Event Records

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60 Meter Dash
1.12Lawrence Moss7.16PRMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
2.11Antonio w. Grupido7.51PRMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
3.11Tyler Keener7.80PRMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
100 Meters
1.12Lawrence Moss11.32PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
2.12Mike Jacoby11.58PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
3.12Tucker Price12.24cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
4.11Antonio w. Grupido12.29May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
5.12Mike Wiley12.34cMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
9Zack Graves12.34cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
7.10Nicholas Lavigne12.53Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
8.10Andrew Lavigne12.58PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
9.9Nick Savedes12.62Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
10.10Matthew Lloyd12.74cPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
11.9Jake Moline12.86Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
12.10Joseph Paxson12.94cMay 19KLAA West Divisional
9Nick Taylor12.94cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
14.11Tyler Keener13.04cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
15.9Jake Leek13.11Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
16.11Jared Heatley13.16Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
17.10Brian Hackett13.24cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
18.10Keith Farquhar13.33PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
19.12Andy Raby13.36May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
20.12Andrew Graetzel13.44cPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
21.10Alex Bannon16.44cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
22.10Chad Gilles17.77PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
23.11Matt Seitz2:26.55PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
200 Meters
1.12Ryan Paxson22.74PRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
2.12Alexander Vituske23.45PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
12Alex Vitkuske23.45PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
4.9Zach Patterson24.31May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
5.9Zachary Patterson24.60PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
6.10Matthew Lloyd24.91May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
7.12Tucker Price25.24cMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
8.12Chris Hooks25.31May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.9Nick Savedes25.34Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
10.11Tyler Keener25.40PRMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
11.12Lawrence Moss25.53May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
12.9Zack Graves25.54cPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
13.10Nicholas Lavigne26.03Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
14.10Joseph Paxson26.44cMay 19KLAA West Divisional
15.9Jake Moline26.57Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
16.9Nick Taylor26.99PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
17.10Brian Hackett27.22PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
18.11Jared Heatley27.69PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
19.10Keith Farquhar28.14cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
200 Meters - Relay Split
1.9Zach Patterson22.0hPRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
12Ryan Paxson22.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
3.12Matthew Imhof22.6hPRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
4.12Lawrence Moss22.8hPRMay 30MHSAA Division 1 Finals
5.12Alex Vitkuske23.3hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
6.10Ryan Erxleben23.7hMay 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
7.11Antonio w. Grupido24.7hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
8.9Zack Graves24.8hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
9.10Matthew Lloyd25.2hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
10.10Andrew Lavigne25.7hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
11.9Nick Savedes25.8hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
12.9Jake Leek26.2hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
400 Meters
1.12Ryan Paxson50.54cPRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
2.12Matthew Imhof52.64cPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
3.9Zach Patterson54.94cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
4.12Dan Cech57.25May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
5.12Chris Hooks57.84cApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
6.10Joseph Paxson58.24cMay 19KLAA West Divisional
7.10David Strachan58.93May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
8.12Neil Smith59.05PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.12John m. Childers59.23May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
10.11Jared Heatley1:02.17PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
400 Meters - Relay Split
1.12Ryan Paxson50.3hPRApr 17SVSU (outdoor)
2.9Zach Patterson52.1hPRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
3.11Jon Curtis52.6hMay 19KLAA West Divisional
4.10Ryan Erxleben53.6hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
5.12Matthew Imhof54.2hPRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
6.12John m. Childers54.3hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
7.12Christopher Lucas54.5hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
8.12Mike Jacoby56.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
9.10Kyle Einheuser56.5hPRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
10.9Nick Costello57.1hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
11.10Joseph Paxson59.0hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
12.10Cameron Nelson59.2hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
13.9Stephen Scarlett59.4hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
14.10Anthony Swain59.6hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
15.11Andrew Davis59.9hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
16.12Dan Cech1:00.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
17.11Mitch Nisbet1:01.0hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
9Curtis Hatfield1:01.0hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
9Chris Wernette1:01.0hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
20.11Florian Cherdron1:01.2hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
21.11Mike Shuster1:02.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
10David Strachan1:02.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
11Tyler Keener1:02.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
24.11Matt Seitz1:02.7hPRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
25.10Cameron Seitz1:02.8hPRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
26.12Neil Smith1:03.9hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
27.10Ryan Neal1:05.9hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
28.11Ryan Brandl1:07.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
29.11Eric Kilpatrick1:08.0hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
30.10Tyler Washburn1:14.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
800 Meters
1.12John m. Childers1:57.7hPRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
2.12John Childers1:59.80PRMay 30MHSAA Division 1 Finals
3.9Nick Costello2:03.2hMay 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
4.11Jon Curtis2:03.33May 19KLAA West Divisional
5.10Kyle Einheuser2:08.7hPRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
6.12Christopher Lucas2:08.78PRMay 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
7.9Nicholas Costello2:10.65PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
8.10Cameron Nelson2:14.16PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.9Stephen Scarlett2:17.27Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
10.11Florian Cherdron2:19.13May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
11.10Anthony Swain2:19.63PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
12.11Andrew Davis2:24.37May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
13.9Curtis Hatfield2:24.95May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
14.11Mitch Nisbet2:25.0hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
15.12Dan Cech2:26.4hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
16.11Matt Seitz2:26.55PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
