Athlete Records

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Zachary Adams - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb26' 11.25PRApr 3East Side Throwdown
Discus - 1.6kg77' 5PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Roy Anzaldua Campos - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:00.65PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Luke Bass - 11th Grade
400 Meters54.46PRApr 25Trojan Varsity Invitational
High Jump6' 1.5May 27MSHSAA Class 5 State Track & Field Championships
Long Jump19' 0.75PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
Milo Bates - 9th Grade
400 Meters54.97May 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Pole Vault9' 0.25PRApr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
Owen Bates - 11th Grade
200 Meters24.24PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
400 Meters52.86PRApr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
800 Meters2:13.34Apr 8Timberland Wolfpack Invitational
Tony Beck - 12th Grade
100 Meters11.18PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
200 Meters23.09PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Delrin Burnett - 10th Grade
300m Hurdles - 36"1:12.23PRApr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Daveatte Butler - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.72Apr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Dylan Coll - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb39' 4.5PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Discus - 1.6kg97' 9.25PRApr 25Trojan Varsity Invitational
Javelin - 800g88' 2.5PRApr 19Nix Relays
Caden Cox - 10th Grade
Javelin - 800g133' 7May 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
High Jump5' 1.75PRApr 19Nix Relays
Xander Dewitt - 11th Grade
110m Hurdles - 39"15.23PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
300m Hurdles - 36"40.00PRMay 27MSHSAA Class 5 State Track & Field Championships
Christian Geno - 9th Grade
200 Meters27.63PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
110m Hurdles - 36"21.06PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
William Godefroid - 9th Grade
100 Meters11.57PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Robert Graham - 9th Grade
Long Jump18' 3.25PRApr 19Nix Relays
Triple Jump35' 0.75Apr 19Nix Relays
Mason Guetterman - 9th Grade
3200 Meters12:36.00Apr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Matthew Harbaugh - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb27' 2.25PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Discus - 1.6kg64' 11PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Javelin - 800g53' 5.25PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Maveric Hurster - 9th Grade
100 Meters12.83Apr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Landan Jaeger - 9th Grade
100 Meters13.17PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
200 Meters28.56PRApr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Jack Jellinek - 9th Grade
1600 Meters5:50.10PRApr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
Eric Liesman - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:24.82Apr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
1600 Meters5:42.97PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
Nygil McCray - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:03.87PRApr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Andre Milliner - 9th Grade
200 Meters26.19PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Long Jump15' 5.5Apr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Malcom Moore - 11th Grade
Long Jump19' 9PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
Triple Jump40' 9PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Dennis Murray - 10th Grade
Long Jump16' 6.5Apr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Triple Jump35' 4Apr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
Carter Nelson-Salmieri - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb27' 3.5PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Discus - 1.6kg74' 6PRApr 3East Side Throwdown
Whyett Pilger - 10th Grade
100 Meters12.23Apr 8Timberland Wolfpack Invitational
200 Meters24.34Apr 25Trojan Varsity Invitational
High Jump5' 6PRApr 25Trojan Varsity Invitational
Dylan Pope - 10th Grade
Long Jump15' 0.75PRApr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Triple Jump30' 8PRApr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Jackson Rizo - 9th Grade
800 Meters2:36.29Apr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
1600 Meters5:51.54Apr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
3200 Meters13:05.70PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
Maximus Staebell - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb34' 3.25Apr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
Discus - 1.6kg109' 2.25May 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Javelin - 800g116' 6.75PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
Caiah Stull - 11th Grade
Pole Vault12' 5.5PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Kaiden Stull - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:07.61PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Pole Vault8' 0Apr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Adam Walker - 11th Grade
800 Meters2:12.31PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
1600 Meters5:16.95PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
Ryan West - 10th Grade
Shot Put - 12lb23' 11.25Apr 19Nix Relays
Discus - 1.6kg69' 0.25Apr 19Nix Relays
Javelin - 800g61' 6.25Apr 3East Side Throwdown


Denise Algas - 9th Grade
100m Hurdles - 33"20.89Apr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
300m Hurdles - 30"1:00.81Apr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Juliana Allums - 9th Grade
100m Hurdles - 33"33.53PRApr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Addison Barton - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:18.22PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Allison Baum - 11th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg23' 8.5PRApr 19Nix Relays
