Athlete Records

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Joe Ariano - 10th Grade
1600 Meters5:35.1hApr 7Mather, Deerfield & Von Steuben
3200 Meters10:51.26PRApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Jacob Ashman - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.85May 14CSL-North JV Invite
Israel Becerra - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:18.64PRApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Jacob Birg - 11th Grade
High Jump1.68mApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Long Jump5.96mPRMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Triple Jump12.69mPRMay 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
Declan Black - 11th Grade
1600 Meters4:51.74May 3Boys Lake County Invite
3200 Meters10:37.73PRApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Noah Blaustein - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:07.64PRMay 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
Henry Boudreau - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb17.49mPRMay 3Boys Lake County Invite
Discus - 1.6kg50.44mApr 19West Aurora Throws Meet
Bradley Brodsky - 11th Grade
1600 Meters4:35.97Apr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
3200 Meters10:01.89PRMay 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
Alex Cohan - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.23PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Long Jump5.85mMay 1Barrington F/S Invitational
Mac Cooley - 10th Grade
1600 Meters5:10.69Apr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Alex Culver - 10th Grade
200 Meters26.16PRApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Pole Vault3.20mMay 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
Jason Dahlberg - 10th Grade
1600 Meters5:01.13Apr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
3200 Meters10:43.65Apr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Barak Farhi - 12th Grade
400 Meters55.00May 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Ryan Fogel - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.49May 14CSL-North JV Invite
110m Hurdles - 39"21.45PRApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
300m Hurdles - 36"56.38Apr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Jonah Frydman - 10th Grade
High Jump1.57mApr 11GBN Deerfield Dual
Long Jump5.44mPRApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Triple Jump12.60mMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Matt Gold - 12th Grade
1600 Meters4:26.82PRApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
3200 Meters9:34.88PRMay 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
Jake Goodman - 11th Grade
110m Hurdles - 39"21.58PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Zack Greco - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:26.74May 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Jake Haley - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.30PRApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
200 Meters25.19Apr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Long Jump5.69mMay 1Barrington F/S Invitational
Triple Jump11.82mApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Adam Harris - 9th Grade
100 Meters14.08PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
High Jump1.47mApr 11GBN Deerfield Dual
Long Jump4.37mPRApr 11GBN Deerfield Dual
Triple Jump10.02mMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Charlie Hart - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:17.90Apr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
1600 Meters5:04.40May 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
3200 Meters10:47.82Apr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Joe Healy - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:18.70Apr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
1600 Meters5:05.92May 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Thomas Hu - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:14.86PRMay 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Jonah Kaplan - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:09.06May 14CSL-North JV Invite
Ben Kraemer - 10th Grade
1600 Meters4:56.06May 3Boys Lake County Invite
3200 Meters10:36.31Apr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Asher Kriegel - 9th Grade
1600 Meters6:03.08May 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Anthony Kuzhiyil - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.29PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Mason Lewis - 9th Grade
Long Jump4.62mPRMay 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Triple Jump9.94mPRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Sam Liokumovich - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb18.10mMay 3Boys Lake County Invite
Discus - 1.6kg48.18mMay 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
Zachary Luke - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb8.48mPRApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Discus - 1.6kg20.75mPRMay 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Pole Vault2.59mMay 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Mark Mahoney - 12th Grade
High Jump1.78mMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Long Jump6.11mMay 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
Brent Meilman - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:33.76May 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Wes Miller - 12th Grade
100 Meters11.14PRMay 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
200 Meters23.18PRMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
JP Montano - 12th Grade
Long Jump5.54mMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Aiden Morrison - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.48May 14CSL-North JV Invite
400 Meters59.45May 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Long Jump5.03mPRMay 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Brett Needelman - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:16.23PRMay 3Boys Lake County Invite
1600 Meters4:52.85May 14CSL-North JV Invite