17.10David Strachan2:27.5hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
18.10Cameron Seitz2:27.8hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
19.12Neil Smith2:31.4hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
20.11Ryan Brandl2:31.96PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
21.10Tyler Washburn2:35.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
22.11Cole Williams2:37.36May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
800 Meters - Relay Split
1.12John m. Childers1:58.5hPRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
2.11Jon Curtis2:03.5hMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
3.9Nick Costello2:05.0hMay 19KLAA West Divisional
4.9Tyler Partridge2:07.0hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
5.12Christopher Lucas2:08.0hPRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
6.10Kyle Einheuser2:09.0hPRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
7.11Joshua Partridge2:10.0hApr 17SVSU (outdoor)
8.9Stephen Scarlett2:12.0hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.11Florian Cherdron2:15.0hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
10.12Dan Cech2:16.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
11Mike Shuster2:16.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
12.10Cameron Nelson2:18.0hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
13.10Anthony Swain2:19.0hPRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
14.11Andrew Davis2:20.0hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
15.9Chris Wernette2:22.0hMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
16.9Timmy Jurick2:23.0hMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
12Neil Smith2:23.0hPRMar 19SVSU (indoor) Boys Only
9Cameron Fattahi2:23.0hPRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
19.10Ryan Neal2:25.0hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
20.11Matt Seitz2:26.0hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
11Mitch Nisbet2:26.0hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
9Curtis Hatfield2:26.0hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
23.10Cameron Seitz2:28.0hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
24.10David Strachan2:29.0hPRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
25.10Tyler Washburn2:32.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
26.11Ryan Brandl2:33.0hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
27.11Cole Williams2:35.0hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
28.11Eric Kilpatrick2:48.0hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
1200 Meters - Relay Split
1.9Tyler Partridge3:20.7hMay 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
2.10Anthony Swain3:45.7hPRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
3.9Curtis Hatfield3:49.0hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
1600 Meters
1.9Tyler Partridge4:35.2hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
2.12John m. Childers4:35.94PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
3.11Joshua Partridge4:36.4hMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
4.9Timmy Jurick4:43.06May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
9Timothy Jurick4:43.06PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
6.9Stephen Scarlett4:54.0hPRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
7.9Chris Wernette4:54.3hMay 19KLAA West Divisional
8.11Eric Kilpatrick4:58.92May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.9Cameron Fattahi4:58.93PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
10.11Mitch Nisbet5:00.67May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
11.9Nick Costello5:03.0hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
12.10Ryan Neal5:19.39May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
13.12Andrew Graetzel5:20.6hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
14.10Cameron Nelson5:22.1hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
15.10Cameron Seitz5:27.01PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
16.10Anthony Swain5:36.5hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
17.9Curtis Hatfield5:40.7hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
18.11Andrew Davis5:44.1hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
19.9Will McPeek5:48.20PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
20.11Matt Seitz5:52.6hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
21.11Adam Walbeck6:00.6hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
22.11Ryan Brandl6:04.0hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
23.11Cole Williams6:07.0hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
1600 Meters - Relay Split
1.11Joshua Partridge4:44.3hMay 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
2.9Nick Costello4:53.0hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
3.11Eric Kilpatrick5:05.5hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
3200 Meters
1.11Joshua Partridge9:39.6hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
2.9Timmy Jurick9:54.8hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
3.9Timothy Jurick10:09.13PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
4.9Tyler Partridge10:10.9hPRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
5.11Eric Kilpatrick10:42.11May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
6.9Chris Wernette10:52.0hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
7.11Mitchell Nisbet10:53.68PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
8.11Mitch Nisbet10:53.9hPRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
9.9Cameron Fattahi11:03.8hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
10.9Stephen Scarlett11:30.0hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
11.12Dan Cech11:31.11PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
12.12Neil Smith11:46.36Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
13.10Cameron Nelson11:51.0hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
14.10Ryan Neal11:53.9hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
15.11Matt Seitz12:34.3hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
16.9Will McPeek12:48.51PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
17.11Brian Joslin13:41.41PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
2 Miles
1.9Chris Wernette11:18.0hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
2.9Cameron Fattahi11:20.0hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
3.10Ryan Neal12:28.0hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
4.9Will McPeek13:57.0hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
60m Hurdles - 39"
1.12Mike Jacoby9.10PRMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
110m Hurdles - 39"
1.12Mike Jacoby15.45Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
2.12Albert Jacoby15.58PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
3.10Ryan Erxleben16.04cPRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
4.11Ian Meredith17.84cPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
5.10Joseph Paxson18.94cPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
6.9Jackson Pizzo19.24cPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
7.9Nick Taylor19.74cPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
8.10Brian Hackett20.24cPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
300m Hurdles - 36"
1.12Albert Jacoby40.76PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
2.12Mike Jacoby40.94cApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
3.10Ryan Erxleben42.44cPRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
4.11Antonio w. Grupido43.34cMay 19KLAA West Divisional
5.11Ian Meredith45.75PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
4x100 Relay
1.-Lawrence Moss
Ryan Erxleben
Antonio w. Grupido
Zach Patterson
45.24cMay 19KLAA West Divisional
2.-Lawrence Moss
Antonio w. Grupido
Alex Vitkuske
Zach Patterson
45.55May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
3.-Lawrence Moss
Alex Vitkuske
Antonio w. Grupido
Zach Patterson
45.78Apr 17SVSU (outdoor)
4.-Lawrence Moss
Zach Patterson
Antonio w. Grupido
Tucker Price
45.84cApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
5.-Lawrence Moss
Zach Patterson
Antonio w. Grupido
Alex Vitkuske
45.90Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
6.-Lawrence Moss
Alex Vitkuske
Mike Wiley
Tucker Price
46.34cMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
7.-Nick Taylor
Nicholas Lavigne
Jake Leek
Zack Graves
49.24Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
9Zack Graves
Jake Leek
Nick Savedes
Nick Taylor
49.24cApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
9.9Nick Taylor
Jake Leek
Nick Savedes
Zack Graves
49.65May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
10.-Andrew Lavigne