Discus - 1kg87' 0PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Jayden Bond - 9th Grade
200 Meters43.78PRApr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Kennedy Byrd - 11th Grade
100 Meters15.14cPRApr 5FHC-FZS-FZW-Troy-FHN Meet
200 Meters31.34PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
Javelin - 600g56' 0PRApr 19Nix Relays
Long Jump13' 9PRApr 5FHC-FZS-FZW-Troy-FHN Meet
Mariah Dallas - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg33' 2.5PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Discus - 1kg71' 10.25PRApr 19Nix Relays
Javelin - 600g84' 6.25PRApr 25Trojan Varsity Invitational
Triple Jump29' 7PRApr 19Nix Relays
Kaylie Deppermann - 9th Grade
200 Meters35.37PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Triniti Douglas - 12th Grade
100 Meters12.66PRApr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
100m Hurdles - 33"14.54 (1.8)PRMay 27MSHSAA Class 5 State Track & Field Championships
300m Hurdles - 30"49.51PRApr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
Long Jump17' 3.75PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
Lainey Fenton - 10th Grade
400 Meters1:07.54PRApr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
High Jump4' 8.75Apr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Allison Gaddy - 11th Grade
1600 Meters7:16.05Apr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
3200 Meters14:53.15Apr 25Trojan Varsity Invitational
Brionna Gragg - 9th Grade
100 Meters15.27PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
200 Meters33.29Apr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Tess Harper - 10th Grade
400 Meters1:05.42Apr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
800 Meters2:40.04Apr 25Trojan Varsity Invitational
Anna Hart - 11th Grade
1600 Meters6:47.51Apr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
Jada Hendrix - 10th Grade
200 Meters31.17PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Cortlynn Hill - 9th Grade
100 Meters15.98PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
100m Hurdles - 33"23.71PRApr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
300m Hurdles - 30"1:03.76PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Olivia Holman - 11th Grade
1600 Meters6:45.9hApr 5FHC-FZS-FZW-Troy-FHN Meet
3200 Meters14:09.42Apr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
Christel Katambwa - 10th Grade
200 Meters34.39PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
100m Hurdles - 33"20.43PRApr 8Timberland Wolfpack Invitational
300m Hurdles - 30"1:03.84PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Glory Katambwa - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg20' 11.25Apr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Discus - 1kg59' 8Apr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Mical Katambwa - 9th Grade
100 Meters17.55PRApr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Saran Kone - 12th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg33' 0.75PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Discus - 1kg109' 0.25PRMay 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Javelin - 600g49' 8PRApr 19Nix Relays
Anna Krapf - 10th Grade
Long Jump13' 11Apr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Triple Jump25' 11.75Apr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Hailey Lane - 9th Grade
100 Meters14.60PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
200 Meters30.99PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Isabelle Layton - 10th Grade
High Jump4' 2PRApr 19Nix Relays
Maggie Luu - 12th Grade
1600 Meters8:51.3hApr 5FHC-FZS-FZW-Troy-FHN Meet
3200 Meters17:33.11Apr 8Timberland Wolfpack Invitational
Zniah Miller - 11th Grade
200 Meters34.49PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Isabella Milner - 10th Grade
Javelin - 600g60' 0.5Apr 3East Side Throwdown
Kennedy Moller - 10th Grade
100 Meters14.03Apr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
200 Meters30.11May 13MSHSAA Class 5 District 3
Alauna Moore - 10th Grade
100 Meters13.40PRApr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
Bryn Pawlik - 12th Grade
400 Meters1:03.44PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
800 Meters2:27.23PRApr 25Trojan Varsity Invitational
1600 Meters5:33.69PRApr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
300m Hurdles - 30"52.54cPRApr 5FHC-FZS-FZW-Troy-FHN Meet
Long Jump16' 2.5 (.0)Apr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
Triple Jump34' 7.75Apr 19Nix Relays
Olive Pilliard - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:21.79PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Jasmine Rakowski - 10th Grade
800 Meters2:51.85Apr 28Mark Twain/Becky Thatcher Relays
1600 Meters6:31.81Apr 8Timberland Wolfpack Invitational
Leah Rau - 9th Grade
High Jump4' 7.5Apr 19Nix Relays
Long Jump14' 1.75PRApr 19Nix Relays
Triple Jump30' 4.25Apr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Makayla Reese - 11th Grade
100m Hurdles - 33"23.94cApr 5FHC-FZS-FZW-Troy-FHN Meet
300m Hurdles - 30"55.59PRApr 14Fort Zumwalt East Invitational
Raquel Ritter - 9th Grade
400 Meters1:09.37PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Long Jump12' 5.5PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Daylei Straub - 9th Grade
100 Meters14.85Apr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
200 Meters32.52PRApr 5St. Charles West 9th/10th Grade Invitational
Violet Volz - 9th Grade
Discus - 1kg51' 1.25PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Jaleah Watson - 5th Grade
100 Meters15.22PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
200 Meters31.75Apr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Mallory Williams - 9th Grade
Shot Put - 4kg18' 6.75PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Discus - 1kg60' 0.75PRApr 26Wentzville Freshman Invite
Javelin - 600g58' 0.75PRApr 12St. Charles West Girls Invitational
Blue text indicates a mark from the current week.