3200 Meters10:47.59PRApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Jacob Nitsun - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:15.23PRMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
1600 Meters4:58.41PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Evan Oldham - 12th Grade
100 Meters11.97PRMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Andrew Osborn - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:00.72PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Sawyer Penar - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb11.30mMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Discus - 1.6kg23.93mMay 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Jeremy Plofsky - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:34.10May 14CSL-North JV Invite
Adam Powen - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb12.50mPRApr 2756th Annual Spartan Relays
Discus - 1.6kg28.63mApr 2756th Annual Spartan Relays
Pole Vault3.96mMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Josh Puyear - 9th Grade
1600 Meters4:41.80Apr 21Distance Night in Palatine
3200 Meters9:58.28Apr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Brian Reich - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:49.90May 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Luke Rock - 12th Grade
Pole Vault3.20mApr 2756th Annual Spartan Relays
Jeremy Rosenblum - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:38.19May 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Camden Sabath - 10th Grade
100 Meters11.77PRMay 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
200 Meters24.36May 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
Triple Jump10.34mMay 1Barrington F/S Invitational
Charlie Samson - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.86PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Long Jump4.98mMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Michael San Jose - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.15May 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Long Jump4.68mPRMay 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Thomas Sardi - 11th Grade
Discus - 1.6kg35.23mApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Sam Schurgin - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.31May 3Boys Lake County Invite
Triple Jump11.85mApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Ben Seed - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.89May 14CSL-North JV Invite
Long Jump4.74mPRMay 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Richie Shapira - 12th Grade
100 Meters12.89PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
High Jump1.47mPRApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Sam Shapira - 9th Grade
100 Meters17.14PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Adam Shore - 9th Grade
110m Hurdles - 39"19.55Apr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
300m Hurdles - 36"48.60Apr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Long Jump3.96mPRApr 11GBN Deerfield Dual
Drew Shore - 9th Grade
1600 Meters7:11.0hPRApr 7Mather, Deerfield & Von Steuben
High Jump1.47mMay 1Barrington F/S Invitational
Henry Shore - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:08.61May 17IHSA 3A Boys Loyola Academy Sectional
Elai Spector - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:22.80PRApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
1600 Meters5:13.81May 14CSL-North JV Invite
Ben Stepen - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb9.97mApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Sam Strimling - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.90May 14CSL-North JV Invite
400 Meters58.71May 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
Josh Tang - 11th Grade
110m Hurdles - 39"17.32PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
300m Hurdles - 36"44.75PRMay 3Boys Lake County Invite
Triple Jump10.69mPRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Jude Tatham - 11th Grade
400 Meters52.03PRApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Jason Tynan - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:18.5hPRApr 7Mather, Deerfield & Von Steuben
Ian Vaananen - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb10.49mMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Alexander Valkanas - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb10.54mPRApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Discus - 1.6kg24.66mPRApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Warner Varnado - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.44May 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
200 Meters26.25Apr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Long Jump5.16mMay 1Barrington F/S Invitational
David Varon - 11th Grade
110m Hurdles - 39"16.87May 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Joe Verde - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.00PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Long Jump4.79mApr 11GBN Deerfield Dual
Sam Voigt - 9th Grade
110m Hurdles - 39"20.98PRMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
300m Hurdles - 36"54.17PRMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
High Jump1.42mPRApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Triple Jump9.44mMay 1Barrington F/S Invitational
Jonathan Wallk - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:15.64May 3Boys Lake County Invite
Dylan Wheatley - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:30.37PRMay 14CSL-North JV Invite
Max Wilhelm - 9th Grade
110m Hurdles - 39"17.05May 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
300m Hurdles - 36"44.23May 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Nick Wolfe - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb9.83mApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Discus - 1.6kg31.98mMay 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
Henry Yucknut - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb10.03mPRApr 24Trevian F/S Boys Invitational
Discus - 1.6kg31.65mPRApr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite
Ben Zamler - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:14.84May 11CSL-North Boys Conference Championships
1600 Meters4:58.43May 7CSL-North Freshman Conference Championship
3200 Meters10:52.69Apr 20Niles North Dan Horyn Invite


Cate Ariano - 9th Grade
300m Hurdles - 30"53.24PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Liza Bluman - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.32PRApr 26Lake County Girls Championships
400 Meters1:03.63PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Hannah Brown - 12th Grade
100 Meters14.23PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Jillian Brown - 11th Grade
High Jump1.52mApr 20Wauconda Girls Invitational
Triple Jump9.45mApr 20Wauconda Girls Invitational
Chelsea Burton - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg5.98mPRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Discus - 1kg19.18mPRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Hannah Cohen - 12th Grade
200 Meters29.09Apr 26Lake County Girls Championships
Abby Conway - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg8.23mPRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Discus - 1kg21.92mPRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Erin Dignam - 9th Grade
200 Meters31.69PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
400 Meters1:12.67PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Carly Fisher - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.76PRMay 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
200 Meters29.08Apr 26Lake County Girls Championships
Isabelle Fleming - 12th Grade
Pole Vault2.21mMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Rosie Fleming - 10th Grade
Pole Vault1.75mMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Jillian Getter - 10th Grade
1600 Meters5:52.21PRMay 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Lauren Goldsmith - 11th Grade
3200 Meters13:41.89PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Anna Gray - 11th Grade
200 Meters28.24cApr 20Wauconda Girls Invitational
Orly Hirsch - 12th Grade
Triple Jump9.17mApr 26Lake County Girls Championships
Danielle Hulsey - 12th Grade
Long Jump4.39mPRMay 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Julia Jackson - 12th Grade
100m Hurdles - 33"18.18PRMay 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Kim Julison - 12th Grade
High Jump1.47mMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Izzy Kanter - 12th Grade
300m Hurdles - 30"52.14PRMay 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Sydney Kingsepp - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:38.95Apr 26Lake County Girls Championships
Rachel Lamorte - 9th Grade
200 Meters29.79PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Hope Leman - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:37.75PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
3200 Meters11:54.84PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Emily Lupu-Vieru - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 8lb8.99mPRApr 20Wauconda Girls Invitational
Shot Put - 4kg8.89mMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Discus - 1kg26.59mApr 20Wauconda Girls Invitational
Gabi Martinez - 11th Grade
1600 Meters6:13.71May 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
3200 Meters13:47.0hApr 20Wauconda Girls Invitational
Genevieve Matthies - 12th Grade
Triple Jump9.53mPRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Madison McElligott - 10th Grade
100m Hurdles - 33"19.17May 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Pole Vault1.75mPRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Audrey Mertes - 12th Grade
Pole Vault2.67mPRMay 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Jada Muldrow - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 8lb8.15mPRApr 20Wauconda Girls Invitational
Shot Put - 4kg8.22mPRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Discus - 1kg23.04mMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Rebecca Newhall - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:06.50PRMay 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Kelley Osborn - 12th Grade
1600 Meters5:30.97PRMay 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Ella Palzet - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:40.76PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Zoie Richardson - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.35May 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
300m Hurdles - 30"46.78May 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Long Jump4.98mApr 20Wauconda Girls Invitational
Laken Ritzert - 12th Grade
100 Meters14.25May 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
100m Hurdles - 33"22.14cPRApr 20Wauconda Girls Invitational
Kaitlyn Seymour - 9th Grade
Long Jump4.08mMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Blake Shelist - 11th Grade
400 Meters1:16.85May 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Kate Shimamoto - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:24.60May 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Emily Slutzky - 10th Grade
3200 Meters14:13.85PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Emma Smith - 12th Grade
Long Jump4.15mApr 27Niles North Girls Relays
Elianna Strauss - 12th Grade
High Jump1.37mPRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Triple Jump9.27mPRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Ava Thornton - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.52PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
200 Meters28.30PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
400 Meters1:05.74PRMay 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Thalia Tsakiris - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:41.76PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Alexa Weinberg - 11th Grade
3200 Meters14:07.57PRMay 3CSL-North Girls Conference Championship
Kyla Wolski - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:29.67May 10IHSA 3A Girls Niles West Sectional
Blue text indicates a mark from the current week.