Jake Leek
Nick Savedes
Nick Taylor
50.06May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
11.-Relay Team 50.24cMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
9Nick Taylor
Jake Moline
Jake Leek
Zack Graves
50.24cApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
4x200 Relay -
1.-Matthew Imhof
Alex Vitkuske
Lawrence Moss
Ryan Paxson
1:31.1hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
2.-Matthew Imhof
Zach Patterson
Lawrence Moss
Joe Paxson
1:32.7hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
3.-Relay Team 1:32.72May 30MHSAA Division 1 Finals
4.-Matthew Imhof
Alex Vitkuske
Zach Patterson
Ryan Paxson
1:32.97Apr 17SVSU (outdoor)
5.-Zach Patterson
Alex Vitkuske
Ryan Erxleben
Ryan Paxson
1:33.43Mar 19SVSU (indoor) Boys Only
6.-Lawrence Moss
Zach Patterson
Ryan Erxleben
Ryan Paxson
1:33.8hMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
7.-Matthew Imhof
Ryan Erxleben
Lawrence Moss
Ryan Paxson
1:33.81May 19KLAA West Divisional
8.-Zach Patterson
Alex Vitkuske
Lawrence Moss
Joe Paxson
1:34.70May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
9.-Matthew Imhof
Lawrence Moss
Zach Patterson
Ryan Erxleben
1:35.02May 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
10.-Lawrence Moss
Alex Vitkuske
Ryan Erxleben
Ryan Paxson
1:35.42May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
11.-Matthew Imhof
Alex Vitkuske
Antonio w. Grupido
Joe Paxson
1:35.7hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
12.-Lawrence Moss
Ryan Erxleben
Zack Graves
Ryan Paxson
1:41.0hMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
13.-Nicholas Lavigne
Jake Leek
Zack Graves
Matthew Lloyd
1:42.5hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
14.-Nicholas Lavigne
Nick Taylor
Jake Leek
Nick Savedes
1:44.04May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
4x400 Relay
1.-Matthew Imhof
Zach Patterson
Ryan Erxleben
Ryan Paxson
3:36.11Apr 17SVSU (outdoor)
2.-Ryan Erxleben
Zach Patterson
John m. Childers
Ryan Paxson
3:37.58May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
3.-Ryan Erxleben
Zach Patterson
Jon Curtis
Matthew Imhof
3:40.3hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
4.-Jon Curtis
Zach Patterson
Matthew Imhof
John m. Childers
3:40.5hMay 19KLAA West Divisional
5.-Ryan Erxleben
Zach Patterson
Ryan Paxson
John m. Childers
3:41.4hMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
6.-Matthew Imhof
John m. Childers
Joe Paxson
Mike Jacoby
3:42.8hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
-Matthew Imhof
Zach Patterson
Ryan Paxson
Ryan Erxleben
3:42.8hMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
8.-Kyle Einheuser
Jon Curtis
Nick Costello
Christopher Lucas
3:44.35May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.-John m. Childers
Zach Patterson
Ryan Erxleben
Mike Jacoby
3:47.81Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
10.-Jon Curtis
Nick Costello
Christopher Lucas
Kyle Einheuser
3:48.8hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
11.-Matthew Imhof
John m. Childers
Zach Patterson
Ryan Erxleben
3:52.87Mar 19SVSU (indoor) Boys Only
12.-Mike Shuster
Jon Curtis
Christopher Lucas
Dan Cech
3:56.9hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
13.-David Strachan
Joe Paxson
Chris Wernette
Kyle Einheuser
4:01.9hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
14.-Stephen Scarlett
Cameron Nelson
Anthony Swain
David Strachan
4:04.72May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
15.-Florian Cherdron
Andrew Davis
Dan Cech
Neil Smith
4:05.11May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
16.-Tyler Keener
Florian Cherdron
Anthony Swain
Eric Kilpatrick
4:14.1hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
17.-Matt Seitz
Andrew Davis
Cameron Seitz
Ryan Brandl
4:14.3hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
18.-Nick Costello
Curtis Hatfield
Andrew Davis
Ryan Brandl
4:16.5hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
19.-Stephen Scarlett
David Strachan
Curtis Hatfield
Ryan Neal
4:17.7hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
20.-Mitch Nisbet
Kyle Einheuser
David Strachan
Tyler Washburn
4:21.0hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
4x800 Relay
1.-John m. Childers
Nick Costello
Jon Curtis
Tyler Partridge
8:15.3hMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
2.-John m. Childers
Nick Costello
Jon Curtis
Christopher Lucas
8:21.55May 19KLAA West Divisional
3.-Jon Curtis
Nick Costello
Christopher Lucas
Kyle Einheuser
8:28.7hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
4.-John m. Childers
Jon Curtis
Christopher Lucas
Joshua Partridge
8:29.0hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
5.-John m. Childers
Jon Curtis
Joshua Partridge
Christopher Lucas
8:29.64Apr 17SVSU (outdoor)
6.-John m. Childers
Jon Curtis
Mike Shuster
Christopher Lucas
8:44.5hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
7.-Tyler Partridge
Nick Costello
Jon Curtis
Dan Cech
8:50.30May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
8.-Jon Curtis
Joshua Partridge
Florian Cherdron
Christopher Lucas
8:59.6hMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
9.-Kyle Einheuser
Stephen Scarlett
Cameron Nelson
Florian Cherdron
9:00.23May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
10.-John m. Childers
Jon Curtis
Neil Smith
Dan Cech
9:01.54Mar 19SVSU (indoor) Boys Only
11.-Kyle Einheuser
Anthony Swain
Stephen Scarlett
Cameron Fattahi
9:13.4hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
12.-Kyle Einheuser
Florian Cherdron
Cameron Nelson
Anthony Swain
9:14.85Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
13.-Nick Costello
Anthony Swain
Curtis Hatfield
Ryan Brandl
9:34.0hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
14.-Florian Cherdron
Matt Seitz
Cameron Seitz
Andrew Davis
9:36.0hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
-Kyle Einheuser
Cameron Nelson
David Strachan
Ryan Neal
9:36.0hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
16.-Timmy Jurick
Nick Costello
Chris Wernette
Andrew Davis
9:39.9hMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
17.-Ryan Neal
Anthony Swain
Cameron Seitz
Kyle Einheuser
9:40.0hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
18.-Stephen Scarlett
David Strachan
Ryan Neal
Curtis Hatfield
9:44.6hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
19.-Anthony Swain
Andrew Davis
Matt Seitz
David Strachan
9:50.03May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
20.-Matt Seitz
Andrew Davis
Cameron Seitz
Ryan Brandl
9:50.95Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
21.-Neil Smith
Dan Cech
Florian Cherdron
Eric Kilpatrick
9:52.0hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
22.-Tyler Washburn
Mitch Nisbet
David Strachan
Kyle Einheuser
10:01.6hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
23.-Curtis Hatfield
Ryan Neal
Cole Williams
Ryan Brandl
10:01.64May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
24.-Curtis Hatfield
Anthony Swain
Ryan Brandl
Nick Costello
10:01.9hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
SMR 1600m - [200-200-400-800]
1.-Jake Leek
Matthew Lloyd
Kyle Einheuser
Cameron Nelson
4:07.0hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
DMR 4000m - [1200-400-800-1600]
1.-Tyler Partridge
Jon Curtis
John m. Childers
Joshua Partridge
11:00.09May 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
2.-Anthony Swain
Kyle Einheuser
Tyler Partridge
Eric Kilpatrick
11:58.2hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
3.-Curtis Hatfield
David Strachan
Stephen Scarlett
Nick Costello
12:04.0hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
4x110 Shuttle Hurdles - 30"
1.-Jackson Pizzo
Nick Taylor
Joe Paxson
Brian Hackett
1:17.3hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
Shot Put - 12lb
1.11Kevin Morgan44' 0Mar 19SVSU (indoor) Boys Only
2.11Thomas Wenstrup40' 11.5PRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
3.12Alex Vitkuske37' 8.5PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
4.10Jacob Nelmark37' 6.75PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
5.12Jacob Kratt32' 9.5PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
6.11Brian Joslin31' 9PRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
7.9Zach Jolly31' 6Apr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
8.11Tyler Watson31' 4.5PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.11John Harvey26' 5PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
Discus - 1.6kg
1.11Kevin Morgan118' 8Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
2.11Thomas Wenstrup118' 7Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
3.11Tyler Watson91' 9PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
4.10Jacob Nelmark91' 1PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
