Event Records

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100 Meters
1.11Imeh Archibong11.04cPRApr 18Aloha Relays
2.12Vince Mull11.26PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
3.12Marcus Smith11.49PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
4.11Jon Jon Moore11.78PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
5.9Sheldon Prince11.86May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
6.10Troy Cardona11.97PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
7.12Chris Fasching12.02PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
8.10Josh Yoon12.07PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
9.9Jeff Horton12.24cApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
10.12JD Newby12.27PRMar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
11.11Jake Fisher12.42PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
12.12Andy Macsisak12.47PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
10Jonathon Shaffer12.47PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
14.10Kevin Gregg12.53PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
15.12Michael Falvey12.55PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
16.11Tony Mull12.60Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
9Bryan Frey12.60PRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
18.10Chris Un12.70May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
19.11Jimmie Mason12.72PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
10Jesse Bresser12.72May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
21.10Alfredo Gutierrez12.83Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
22.12Jared Holloway12.94PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
10Tige McSwain12.94Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
24.10Josh Kim13.00PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
25.12Josh Tate13.10PRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
26.10Nate Janke13.42Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
27.9Mugaddas Ibrahim13.44cPRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
28.9Colin Rice13.71Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
29.10James Euscher14.27Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
30.9Josh Pope14.43May 8Metro League JV District Meet
200 Meters
1.12Vince Mull23.08Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
2.11Imeh Archibong23.19PRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
3.11David Fleming23.30Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
4.10Troy Cardona23.74cPRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
5.12Marcus Smith23.83PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
6.12Chris Fasching24.04cPRJun 28Junior Olympic Association Championship
7.9Sheldon Prince24.34cApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
8.12Jamie Marrs24.50May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
9.10Josh Yoon25.10PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
10.12JD Newby25.38PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
11.10Jonathon Shaffer25.48PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
12.9Bryan Frey25.49PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
13.10Jesse Bresser25.90PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
14.10Alfredo Gutierrez26.05May 8Metro League JV District Meet
15.11Patrick Fasching26.25PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
16.12Josh Tate26.69PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
17.9Jeff Horton26.74cMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
18.10Josh Kim27.08PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
19.9Colin Rice27.84cPRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
400 Meters
1.11David Fleming49.74PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
2.12Chris Fasching51.83PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
3.10Troy Cardona52.04May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
4.12Jamie Marrs55.20PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
5.11Jon Jon Moore57.17PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
6.11Patrick Fasching58.65Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
7.10Alex Foote59.39Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
8.10Tige McSwain59.58PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
800 Meters
1.10Alex Foote2:08.71Apr 15Southridge @ Aloha
2.12Jason Waldram2:10.17Apr 15Southridge @ Aloha
3.10Alan Bell2:10.52PRMar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
4.10Buddy Charley2:13.69PRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
5.9Christopher Campbell2:18.15May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
6.9Joseph Kato2:18.20May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
7.12Jamie Marrs2:19.50PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
8.10Trent Martin2:21.75Apr 4Mike Kostrba Invitational
