Athlete Records

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Teddy Addison - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:02.91PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
1 Mile5:01.31PRApr 27Cougar Invite
3200 Meters11:29.22PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Keegan Aerts - 10th Grade
200 Meters27.63May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
400 Meters59.98May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Ahmad Ahmad Nizam - 12th Grade
100 Meters12.61Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters26.98Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Hannan Ahmad Nizam - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.88PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters26.37PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Thiago Alvin - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.29PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters27.30PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
High Jump5' 2PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Frankie Anderson - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb31' 8PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Discus - 1.6kg88' 0PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Sean Antone - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb35' 3.5PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Discus - 1.6kg104' 3PRApr 27Cougar Invite
Mike Baldus - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.73PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters26.59PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Long Jump15' 9.75PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
John Bandstra - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:38.33May 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
1600 Meters5:26.51May 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Alex Beecham - 12th Grade
200 Meters27.12PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Pole Vault12' 0PRApr 27Cougar Invite
Ryan Boven - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.97Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters26.29PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
400 Meters1:03.12PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Daniel Bremmer - 11th Grade
200 Meters25.56PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
110m Hurdles - 39"17.59May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
300m Hurdles - 36"42.64PRMay 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
Joey Brenton - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb44' 1.5PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Discus - 1.6kg100' 8.5PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Austin Broemer - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.42PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.87PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Yves Castaneda - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.85PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters26.38Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Liam Celestin - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.96Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters27.74May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Pole Vault9' 0PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Orion Champlin - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:43.67PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Justin Cobb - 10th Grade
1600 Meters5:17.24PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Aidan Cooper - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb33' 4.5PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Discus - 1.6kg88' 6PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Joe Costello - 11th Grade
110m Hurdles - 39"16.50PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
300m Hurdles - 36"41.47PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
High Jump6' 1May 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
Long Jump19' 2.5PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Cal Coyne - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.59PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters31.15PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Dylan Cramer - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.13Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters26.99Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Eric Crays - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.65May 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
200 Meters25.92Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Isaiah Cunningham - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.54PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters26.42Apr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Drew Dahlman - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.26PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.22PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
High Jump6' 2PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Long Jump21' 6.75 (1.3)PRJun 1MHSAA LP Finals - Division 1
Taylor DeBauge - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.42PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters27.12PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Harrison Deur - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb29' 2May 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Discus - 1.6kg102' 11May 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Connor Duong - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.09PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
200 Meters28.32PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Pole Vault7' 0PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Andre Edmond - 11th Grade
200 Meters25.92PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
400 Meters58.55PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Zach Erdman - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.28PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters29.54PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
400 Meters59.65PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Evan Ferguson - 10th Grade
1600 Meters5:05.81May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Pierce Foster - 12th Grade
100 Meters11.39PRMay 10OK Red Championships
200 Meters24.32May 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Long Jump22' 2PRMay 10OK Red Championships
Sloan Freeman - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.10PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters29.21PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Joshua Gerger - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb21' 7PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Discus - 1.6kg43' 5PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Ryer Glass - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.10May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters27.15May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Brokton Green - 11th Grade
1600 Meters5:13.79PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
V Grimm - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.35PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.73PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Pole Vault11' 6PRMay 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
Liam Gural - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.07PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters26.30PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
James Held - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.25Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.53Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
400 Meters57.17Apr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Rowan Henderson - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:19.24PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
1600 Meters5:02.02PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
1 Mile5:04.84PRApr 27Cougar Invite
Ryan Hough - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:16.71PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
800 Meters2:48.98Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Brody Houle - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:22.99PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
1600 Meters5:01.85PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Andrew Ireland - 12th Grade
1600 Meters4:45.09Apr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
3200 Meters9:54.26PRMay 10OK Red Championships
Kaden Jeske - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.42PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters25.12PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
High Jump5' 0PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Long Jump17' 4.5PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Ethan Jhamb - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:15.46Apr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
1600 Meters4:46.76PRMay 10OK Red Championships
1 Mile4:58.44PRApr 27Cougar Invite
3200 Meters10:46.14PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Carter Jones-Hirr - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.89PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters26.27PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Pole Vault12' 0PRMay 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
Long Jump17' 3.5PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Alex Kaufman - 12th Grade
100 Meters11.64PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters23.85PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