5.9Zach Jolly82' 0Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
6.11Brian Joslin78' 5PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
7.12Jacob Kratt75' 4PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
8.9Zachary Jolly69' 3PRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
9.11John Harvey59' 11PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
High Jump
1.10Corey McKinney5' 11PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
2.12Ryan Paxson5' 9PRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
3.11Tyler Watson5' 7Mar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
4.10Matthew Lloyd5' 0Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
Pole Vault
1.11Spencer Tinnelly11' 5PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
2.11Taylor Loy10' 5PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
3.10Max Bender9' 5Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
Long Jump
1.10Matthew Lloyd19' 11PRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
2.11Tyler Watson18' 9PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
3.11Antonio w. Grupido18' 8PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
4.12Andrew Graetzel17' 2May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
5.12Andy Raby16' 2.75Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
6.11Jared Heatley16' 0.5PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
7.10David Strachan14' 8.5Apr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
8.9Zack Graves14' 8PRMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
9.9Jackson Pizzo14' 1.5PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual


50 Meter Dash
1.12Megan Walters7.44cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Heather Queener7.44cPRMar 13Indoor Test
12Quinn Foley7.44cPRMar 13Indoor Test
4.10Amanda Curtis7.54cPRMar 13Indoor Test
5.11Margaret Lugin7.64cPRMar 13Indoor Test
12Michelle Baumgart7.64cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Sarah Wood7.64cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Stephanie Gibson7.64cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9.11Anna Mattson7.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Tori Price7.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Ashley Bowers7.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Alexa Curtis7.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
13.12Megan Clifford7.84cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Jessica Thiels7.84cPRMar 13Indoor Test
12Ellory Green7.84cPRMar 13Indoor Test
16.10Taylor Tarrow7.94cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Ashley Healy7.94cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Tracy Moss7.94cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Josie Zamarron7.94cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Paige Pizzo7.94cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Audrey Lavalley7.94cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Kaitlin Cech7.94cPRMar 13Indoor Test
23.10Bethany Daavettila8.04cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Liza Reynolds8.04cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Paige McGahan8.04cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Rachel Jennings8.04cPRMar 13Indoor Test
27.9Tawni Sharp8.14cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Cait Prentice8.14cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Emily Naidoo8.14cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Mackenzie Frasso8.14cPRMar 13Indoor Test
31.9Nora Krauskopf8.24cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Rebecca Smith8.24cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Alissa Zalewski8.24cPRMar 13Indoor Test
12Amanda Halonen8.24cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Emily Sybert8.24cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Ellen Pero8.24cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Jamie Renaud8.24cPRMar 13Indoor Test
38.9Tasha Healy8.34cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Kristin Zalewski8.34cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Mary Halonen8.34cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Sarah Kiilunen8.34cPRMar 13Indoor Test
12Kelsey Reynolds8.34cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Lisa Tanner8.34cPRMar 13Indoor Test
44.9Sophie Shinsky8.44cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Toni Morgan8.44cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Erin Varcoe8.44cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Kathryn Estey8.44cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Kristen Emmorey8.44cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Jessica Lucas8.44cPRMar 13Indoor Test
50.12Caitlin Wojie8.54cPRMar 13Indoor Test
51.9Leticia Amitucanai8.64cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Nicole Pinchen8.64cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Ashleigh Kozel8.64cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Jennifer Herrell8.64cPRMar 13Indoor Test
55.9Erin Conway8.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Kate McMichen8.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
12Michelle Ball8.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
12Natalie Zidzik8.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Jessica Hoang8.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Elizabeth Kingshott8.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
61.10Sarah Poliquin8.84cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Aubree Kugler8.84cPRMar 13Indoor Test
63.9Lydia Bumann8.94cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Samantha Brish8.94cPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Kacey Mayse8.94cPRMar 13Indoor Test
66.9Kelsey Gursinski9.04cPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Dana Barbera9.04cPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Libby Elliott9.04cPRMar 13Indoor Test
69.9Brita Pietila9.24cPRMar 13Indoor Test
70.11Mairin Chesney9.34cPRMar 13Indoor Test
71.11Hannah Laske9.64cPRMar 13Indoor Test
72.12Molly Hincka11.74cPRMar 13Indoor Test
60 Meter Dash
1.12Michelle Baumgart8.54cPRMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
2.9Alexa Curtis9.12PRMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
3.10Sarah Wood9.14cPRMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
100 Meters
1.12Michelle Baumgart13.00PRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
2.10Heather Queener13.30PRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
3.12Quinn Foley13.50PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
4.11Sarah Spring13.60PRApr 17SVSU (outdoor)
5.11Margaret Lugin13.65PRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
6.12Chelsie Minnick13.66PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
7.10Sarah Wood13.78Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
8.12Megan Walters13.88May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.9Jessica Thiels14.20PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
10.10Courtney Hahn14.25Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
11.10Rachel Jennings14.29May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
12.10Tracy Moss14.33Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
13.9Ashley Bowers14.36PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
14.9Ashley Healy14.40PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
9Nora Krauskopf14.40PRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
11Audrey Lavalley14.40PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
17.10Kaitlin Cech14.44cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
18.9Josie Zamarron14.51PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
19.10Taylor Tarrow14.54cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
20.11Yewon Youm14.60PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
21.9Meg Heatley14.68PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
22.9Rebecca Smith15.00Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
23.11Toni Morgan15.10PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
24.9Stephanie Gibson15.13PRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
25.11Jessica Hoang15.14May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
26.9Emily Sybert15.22PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
27.10Jessica Lucas15.25PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
28.11Alissa Zalewski15.30PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
29.9Tawni Sharp15.47PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
30.10Dana Barbera15.63PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
31.9Kelsey Gursinski15.70PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