9.11Alton Campbell2:25.6hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
10.9Andrew Tran2:26.24May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
11.9Micheal Seed2:26.4hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
12.10Jordan Grimes2:26.71May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
13.11Reid Landon2:26.73Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
14.9Kyle Medak2:28.5hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
15.11Jack Miller2:30.04PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
16.11Caleb Lau2:31.0hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
17.11Thanh Luu2:34.66PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
18.9Nick Waldram2:38.00May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
19.10Nam Huynh2:48.5hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
20.9Justin Force2:58.4hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
1500 Meters
1.12Jason Waldram4:16.30Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
2.10Alex Foote4:18.51May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
3.10Buddy Charley4:34.4hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
4.9Joseph Kato4:35.79May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
5.9Christopher Campbell4:43.0hMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
6.10Jordan Grimes4:52.5hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
7.11Reid Landon4:53.36May 8Metro League JV District Meet
8.10Trent Martin4:54.71PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
9.11Alton Campbell5:00.8hPRApr 23Sparrow 1500
10.9Kyle Medak5:03.22PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
11.9Andrew Tran5:03.33May 8Metro League JV District Meet
12.9Micheal Seed5:07.71Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
13.9Nick Waldram5:10.0hApr 23Sparrow 1500
14.11Jack Miller5:16.5hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
15.11Thanh Luu5:17.69PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
16.11Caleb Lau5:25.0hPRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
17.9Justin Force5:52.8hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
18.10Nam Huynh5:53.87PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
3000 Meters
1.12Jason Waldram9:10.68Apr 2545th Centennial Invitational
2.10Alex Foote9:29.83May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
3.10Buddy Charley9:58.51PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
4.9Joseph Kato10:06.1hMay 1Jesuit Twilight Relays
5.10Jordan Grimes10:14.84May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
6.11Reid Landon10:32.41PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
7.9Christopher Campbell10:38.7hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
8.10Trent Martin10:47.11PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
9.9Nick Waldram10:49.11May 8Metro League JV District Meet
10.11Alton Campbell10:53.33PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
11.9Andrew Tran10:58.00May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
12.9Micheal Seed11:01.0hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
13.9Kyle Medak11:26.78PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
14.11Caleb Lau11:40.8hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
15.11Thanh Luu11:41.2hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
110m Hurdles - 39"
1.12Paulo David16.12PRApr 18Aloha Relays
2.10Alan Bell17.01PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
3.12Eric Pinnock18.43PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
4.10Ian Barnes18.80May 8Metro League JV District Meet
5.11Josh Werner18.90May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
6.10Jesse Bresser19.77May 8Metro League JV District Meet
7.9Kevin Wyllie20.29May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
300m Hurdles - 36"
1.12Paulo David41.78Apr 2545th Centennial Invitational
2.10Alan Bell42.48PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
3.10Ian Barnes44.96PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
4.11Josh Werner46.31May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
5.10Jesse Bresser46.46May 8Metro League JV District Meet
6.12Eric Pinnock49.30PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
7.9Kevin Wyllie52.64cMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
4x100 Relay
1.-Paulo David
Vince Mull
Imeh Archibong
David Fleming
43.83May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
2.-Marcus Smith
Imeh Archibong
David Fleming
Paulo David
44.19Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
3.-Marcus Smith
Paulo David
David Fleming
Imeh Archibong
44.70Apr 15Southridge @ Aloha
4.-Imeh Archibong
David Fleming
Marcus Smith
Paulo David
44.71Apr 18Aloha Relays
5.-Jamie Marrs
Vince Mull
David Fleming
Imeh Archibong
44.82Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
6.-Marcus Smith
Paulo David
