.93 (-1.4)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
400 Meters1:01.09PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Trey Toland-Pfeiffer - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.15PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
200 Meters25.26PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Alfredo Trevedan - 9th Grade
200 Meters29.93PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
800 Meters2:30.47PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters5:49.75PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Michael Trimble - 12th Grade
100 Meters11.49 (.8)PRMar 2478th NIKE Chandler Rotary Open
200 Meters23.38 (-1.2)PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
400 Meters52.61PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
James Tucker - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.71Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
200 Meters26.68Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
400 Meters1:00.74Mar 28Westview at Horizon
800 Meters2:24.75PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Jonathon Tucker - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:27.64Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters5:23.07Apr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
Jarrod Valletta - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.89 (-.1)Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Joseph Varcoe - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.74 (-1.4)Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
200 Meters26.21 (-.7)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
400 Meters59.17PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Aidan Wagner - 9th Grade
100 Meters14.19PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Dylan Walsh - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.57PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
200 Meters25.30PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Long Jump14' 6.5PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Collin Wertz - 11th Grade
100 Meters14.29Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
200 Meters30.52Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Long Jump12' 0Mar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Connor Whitt - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb34' 2Mar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Discus - 1.6kg103' 11Mar 2478th NIKE Chandler Rotary Open
Matthew Zettlemoyer - 12th Grade
100 Meters13.13Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Long Jump16' 0Apr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet


Hannah Barrett - 9th Grade
100 Meters15.67PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Renee Bell - 9th Grade
800 Meters3:02.02PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters6:33.35PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Cassidy Blaha - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:48.83Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters6:09.39Apr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
3200 Meters13:12.08Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Riley Bowker - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:35.11Apr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
1600 Meters5:46.45Mar 10Husky Invite
3200 Meters14:08.97PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Katrina Brooks - 9th Grade
100 Meters16.20PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Kelsey Brown - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:48.10PRApr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
1600 Meters6:51.86PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Jozlyn Byers - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.01PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Long Jump15' 11 (1.1)PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Bianca Cardoso - 10th Grade
100 Meters16.44PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
200 Meters37.63PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Long Jump11' 9PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Taylor Cohen - 9th Grade
800 Meters3:41.69PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Ellyssa Colbrook - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.82Mar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
200 Meters30.60 (-.3)Apr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
Pole Vault7' 0Mar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Olivia Coletto - 9th Grade
100 Meters15.39 (-.3)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Mariana DomenzainVera - 10th Grade
800 Meters3:26.81PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
1600 Meters7:32.89PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Rebecca Dominguez - 9th Grade
800 Meters3:24.76Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters7:20.21Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Tannar Duff - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg20' 9PRMar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Discus - 1kg64' 8PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Victoria Dunn - 11th Grade
200 Meters35.58PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Shot Put - 4kg21' 6.75Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Discus - 1kg59' 10.5Mar 28Westview at Horizon
Javelin - 600g59' 0Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Pole Vault5' 6PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Olivia Elmore - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.23 (2.0)PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
200 Meters28.04 (-.6)PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Long Jump17' 5.5 (1.2)PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Kate Evans - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:34.47Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
1600 Meters5:30.29Apr 23North East Valley Championships
3200 Meters11:47.29May 2AIA Division I Championship
Arianna Faris - 10th Grade
800 Meters3:01.99Mar 28Westview at Horizon
1600 Meters6:15.46Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
3200 Meters13:13.32Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Jasina Feruku - 10th Grade
100 Meters17.10PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Long Jump10' 8PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Kaitlyn Fry - 11th Grade
200 Meters30.30PRMar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
400 Meters1:08.14PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
100m Hurdles - 33"20.10 (-1.1)Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
300m Hurdles - 30"56.01Apr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
Remi Giffin - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg22' 10Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Discus - 1kg58' 1Mar 28Westview at Horizon
Javelin - 600g45' 1Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Heavenly Greer - 10th Grade
100 Meters15.02PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Long Jump12' 5PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Rachel Grobmeier - 10th Grade
100 Meters15.67PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Long Jump10' 9PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Maia Hayes - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:44.65Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters5:58.15PRApr 23North East Valley Championships