32.12Caitlin Wojie15.80PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
33.12Michelle Ball15.88PRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
34.9Kacey Mayse15.89PRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
35.11Kate McMichen15.91PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
36.11Jamie Renaud16.20PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
37.12Molly Hincka20.20Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
38.9Liza Reynolds6:22.24cPRMar 13Indoor Test
200 Meters
1.10Sarah Wood27.70PRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
2.12Quinn Foley27.90May 9KLAA West-North Conference
3.11Sarah Spring28.11PRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
4.12Chelsie Minnick28.63May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
5.12Michelle Baumgart28.80Mar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
6.10Heather Queener29.05PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
7.10Mackenzie Frasso29.27PRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
8.9Ashley Healy29.69May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
9.11Audrey Lavalley30.00PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
10.10Taylor Tarrow30.03PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
11.9Jessica Thiels30.20PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
12.9Josie Zamarron30.34Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
13.10Rachel Jennings30.39Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
14.11Yewon Youm30.54May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
15.10Courtney Hahn30.58Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
16.9Stephanie Gibson30.70PRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
17.11Margaret Lugin31.10May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
18.11Jessica Hoang31.34Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
19.9Ashley Bowers31.54PRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
20.9Nora Krauskopf31.66PRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
21.9Rebecca Smith31.86Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
22.9Meg Heatley32.10PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
23.10Jessica Lucas32.30PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
24.10Kathryn Estey33.70PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
25.11Kate McMichen35.00PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
26.9Kelsey Gursinski36.60PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
200 Meters - Relay Split
1.12Quinn Foley26.3hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
10Sarah Wood26.3hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
3.12Megan Clifford26.8hMay 19KLAA West Divisional
4.12Michelle Baumgart27.0hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
5.11Sarah Spring27.5hPRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
6.10Amanda Curtis27.7hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
7.10Heather Queener28.0hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
8.10Bethany Daavettila28.2hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.9Ashley Healy28.6hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
9Jessica Thiels28.6hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
11.9Josie Zamarron29.0hMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
12.9Stephanie Gibson29.6hPRMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
9Alexa Curtis29.6hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
14.10Emily Naidoo30.5hPRMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
15.10Mackenzie Frasso30.6hMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
400 Meters
1.10Amanda Curtis1:02.50Mar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
2.12Chelsie Minnick1:04.14May 19KLAA West Divisional
3.12Kelsey Reynolds1:04.43PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
4.9Jessica Thiels1:04.46PRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
5.10Mackenzie Frasso1:04.90May 15Milford Regional #8-1
6.9Ashley Healy1:06.48PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
7.9Josie Zamarron1:06.50May 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
8.9Stephanie Gibson1:06.90PRMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
9.10Sarah Wood1:07.81May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
10.10Emily Naidoo1:09.50Mar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
11.11Yewon Youm1:11.03Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
12.11Samantha Brish1:11.10PRMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
13.11Jessica Hoang1:13.20Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
14.9Kristin Zalewski1:13.30Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
400 Meters - Relay Split
1.10Amanda Curtis1:00.7hMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
2.12Quinn Foley1:02.9hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
3.12Ellory Green1:03.1hApr 17SVSU (outdoor)
10Bethany Daavettila1:03.1hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
5.12Chelsie Minnick1:03.3hPRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
6.12Kelsey Reynolds1:03.9hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
7.9Ashley Healy1:05.9hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
8.9Jessica Thiels1:06.1hPRMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
9.9Tasha Healy1:07.1hMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
10.12Michelle Baumgart1:07.4hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
11.9Ashleigh Kozel1:07.7hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
12.12Amanda Halonen1:07.8hMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
9Liza Reynolds1:07.8hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
14.10Emily Naidoo1:08.1hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
10Sarah Wood1:08.1hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
16.10Mackenzie Frasso1:08.3hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
17.9Alexa Curtis1:08.5hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
18.10Kristen Emmorey1:09.6hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
19.9Stephanie Gibson1:10.0hPRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
20.11Samantha Brish1:10.4hPRMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
21.10Paige McGahan1:10.9hPRMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
22.9Elizabeth Kingshott1:11.7hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
23.9Sophie Shinsky1:12.0hPRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
24.10Heather Queener1:13.4hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
25.11Sarah Kiilunen1:14.0hMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
26.11Mary Halonen1:14.3hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
600 Meters
1.10Bethany Daavettila1:59.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
600 Meters
1.11Sarah Spring1:52.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
2.10Mackenzie Frasso1:53.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
3.9Stephanie Gibson1:55.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Ashley Healy1:55.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Bethany Daavettila1:55.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Sarah Wood1:55.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Jessica Thiels1:55.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Audrey Lavalley1:55.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
9.9Alexa Curtis1:58.0hMar 13Indoor Test
12Chelsie Minnick1:58.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
11.12Quinn Foley1:59.0hMar 13Indoor Test
12Megan Clifford1:59.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
13.11Anna Mattson2:00.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Alissa Zalewski2:00.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
15.10Courtney Hahn2:01.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
16.10Taylor Tarrow2:02.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
17.9Josie Zamarron2:03.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Heather Queener2:03.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
11Margaret Lugin2:03.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
20.11Yewon Youm2:05.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
12Megan Walters2:05.0hMar 13Indoor Test
11Jessica Hoang2:05.0hMar 13Indoor Test
23.10Rachel Jennings2:06.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Jessica Lucas2:06.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
25.12Michelle Baumgart2:07.0hMar 13Indoor Test
10Dana Barbera2:07.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