JJ Kelley - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.79PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters27.88PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Pole Vault7' 0PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Timmy Kleyla - 12th Grade
200 Meters23.83May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
400 Meters53.41PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Ben Knoth - 11th Grade
200 Meters25.08PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
400 Meters57.45May 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Long Jump16' 4.5Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Alec Korecki - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.15PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters26.92PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Pole Vault10' 6PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Janos Kovach - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb25' 0.5PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Discus - 1.6kg112' 3PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Jack Kurburski - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb27' 6.5PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Discus - 1.6kg84' 2PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Cole Lachmann - 9th Grade
200 Meters27.60PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
110m Hurdles - 39"18.59May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
300m Hurdles - 36"45.33May 10OK Red Championships
Long Jump15' 9PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Luke LaMere - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:33.02PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
1600 Meters5:36.08PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Carter Larned - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:15.44Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
1600 Meters4:50.76PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
3200 Meters10:12.80PRMay 10OK Red Championships
Ashton Lepo - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb36' 3.5May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Discus - 1.6kg109' 4Apr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Mason Mahacek - 12th Grade
200 Meters23.37PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
High Jump6' 4May 4West Ottawa Von Ins Relays
Pole Vault14' 9PRMay 10OK Red Championships
Aidan Martin - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:07.00PRApr 27Cougar Invite
3200 Meters9:57.24PRMay 10OK Red Championships
Soren Maurer - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb30' 4PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Discus - 1.6kg67' 9PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Brendan Minnerick - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.54PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters32.10PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Theo Moleski - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:35.64PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Eli Nelson - 10th Grade
200 Meters24.34PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Pole Vault14' 0May 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
Brian Nicholson - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.42PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.52PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
400 Meters53.45PRMay 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
Tommy Niemur - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb31' 3May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Discus - 1.6kg79' 9Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Ben Pease - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:12.62PRMay 10OK Red Championships
1600 Meters4:54.44Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
3200 Meters10:41.36May 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
Ethan Peters - 12th Grade
100 Meters11.90May 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
200 Meters23.56PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
400 Meters53.93PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Garrett Pipe - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.24PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters29.05PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Antwan Price - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.82Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters25.98May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
300m Hurdles - 36"47.97PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Long Jump15' 10.75PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Stanley Razmus - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.18May 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
200 Meters27.15Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Long Jump17' 11May 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Jacob Robertson - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:02.02PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Luke Rokus - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.61PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters27.87PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Pole Vault10' 6PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Owen Ross - 11th Grade
100 Meters12.38PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.69PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Shot Put - 12lb37' 7.5PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Discus - 1.6kg129' 4PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
Cole Rowden - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:07.55PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
1600 Meters4:39.61May 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Matthew Sanders - 10th Grade
100 Meters11.88PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.19PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
Long Jump17' 3.5PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Evan Schuster - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.10Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.71Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Long Jump18' 1.75Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Sutton Segroves - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:24.71PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
1600 Meters5:29.48PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Alec Slaggert - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:28.03PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Cam Slootmaker - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb38' 3.5PRApr 27Cougar Invite
Discus - 1.6kg92' 10PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Stone Smith - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.26PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters27.03PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
400 Meters1:02.46PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
James Spero - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.41PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters27.22PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Zach Stanhope - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.53Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters28.16PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
400 Meters59.45PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Pole Vault11' 6PRMay 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
Collin Takas - 12th Grade
100 Meters11.85Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.04May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Seth Taylor - 12th Grade
200 Meters23.99PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
400 Meters51.91PRMay 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
Jack Timmer - 11th Grade
100 Meters14.73PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters31.05PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Sam Timmer - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb24' 4.75PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Discus - 1.6kg59' 5.5PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Brendan Vandermeer - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb43' 9Apr 27Cougar Invite
Discus - 1.6kg123' 2Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Brendan VanDeWeghe - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb38' 10PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Discus - 1.6kg103' 10PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Austin Venema - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb39' 11May 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Discus - 1.6kg118' 11May 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
Joe Walsh - 12th Grade
100 Meters12.70May 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.51PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
400 Meters53.23PRMay 10OK Red Championships
Long Jump17' 11May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Dominic Weatherwax - 12th Grade
800 Meters1:58.38PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
Moses Weatherwax - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.83PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters28.28PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Connor Whiting - 9th Grade
100 Meters17.55PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters38.37PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Travis Williamson - 12th Grade
100 Meters12.12Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters24.68Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
400 Meters54.10PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Benjamin Wilson - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.89PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Nathan Wolffis - 12th Grade