Imeh Archibong
David Fleming
44.90Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
7.-Troy Cardona
Chris Fasching
Marcus Smith
Sheldon Prince
45.35May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
8.-Paulo David
Imeh Archibong
Marcus Smith
David Fleming
45.69Apr 2545th Centennial Invitational
9.-Jamie Marrs
Troy Cardona
Chris Fasching
Sheldon Prince
46.04Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
10.-Troy Cardona
Chris Fasching
Josh Yoon
Sheldon Prince
46.40Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
11.-Chris Fasching
Paulo David
Marcus Smith
Jon-Jon Moore
46.41Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
12.-Sheldon Prince
Kevin Vega
Marcus Smith
Chris Fasching
47.08Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
13.-Jonathon Shaffer
Troy Cardona
Jesse Bresser
Deondre Rakestraw
48.20Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
14.-Jesse Bresser
Jonathon Shaffer
Andy Macsisak
JD Newby
48.23Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
15.-Jesse Bresser
Dustin Aldrich
Andy Macsisak
JD Newby
48.24cApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
16.-Jonathon Shaffer
Andy Macsisak
JD Newby
Jesse Bresser
48.80May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
17.-Josh Yoon
Jeff Horton
Sheldon Prince
Josh Kim
49.00Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
18.-Deondre Rakestraw
Jesse Bresser
Troy Cardona
Jonathon Shaffer
49.11Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
19.-Jesse Bresser
Andy Macsisak
JD Newby
Jonathon Shaffer
49.24Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
20.-Jake Fisher
Tige McSwain
Kevin Gregg
Jared Holloway
49.28Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
21.-Kevin Gregg
Josh Tate
Jake Fisher
Jeff Horton
49.68May 8Metro League JV District Meet
22.-Ian Barnes
Josh Werner
Kevin Wyllie
Tige McSwain
49.74cApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
23.-Josh Kim
Jeff Horton
Josh Yoon
Andy Macsisak
49.90Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
24.-Josh Kim
Bryan Frey
Josh Tate
Josh Yoon
50.13Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
25.-Tyson James
Jake Fisher
Kevin Gregg
Tony Mull
50.29Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
26.-Kevin Wyllie
Josh Werner
Ian Barnes
Eric Pinnock
50.52May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
27.-Eric Pinnock
Ian Barnes
Kevin Wyllie
Josh Werner
50.80Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
28.-Tige McSwain
Kevin Gregg
Jared Holloway
Jake Fisher
50.94May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
29.-Patrick Fasching
AJ Brown
Jeff Horton
Alfredo Gutierrez
50.96Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
30.-Jeff Horton
Alfredo Gutierrez
AJ Brown
Patrick Fasching
51.14cApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
31.-Jack Miller
Alfredo Gutierrez
AJ Brown
Patrick Fasching
51.19May 8Metro League JV District Meet
32.-AJ Brown
Alfredo Gutierrez
Patrick Fasching
Jeff Horton
51.22May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
33.-Eric Pinnock
Kevin Vega
Kevin Wyllie
Josh Werner
51.25Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
34.-Kevin Gregg
Jake Fisher
Mugaddas Ibrahim
Colin Rice
51.34cApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
-Josh Werner
Ian Barnes
Kevin Wyllie
Eric Pinnock
51.34Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
36.-Tony Mull
Tyson James
Jake Fisher
Kevin Gregg
51.81Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
37.-Josh Kim
Bryan Frey
Josh Yoon
Josh Tate
51.96May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
38.-Alfredo Gutierrez
Nate Janke
AJ Brown
Patrick Fasching
52.11Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
39.-Mugaddas Ibrahim
JD Newby
Josh Tate
Colin Rice
52.14Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
40.-Buddy Charley
Alex Doss
James Euscher
Michael Falvey
53.00Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
41.-Josh Tate
JD Newby
Colin Rice
Mugaddas Ibrahim
53.02Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
42.-Josh Tate
Nate Janke
Bryan Frey
Josh Kim
53.09Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
43.-Josh Tate
Nate Janke
Bryan Frey
Jack Miller
53.94cApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
4x200 Relay -
1.-Imeh Archibong
David Fleming
Chris Fasching
Troy Cardona
1:34.18Apr 18Aloha Relays
4x400 Relay
1.-Jon-Jon Moore
Jamie Marrs
Alan Bell
Troy Cardona
3:30.43May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
2.-Alan Bell
Troy Cardona
Chris Fasching
David Fleming
3:30.63Apr 18Aloha Relays
3.-Jon-Jon Moore
Chris Fasching
Alan Bell
David Fleming
3:33.90Apr 15Southridge @ Aloha
4.-Jon-Jon Moore
David Fleming
Chris Fasching
Troy Cardona
3:35.75Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
5.-Chris Fasching
Troy Cardona
David Fleming
Jon-Jon Moore
3:37.85May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
6.-Chris Fasching