27.11Carly Johnson2:08.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Nora Krauskopf2:08.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
29.9Lisa Tanner2:09.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
9Kacey Mayse2:09.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
10Kaitlin Cech2:09.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
32.9Rebecca Smith2:10.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
33.12Michelle Ball2:12.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
12Caitlin Wojie2:12.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
35.12Natalie Zidzik2:13.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
36.9Tawni Sharp2:15.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
37.11Kate McMichen2:17.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
38.10Tracy Moss2:21.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
39.9Jennifer Herrell2:29.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
40.11Libby Elliott2:34.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
800 Meters
1.10Amanda Curtis2:22.11May 19KLAA West Divisional
2.12Ellory Green2:23.8hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
3.11Brandi Corkins2:23.81May 19KLAA West Divisional
4.12Amanda Halonen2:25.6hApr 17SVSU (outdoor)
5.9Liza Reynolds2:25.88May 19KLAA West Divisional
6.12Kelsey Reynolds2:29.1hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
7.10Emily Naidoo2:35.2hPRMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
8.9Tasha Healy2:36.2hMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
9.9Ashleigh Kozel2:36.8hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
10.11Mary Halonen2:37.5hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
11.11Sarah Kiilunen2:43.3hMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
12.9Ashley Bowers2:46.4hPRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
13.9Sophie Shinsky2:50.2hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
14.9Kristin Zalewski2:51.8hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
15.10Kathryn Estey2:57.0hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
16.11Mairin Chesney3:00.3hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
17.10Brie Stevick3:01.7hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
18.10Cait Prentice3:04.7hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
19.11Catherine Logan-Brown3:06.5hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
20.10Sarah Poliquin3:11.1hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
21.11Aubree Kugler3:13.8hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
22.12Molly Hincka3:31.1hPRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
800 Meters - Relay Split
1.10Amanda Curtis2:19.6hPRMay 30MHSAA Division 1 Finals
2.12Ellory Green2:19.7hPRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
3.12Amanda Halonen2:21.1hPRMay 30MHSAA Division 1 Finals
4.11Brandi Corkins2:22.9hMay 30MHSAA Division 1 Finals
5.9Liza Reynolds2:25.8hMay 19KLAA West Divisional
6.12Kelsey Reynolds2:26.5hPRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
7.9Elizabeth Kingshott2:30.8hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9Alexa Curtis2:30.8hPRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
9.11Samantha Brish2:33.1hMar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
10.10Kristen Emmorey2:34.5hPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
11.10Bethany Daavettila2:35.9hPRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
12.11Mary Halonen2:36.1hPRMay 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
13.9Ashleigh Kozel2:36.3hMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
14.9Sophie Shinsky2:37.3hMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
15.9Tasha Healy2:39.4hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
16.10Paige McGahan2:40.7hMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
17.11Sarah Kiilunen2:40.8hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
18.10Cait Prentice2:41.7hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
19.10Emily Naidoo2:43.9hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
20.9Lydia Bumann2:45.3hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
21.9Jessica Thiels2:47.4hPRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
1200 Meters - Relay Split
1.12Ellory Green3:48.8hPRMay 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
2.9Elizabeth Kingshott4:05.2hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
3.10Kristen Emmorey4:30.8hPRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
1600 Meters
1.12Ellory Green5:09.8hPRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
2.12Amanda Halonen5:13.4hPRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
3.9Elizabeth Kingshott5:14.0hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
4.10Kristen Emmorey5:26.9hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
5.9Liza Reynolds5:29.9hPRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
6.11Mary Halonen5:34.2hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
7.11Samantha Brish5:34.6hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
8.11Sarah Kiilunen5:36.6hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
9.11Brandi Corkins5:37.3hPRApr 25West Bloomfield Invitational
10.9Lydia Bumann5:43.7hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
11.10Paige McGahan5:47.0hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
12.9Sophie Shinsky5:47.7hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
13.9Tasha Healy5:49.5hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
14.10Cait Prentice5:51.1hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
15.9Ashleigh Kozel5:51.6hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
16.10Kathryn Estey6:31.8hMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
17.10Emily Naidoo6:51.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
18.9Ashley Bowers7:01.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
19.11Aubree Kugler7:08.0hMar 13Indoor Test
20.11Mairin Chesney7:23.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
21.9Kristin Zalewski7:24.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
22.12Molly Hincka8:12.60Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
23.10Brie Stevick8:16.0hPRMar 13Indoor Test
24.10Sarah Poliquin9:01.0hMar 13Indoor Test
1600 Meters - Relay Split
1.9Elizabeth Kingshott5:21.4hPRMay 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
2.12Amanda Halonen5:26.7hPRMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
3.11Samantha Brish5:44.2hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
4.10Kristen Emmorey5:52.8hPRApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
3200 Meters
1.9Elizabeth Kingshott11:23.16PRMay 30MHSAA Division 1 Finals
2.12Amanda Halonen11:34.9hPRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
3.10Kristen Emmorey11:38.0hMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
4.12Ellory Green11:49.04PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
5.11Samantha Brish11:58.9hMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
6.11Sarah Kiilunen11:59.20May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
7.9Lydia Bumann12:02.9hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
8.10Paige McGahan12:12.2hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.11Mary Halonen12:41.55PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
10.12Molly Hincka15:18.0hPRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
60m Hurdles - 33"
1.12Megan Clifford9.34cPRMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
2.10Dana Barbera11.84cPRMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
100m Hurdles - 33"
1.12Megan Clifford14.80PRApr 25West Bloomfield Invitational
2.12Megan Walters16.67Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
3.9Alexa Curtis18.14May 19KLAA West Divisional
4.10Dana Barbera18.30PRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
5.11Carly Johnson18.60PRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
6.11Margaret Lugin21.40Mar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
7.9Lisa Tanner21.94cPRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
8.9Tawni Sharp22.21PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
9.9Jennifer Herrell22.36May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
300m Hurdles - 30"
1.10Bethany Daavettila48.47May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
2.12Megan Clifford51.10PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
3.9Alexa Curtis52.03May 15Milford Regional #8-1
4.12Jennifer Lane54.26PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
5.12Megan Walters54.53May 9KLAA West-North Conference
6.10Dana Barbera55.10May 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