Julia Jackson - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.03 (2.0)Mar 29The Ron Smith Classic
200 Meters27.25 (.2)Apr 23North East Valley Championships
400 Meters1:07.22Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Camille Jones - 9th Grade
100 Meters16.91 (-2.7)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Savannah Jose - 10th Grade
100 Meters16.09 (-.6)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
200 Meters33.20 (.2)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
400 Meters1:19.51PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Long Jump12' 7PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Victoria Kimball - 10th Grade
High Jump4' 7PRMar 29The Ron Smith Classic
Pole Vault6' 6PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Jenna Lee - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:29.87Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters5:31.80Apr 23North East Valley Championships
3200 Meters12:07.91Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Neomi Lee - 10th Grade
100 Meters16.04Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
200 Meters33.39Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
400 Meters1:10.58Apr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
Anicia Leon - 10th Grade
800 Meters3:14.73PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Shot Put - 4kg17' 6.5PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Discus - 1kg48' 1PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Javelin - 600g60' 2PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Mai Lev - 9th Grade
100 Meters15.47Apr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
200 Meters33.02PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
400 Meters1:18.93PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Yanellis Linares - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg23' 6Mar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Discus - 1kg82' 4PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Elizabeth March - 11th Grade
1600 Meters6:59.93PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
3200 Meters14:31.13PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Ashley McIntyre - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:41.59PRApr 23North East Valley Championships
1600 Meters6:21.16Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Dani McMillan - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg21' 8Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Discus - 1kg68' 10Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Kate Mims - 9th Grade
800 Meters3:08.36PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters6:54.62PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Kelly Nguyen - 10th Grade
100 Meters15.23Mar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Pole Vault7' 0Apr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Riley Nicklas - 9th Grade
100 Meters15.44Mar 28Westview at Horizon
200 Meters33.23Mar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Danielle Niziolek - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:51.79PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters6:44.73PRMar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
Natalie Payne - 12th Grade
800 Meters3:36.25Mar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
1600 Meters7:38.22Apr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
3200 Meters16:29.46PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Abby Probst - 9th Grade
800 Meters3:30.16PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters7:46.60PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Amanda Probst - 12th Grade
800 Meters3:15.01PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters6:53.81PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Christina Reimche - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:49.82PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters6:36.09PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Layla Riskin - 9th Grade
800 Meters3:48.93PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Lauren Rottkamp - 10th Grade
800 Meters3:02.96PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters6:51.29PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Monet Sachs - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.78 (.1)PRApr 23North East Valley Championships
200 Meters27.07 (1.4)PRMar 2478th NIKE Chandler Rotary Open
400 Meters1:12.08PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Long Jump11' 1.5 (.0)PRMar 10Husky Invite
Triple Jump30' 9 (.4)PRMar 2478th NIKE Chandler Rotary Open
Helena Skidd - 9th Grade
100 Meters15.95PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
200 Meters35.50PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Claire Smith - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.62Mar 21Pinnacle and Cactus Shadows at Horizon
200 Meters27.77 (-.6)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Long Jump15' 11 (-.5)PRApr 23North East Valley Championships
Nhoja Stephenson - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.30PRFeb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
200 Meters28.72 (-.4)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
400 Meters1:05.07PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
100m Hurdles - 33"20.15PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Lockin Stevenson - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg29' 3Feb 28Desert Mountain at Horizon
Discus - 1kg80' 0Apr 23North East Valley Championships
Javelin - 600g60' 10Apr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
Calena Strati - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:58.97PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters6:35.82PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Symphony Stuart - 11th Grade
100 Meters14.28 (1.1)PRApr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
200 Meters30.37 (-.2)PRApr 147th Annual Pioneer Invitational
400 Meters1:11.02PRApr 23North East Valley Championships
Ashlyn Trapp - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:44.45Mar 29The Ron Smith Classic
1600 Meters6:13.14Mar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Erla Trevedan - 11th Grade
800 Meters3:20.18PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters7:26.49PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Sydney Vaupell - 9th Grade
100 Meters15.30 (-.3)PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
200 Meters32.96PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Olivia Westervelt - 9th Grade
100 Meters15.08PRMar 7LaJoya and Gilbert Classical at Horizon
Rachel Westfall - 9th Grade
800 Meters3:31.35PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters7:56.10PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Abigil Worcester - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:52.33PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
1600 Meters6:23.20PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Melissa Zagkos - 11th Grade
100 Meters15.65PRApr 11Horizon at Pinnacle Open/JV Meet
Long Jump10' 11.5PRMar 28Westview at Horizon
Rebecca Zulch - 11th Grade
800 Meters3:21.54PRApr 18Paradise Valley District Meet
Blue text indicates a mark from the current week.