1600 Meters4:40.55May 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
1 Mile4:52.90PRApr 27Cougar Invite
3200 Meters11:20.33Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven


Liz Albright - 11th Grade
100 Meters18.03PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters34.69PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Riley Balsam - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.45PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters30.47PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Juliette Beals - 11th Grade
60m Hurdles - 33"10.22PRMar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
100m Hurdles - 33"16.42PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
300m Hurdles - 30"50.76PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
Abby Beatty - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:53.80PRMar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
1600 Meters6:07.99May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Ella Beringer - 12th Grade
200 Meters28.64PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
60m Hurdles - 33"11.31Mar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
High Jump5' 2Mar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
Long Jump14' 2.75PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Halle Bovee - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:09.10PRApr 27Cougar Invite
800 Meters2:40.27PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
1600 Meters5:55.76May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
3200 Meters12:52.33PRMay 10OK Red Championships
Chloe Brackenbury - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg25' 3Apr 27Cougar Invite
Discus - 1kg76' 3May 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Carli Brodie - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.20Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters29.94Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Long Jump13' 2PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Abby Buitenhuis - 12th Grade
400 Meters1:01.71PRMar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
800 Meters2:18.04May 10OK Red Championships
1600 Meters5:21.37PRMay 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
Alexis Carroll - 9th Grade
100 Meters15.08PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters32.93PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Emma Chittenden - 11th Grade
100 Meters17.54PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters37.65PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Abby Chubb - 9th Grade
100 Meters16.93PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters36.54PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Kirbey Colella - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:37.76PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
1600 Meters5:34.39May 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
1 Mile5:43.28PRApr 27Cougar Invite
Skylar Compagner - 9th Grade
100 Meters16.03PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
High Jump4' 3PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Pole Vault5' 0PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Cam Constant - 11th Grade
60m Hurdles - 33"10.21PRMar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
100m Hurdles - 33"15.64PRMay 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
300m Hurdles - 30"45.51PRJun 1MHSAA LP Finals - Division 1
Caydee Constant - 9th Grade
60 Meter Dash8.54PRMar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
100 Meters13.40May 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
200 Meters27.66PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Tiana Coonce - 12th Grade
100 Meters17.07PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters35.54PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Kate Criswell-North - 11th Grade
100 Meters13.84Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters29.04May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Alison Doerr - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:57.52Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
1600 Meters6:26.83May 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Marlie Fraser - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:32.13PRMay 10OK Red Championships
1600 Meters5:37.26PRMay 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
1 Mile5:46.19PRApr 27Cougar Invite
Niki Garvelink - 10th Grade
60 Meter Dash9.01Mar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
100 Meters14.13Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters29.11PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Karen Gilmore - 9th Grade
100 Meters16.08May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters40.23PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Savannah Hankinson - 11th Grade
1600 Meters7:03.00PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Gabby Hentemann - 12th Grade
400 Meters58.03PRMay 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
800 Meters2:08.70PRJun 1MHSAA LP Finals - Division 1
1600 Meters4:53.48May 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
1 Mile5:00.78Apr 27Cougar Invite
3200 Meters11:34.71May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Nikolett Horvath - 10th Grade
100 Meters16.11PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters35.56PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Pole Vault6' 0PRMay 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Brianna Jhamb - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:46.39Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
1600 Meters6:04.56Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Myla Kar - 10th Grade
100 Meters16.09PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters33.62PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Avery Keefe - 10th Grade
400 Meters1:02.87May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
High Jump5' 0Apr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Pole Vault7' 6PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Long Jump16' 2.75May 10OK Red Championships
Allison Kelly - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:55.02May 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
1600 Meters6:12.33May 8OK Red JV Conference Meet
Hannah Keuning - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:56.33PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Sarah Knoll - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg42' 3.25PRJun 1MHSAA LP Finals - Division 1
Discus - 1kg118' 1PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
High Jump4' 11Apr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Natalie Koetsier - 12th Grade
60 Meter Dash8.78PRMar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
100 Meters13.76PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters28.94May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Pole Vault7' 0Apr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Long Jump12' 5.5May 4West Ottawa Von Ins Relays
Mabel Ledesma - 10th Grade
100 Meters16.72PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters36.54PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Giovana Marecek - 12th Grade
800 Meters2:34.40PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
1600 Meters5:31.45May 22Meijer West Michigan All Star Invitational
1 Mile5:40.10Apr 27Cougar Invite
Kelsie McManus - 12th Grade
1600 Meters5:52.95PRMar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
3200 Meters12:17.70PRMay 10OK Red Championships
Marissa McManus - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:53.85May 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Kaylin Nunn - 12th Grade
Pole Vault8' 9PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
Maddie Nunn - 11th Grade
60m Hurdles - 33"11.39PRMar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
100m Hurdles - 33"18.40PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
300m Hurdles - 30"54.76PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Pole Vault7' 0PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Long Jump15' 3PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
Jenna Ray - 11th Grade
1600 Meters5:45.97PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
3200 Meters12:14.57PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Cameryn Ross - 11th Grade
400 Meters1:10.95Mar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
1600 Meters6:06.94PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Olivia Schippers - 9th Grade
100 Meters17.73PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters38.08PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
Ashley Slater - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg30' 8.5PRApr 22OK Red: Grand Haven @ Rockford
Discus - 1kg76' 10May 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
Eva Taylor - 9th Grade
100 Meters14.92PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters31.09PRMay 1West Ottawa and Caledonia at Grand Haven
Carly Thayer - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:59.02PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
Sabrina Vanspriell - 11th Grade
100 Meters14.02PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
200 Meters29.22PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Addy Wachter - 11th Grade
400 Meters1:08.75PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Iliana Watson - 9th Grade
60 Meter Dash8.80PRMar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
100 Meters13.42PRMay 7Grand Haven vs Grandville
200 Meters28.12PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
Meadow White - 11th Grade
400 Meters1:03.11PRMay 17MHSAA LP Region 02-1 @ Grand Haven
800 Meters2:35.33Mar 21GVSU Laker Challenge (Women)
Morgan Winterrowd - 10th Grade
100 Meters16.29PRApr 24Hudsonville at Grand Haven
200 Meters34.56PRApr 17East Kentwood at Grand Haven
Blue text indicates a mark from the current week.