7.11Carly Johnson55.29May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
8.11Audrey Lavalley59.12Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
9.10Cait Prentice1:03.74PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
4x100 Relay
1.-Michelle Baumgart
Megan Clifford
Megan Walters
Quinn Foley
51.55May 19KLAA West Divisional
2.-Megan Clifford
Michelle Baumgart
Quinn Foley
Megan Walters
52.14cApr 17SVSU (outdoor)
3.-Chelsie Minnick
Megan Clifford
Heather Queener
Sarah Wood
52.60Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
4.-Relay Team 52.70May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
5.-Michelle Baumgart
Heather Queener
Megan Walters
Quinn Foley
53.24May 9KLAA West-North Conference
6.-Rachel Jennings
Sarah Wood
Heather Queener
Taylor Tarrow
55.54cApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
7.-Rachel Jennings
Tracy Moss
Nora Krauskopf
Courtney Hahn
57.94May 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
8.-Rachel Jennings
Margaret Lugin
Taylor Tarrow
Audrey Lavalley
59.14Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
4x200 Relay -
1.-Megan Clifford
Sarah Wood
Michelle Baumgart
Quinn Foley
1:48.55May 19KLAA West Divisional
2.-Sarah Spring
Sarah Wood
Michelle Baumgart
Quinn Foley
1:49.39May 9KLAA West-North Conference
3.-Relay Team 1:50.81May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
4.-Megan Clifford
Quinn Foley
Michelle Baumgart
Sarah Wood
1:51.8hApr 17SVSU (outdoor)
5.-Amanda Curtis
Sarah Wood
Bethany Daavettila
Heather Queener
1:52.9hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
6.-Amanda Curtis
Michelle Baumgart
Quinn Foley
Sarah Wood
1:53.70Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
7.-Jessica Thiels
Sarah Wood
Heather Queener
Ashley Healy
1:54.5hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
8.-Michelle Baumgart
Megan Clifford
Sarah Wood
Quinn Foley
1:55.5hMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
9.-Heather Queener
Alexa Curtis
Bethany Daavettila
Sarah Wood
1:55.7hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
10.-Bethany Daavettila
Ashley Healy
Stephanie Gibson
Jessica Thiels
1:56.95Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
11.9Alexa Curtis
Ashley Healy
Josie Zamarron
Stephanie Gibson
1:58.2hMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
12.9Jessica Thiels
Ashley Healy
Josie Zamarron
Stephanie Gibson
1:59.3hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
13.-Alexa Curtis
Sarah Wood
Emily Naidoo
Mackenzie Frasso
2:01.68Mar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
4x400 Relay
1.-Amanda Curtis
Bethany Daavettila
Quinn Foley
Chelsie Minnick
4:11.35May 15Milford Regional #8-1
2.-Kelsey Reynolds
Amanda Curtis
Bethany Daavettila
Chelsie Minnick
4:13.3hMay 19KLAA West Divisional
3.-Amanda Curtis
Ellory Green
Kelsey Reynolds
Chelsie Minnick
4:15.62May 9KLAA West-North Conference
4.-Kelsey Reynolds
Ellory Green
Quinn Foley
Amanda Curtis
4:18.4hApr 17SVSU (outdoor)
5.-Ellory Green
Kelsey Reynolds
Michelle Baumgart
Amanda Curtis
4:23.50Mar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
6.-Amanda Curtis
Amanda Halonen
Ellory Green
Kelsey Reynolds
4:24.7hMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
-Jessica Thiels
Amanda Curtis
Ashley Healy
Mackenzie Frasso
4:24.7hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
8.-Bethany Daavettila
Ellory Green
Kristen Emmorey
Jessica Thiels
4:26.4hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
9.-Amanda Curtis
Ashley Healy
Chelsie Minnick
Kelsey Reynolds
4:29.5hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
10.9Jessica Thiels
Ashleigh Kozel
Tasha Healy
Ashley Healy
4:31.9hMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
11.-Mackenzie Frasso
Liza Reynolds
Alexa Curtis
Ashleigh Kozel
4:36.4hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
12.-Kelsey Reynolds
Paige McGahan
Sarah Kiilunen
Samantha Brish
4:44.62Mar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
13.-Emily Naidoo
Sarah Wood
Amanda Savage
Chelsie Minnick
4:44.8hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
14.-Bethany Daavettila
Mackenzie Frasso
Alexa Curtis
Ashley Healy
4:46.1hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
15.-Heather Queener
Emily Naidoo
Sophie Shinsky
Stephanie Gibson
4:49.5hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
4x800 Relay
1.-Ellory Green
Kelsey Reynolds
Amanda Halonen
Amanda Curtis
9:46.4hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
2.-Lydia Bumann
Tasha Healy
Ashleigh Kozel
Emily Naidoo
10:54.1hMay 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
4x800 Relay
1.-Relay Team 9:24.34May 30MHSAA Division 1 Finals
2.-Brandi Corkins
Ellory Green
Alexa Curtis
Kelsey Reynolds
9:34.2hMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
3.-Brandi Corkins
Kelsey Reynolds
Liza Reynolds
Amanda Curtis
9:39.8hMay 19KLAA West Divisional
4.-Ellory Green
Amanda Halonen
Brandi Corkins
Kelsey Reynolds
9:49.00Apr 25West Bloomfield Invitational
5.-Brandi Corkins
Kelsey Reynolds
Liza Reynolds
Mary Halonen
10:04.4hMay 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
6.-Amanda Curtis
Amanda Halonen
Ellory Green
Kelsey Reynolds
10:05.8hMar 18SVSU (indoor) Girls Only
7.-Brandi Corkins
Amanda Curtis
Amanda Halonen
Kelsey Reynolds
10:07.30Apr 17SVSU (outdoor)
8.-Sophie Shinsky
Ashleigh Kozel
Tasha Healy
Cait Prentice
10:14.2hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
9.-Brandi Corkins
Kristen Emmorey
Kelsey Reynolds
Ellory Green
10:14.4hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
10.-Elizabeth Kingshott
Liza Reynolds
Ellory Green
Amanda Curtis
10:17.7hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
11.-Bethany Daavettila
Samantha Brish
Elizabeth Kingshott
Amanda Halonen
10:22.4hMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
12.-Sarah Kiilunen
Brandi Corkins
Paige McGahan
Samantha Brish
10:34.24Mar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
13.-Ashleigh Kozel
Tasha Healy
Paige McGahan
Sophie Shinsky
10:35.6hMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
14.-Samantha Brish
Kristen Emmorey
Sarah Kiilunen
Paige McGahan
10:43.8hMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
15.-Brandi Corkins
Ellory Green
Amanda Halonen
Sarah Kiilunen
10:44.0hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
16.-Sophie Shinsky
Bethany Daavettila
Samantha Brish
Emily Naidoo
10:44.9hApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
17.-Mary Halonen
Ashleigh Kozel
Liza Reynolds
Jessica Thiels
10:46.5hApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
SMR 1600m - [200-200-400-800]
1.-Kelsey Reynolds
Michelle Baumgart
Quinn Foley
Ellory Green
4:28.8hApr 25West Bloomfield Invitational
2.-Jessica Thiels
Sarah Wood
Mackenzie Frasso
Amanda Curtis
4:38.7hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
DMR 4000m - [1200-400-800-1600]
1.-Ellory Green
Amanda Curtis
Amanda Halonen
Elizabeth Kingshott
12:36.3hMay 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
2.-Relay Team 12:36.89May 26Larry Steeb Memorial Meet of Champions
3.-Amanda Curtis
Quinn Foley
Ellory Green
Amanda Halonen
12:50.18May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
4.-Kristen Emmorey
Ashley Healy
Liza Reynolds
Samantha Brish
13:30.50May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
5.-Liza Reynolds
Emily Naidoo
Elizabeth Kingshott
Kristen Emmorey
13:38.5hApr 25Holly (9/10) Invitational
4x100 Shuttle Hurdles - 30"
1.-Megan Walters
Megan Clifford
Bethany Daavettila
Jennifer Lane
1:08.5hApr 25West Bloomfield Invitational
Shot Put - 4kg
1.12Laura Blaser31' 6.5May 19KLAA West Divisional
2.9Brita Pietila28' 8May 15Milford Regional #8-1
3.11Ellen Pero28' 5PRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
4.9Leticia Amitucanai27' 3PRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
5.10Connie Brown27' 0PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
6.10Tori Price26' 2.5Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
7.9Erin Conway20' 5.5PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
8.11Hannah Laske19' 4.25PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
9.11Toni Morgan19' 1PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
Discus - 1kg
1.10Tori Price90' 5PRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
2.12Laura Blaser87' 6May 19KLAA West Divisional
3.9Brita Pietila72' 10May 19KLAA West Divisional
4.9Leticia Amitucanai71' 5PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
5.11Ellen Pero69' 11PRApr 25West Bloomfield Invitational
6.10Connie Brown61' 3May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
7.11Hannah Laske51' 8Apr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
8.9Erin Conway51' 2PRApr 28Brighton - Howell Dual
9.11Toni Morgan48' 3PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
High Jump
1.12Jennifer Lane5' 4Mar 14EMU Eagle Early bird Invitational
2.10Heather Queener4' 9May 1Golden Triangle Meet of Champions
3.11Mary Halonen4' 9PRApr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
4.11Anna Mattson4' 7PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
5.12Amanda Halonen4' 6PRMay 9KLAA West-North Conference
6.9Rebecca Smith4' 3Mar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
11Rachel Smith4' 3PRMay 19KLAA West Divisional
Pole Vault
1.12Natalie Zidzik7' 9May 19KLAA West Divisional
2.9Alexa Curtis7' 8May 15Milford Regional #8-1
11Paige Pizzo7' 8PRMay 15Milford Regional #8-1
4.11Erin Varcoe7' 6May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
Long Jump
1.12Megan Clifford17' 3PRApr 25West Bloomfield Invitational
2.12Quinn Foley15' 7.25Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
3.11Audrey Lavalley14' 6PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
4.12Jennifer Lane14' 3.75Apr 21Milford - Brighton Dual
5.9Rebecca Smith14' 2May 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
6.11Anna Mattson13' 3Mar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
7.9Kelsey Gursinski12' 6PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
8.10Taylor Tarrow12' 5PRMay 13River Rat Women's J.V. Track & Field Invite
11Ellen Pero12' 5Mar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
10.12Caitlin Wojie12' 2Mar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
11.11Alissa Zalewski11' 11PRMar 31Pinckney - Brighton Dual
12.9Nora Krauskopf11' 6May 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
13.10Jessica Lucas10' 9PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
14.11Libby Elliott10' 7PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
15.9Kacey Mayse10' 1.5PRMay 5Brighton - Hartland Dual
16.10Heather Queener7' 1Mar 13Indoor Test
17.12Ellory Green6' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
18.10Paige McGahan6' 9Mar 13Indoor Test
12Amanda Halonen6' 9PRMar 13Indoor Test
12Megan Walters6' 9Mar 13Indoor Test
21.12Michelle Baumgart6' 7PRMar 13Indoor Test
9Stephanie Gibson6' 7PRMar 13Indoor Test
23.12Kelsey Reynolds6' 5PRMar 13Indoor Test
24.10Kaitlin Cech6' 4Mar 13Indoor Test
11Mary Halonen6' 4PRMar 13Indoor Test
26.10Brie Stevick6' 3PRMar 13Indoor Test
10Rachel Jennings6' 3Mar 13Indoor Test
10Bethany Daavettila6' 3Mar 13Indoor Test
10Emily Naidoo6' 3Mar 13Indoor Test
30.11Jamie Renaud6' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
10Amanda Curtis6' 0Mar 13Indoor Test
10Kristen Emmorey6' 0Mar 13Indoor Test
10Tori Price6' 0Mar 13Indoor Test
34.9Alexa Curtis5' 11Mar 13Indoor Test
10Cait Prentice5' 11PRMar 13Indoor Test
36.11Kate McMichen5' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
37.11Sarah Kiilunen5' 9Mar 13Indoor Test
10Tracy Moss5' 9Mar 13Indoor Test
39.11Margaret Lugin5' 8Mar 13Indoor Test
9Kristin Zalewski5' 8Mar 13Indoor Test
9Ashleigh Kozel5' 8Mar 13Indoor Test
42.11Toni Morgan5' 7PRMar 13Indoor Test
9Ashley Healy5' 7Mar 13Indoor Test
11Aubree Kugler5' 7PRMar 13Indoor Test
11Paige Pizzo5' 7Mar 13Indoor Test
46.9Tasha Healy5' 6Mar 13Indoor Test
9Elizabeth Kingshott5' 6Mar 13Indoor Test
9Jennifer Herrell5' 6PRMar 13Indoor Test
49.9Ashley Bowers5' 5PRMar 13Indoor Test
10Kathryn Estey5' 5PRMar 13Indoor Test
51.10Mackenzie Frasso5' 4Mar 13Indoor Test
12Laura Blaser5' 4PRMar 13Indoor Test
12Natalie Zidzik5' 4PRMar 13Indoor Test
54.9Erin Conway5' 3PRMar 13Indoor Test
11Samantha Brish5' 3Mar 13Indoor Test
11Mairin Chesney5' 3PRMar 13Indoor Test
57.9Jessica Thiels5' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
58.10Sarah Poliquin5' 1PRMar 13Indoor Test
9Liza Reynolds5' 1Mar 13Indoor Test
60.11Brandi Corkins5' 0Mar 13Indoor Test
11Rachel Smith5' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
9Emily Sybert5' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
9Lydia Bumann5' 0Mar 13Indoor Test
11Erin Varcoe5' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
11Jessica Hoang5' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
66.10Sarah Wood4' 11Mar 13Indoor Test
9Lisa Tanner4' 11Mar 13Indoor Test
68.9Leticia Amitucanai4' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
69.10Dana Barbera4' 8Mar 13Indoor Test
9Brita Pietila4' 8Mar 13Indoor Test
71.9Josie Zamarron4' 7Mar 13Indoor Test
11Hannah Laske4' 7PRMar 13Indoor Test
73.10Connie Brown4' 6PRMar 13Indoor Test
74.9Tawni Sharp4' 5Mar 13Indoor Test
9Nicole Pinchen4' 5PRMar 13Indoor Test
76.12Molly Hincka2' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
Weight Throw - 20lb
1.12Jennifer Lane39' 9PRMar 13Indoor Test
2.9Brita Pietila38' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
3.12Ellory Green37' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
4.10Tori Price36' 8PRMar 13Indoor Test
5.12Laura Blaser36' 3PRMar 13Indoor Test
6.9Ashley Bowers36' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
7.11Jamie Renaud34' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
8.10Taylor Tarrow33' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
9.10Tracy Moss33' 3PRMar 13Indoor Test
10.10Heather Queener33' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
11.12Kelsey Reynolds32' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
10Mackenzie Frasso32' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
13.9Stephanie Gibson32' 1PRMar 13Indoor Test
14.11Anna Mattson32' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
15.11Mary Halonen31' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
16.10Kaitlin Cech31' 9PRMar 13Indoor Test
17.11Paige Pizzo31' 8PRMar 13Indoor Test
12Megan Clifford31' 8PRMar 13Indoor Test
19.9Leticia Amitucanai31' 3PRMar 13Indoor Test
20.11Audrey Lavalley31' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
11Brandi Corkins31' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
22.11Sarah Kiilunen31' 1PRMar 13Indoor Test
23.9Kacey Mayse31' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
24.12Amanda Halonen30' 8PRMar 13Indoor Test
25.11Alissa Zalewski30' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
26.11Toni Morgan30' 1PRMar 13Indoor Test
27.11Samantha Brish30' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
28.11Kate McMichen29' 8PRMar 13Indoor Test
29.9Rebecca Smith29' 3PRMar 13Indoor Test
30.11Hannah Laske28' 11PRMar 13Indoor Test
31.11Ellen Pero28' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
32.12Megan Walters28' 9PRMar 13Indoor Test
33.12Natalie Zidzik28' 4PRMar 13Indoor Test
34.10Kathryn Estey28' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
10Emily Naidoo28' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
36.12Quinn Foley27' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
37.9Erin Conway27' 7PRMar 13Indoor Test
38.12Michelle Baumgart27' 6PRMar 13Indoor Test
39.10Paige McGahan27' 3PRMar 13Indoor Test
40.11Rachel Smith27' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
9Tasha Healy27' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
42.9Ashley Healy26' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
43.9Sophie Shinsky26' 8PRMar 13Indoor Test
44.10Connie Brown26' 6PRMar 13Indoor Test
10Amanda Curtis26' 6PRMar 13Indoor Test
9Jennifer Herrell26' 6PRMar 13Indoor Test
47.10Kristen Emmorey26' 4PRMar 13Indoor Test
48.9Alexa Curtis26' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
49.9Kristin Zalewski25' 4PRMar 13Indoor Test
50.12Caitlin Wojie25' 3PRMar 13Indoor Test
51.10Jessica Lucas25' 1PRMar 13Indoor Test
52.9Ashleigh Kozel25' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
53.11Libby Elliott24' 11PRMar 13Indoor Test
9Jessica Thiels24' 11PRMar 13Indoor Test
55.11Jessica Hoang24' 5PRMar 13Indoor Test
56.10Sarah Wood24' 3PRMar 13Indoor Test
57.11Margaret Lugin24' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
11Erin Varcoe24' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
59.10Dana Barbera24' 1PRMar 13Indoor Test
60.9Josie Zamarron23' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
61.9Kelsey Gursinski23' 6PRMar 13Indoor Test
62.9Elizabeth Kingshott23' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
63.10Sarah Poliquin23' 1PRMar 13Indoor Test
64.9Liza Reynolds22' 10PRMar 13Indoor Test
65.10Bethany Daavettila22' 7PRMar 13Indoor Test
66.10Rachel Jennings22' 4PRMar 13Indoor Test
67.9Emily Sybert22' 0PRMar 13Indoor Test
68.9Nora Krauskopf21' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
69.9Tawni Sharp21' 1PRMar 13Indoor Test
70.11Mairin Chesney20' 8PRMar 13Indoor Test
71.10Brie Stevick20' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
72.11Aubree Kugler20' 1PRMar 13Indoor Test
73.9Lisa Tanner19' 2PRMar 13Indoor Test
74.12Molly Hincka18' 6PRMar 13Indoor Test
75.9Nicole Pinchen18' 5PRMar 13Indoor Test
76.10Cait Prentice17' 7PRMar 13Indoor Test

*Recent improvement