Alan Bell
Paulo David
David Fleming
3:38.93Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
7.-Jon-Jon Moore
Alan Bell
Chris Fasching
David Fleming
3:41.22Apr 4Mike Kostrba Invitational
8.-Chris Fasching
David Fleming
Imeh Archibong
Jon-Jon Moore
3:44.89Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
9.-Deondre Rakestraw
Jesse Bresser
Troy Cardona
Alan Bell
3:56.25Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
10.-Jeff Horton
Josh Kim
Sheldon Prince
Josh Yoon
3:58.1hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
11.-Imeh Archibong
Jordan Grimes
Troy Cardona
Jesse Bresser
3:58.6hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
12.-Deondre Rakestraw
Jesse Bresser
Jonathon Shaffer
Troy Cardona
3:59.68Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
13.-Josh Kim
Jeff Horton
Sheldon Prince
Josh Yoon
4:02.35Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
14.-Relay Team 4:02.96Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
15.-Josh Tate
AJ Brown
Alfredo Gutierrez
Patrick Fasching
4:06.41May 8Metro League JV District Meet
16.-AJ Brown
Alfredo Gutierrez
Nate Janke
Patrick Fasching
4:07.3hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
17.-Josh Yoon
Jeff Horton
Sheldon Prince
Josh Kim
4:12.72Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
18.-Colin Rice
Bryan Frey
JD Newby
Josh Tate
4:17.72Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
19.-Josh Tate
Bryan Frey
JD Newby
Colin Rice
4:21.34Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
20.-Nate Janke
Alfredo Gutierrez
AJ Brown
Patrick Fasching
4:23.47Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
21.-Jeff Horton
Josh Yoon
Josh Kim
Sheldon Prince
4:24.37Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
22.-AJ Brown
Nate Janke
Alfredo Gutierrez
Patrick Fasching
4:29.84Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
4x800 Relay
1.-Buddy Charley
Trent Martin
Christopher Campbell
Joseph Kato
8:58.80Apr 18Aloha Relays
2.-Chris Campbell
Nick Waldram
Andrew Tran
Reid Landon
9:59.21Apr 4Mike Kostrba Invitational
DMR 4000m - [1200-400-800-1600]
1.-Joseph Kato
Chris Fasching
Buddy Charley
Jordan Grimes
12:03.01Apr 18Aloha Relays
Shot Put - 12lb
1.12Stephen Mull44' 11Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
2.12Andy Macsisak43' 9.5PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
3.10James Euscher40' 6Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
4.12Michael Falvey38' 11.5PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
5.10Tyler Higley38' 11Jul 22Hillboro Park and Rec all-comers
6.12Skyler Kieran38' 8PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
7.11Jimmie Mason35' 0PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
8.9Josh Pope32' 9Jul 22Hillboro Park and Rec all-comers
9.10Nate Janke31' 5Apr 15Southridge @ Aloha
10.10Alex Doss27' 4.5Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
11.9Elliot Sanchez26' 9.5PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
Discus - 1.6kg
1.12Michael Falvey137' 2PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
2.12Stephen Mull123' 3PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
3.10Tyler Higley122' 3May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
4.9Josh Pope101' 5May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
5.10James Euscher100' 4Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
6.10Alex Doss71' 5May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
Javelin - 800g
1.12Doug Benson148' 4PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
2.12Jared Holloway147' 9PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
3.12Skyler Kieran138' 5PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
4.9Devin Wieker132' 11May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
5.11Tyson James122' 5PRMar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
6.9Kameron Anderson121' 2May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
7.10Tyler Higley115' 1PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
8.11Tony Mull102' 2May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
9.9Elliot Sanchez89' 7PRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
10.11Jake Fisher81' 4Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
High Jump
1.11Jon Jon Moore5' 11PRApr 18Aloha Relays
2.10Deondre Rakestraw5' 6Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
10Chris Un5' 6Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
4.9Devin Wieker5' 2PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
10Kevin Gregg5' 2PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
6.9Kameron Anderson5' 0Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
7.12AJ Brown4' 10PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
8.10Eric Feigner4' 6PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
11Tyson James4' 6PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
Pole Vault
1.12Eric Pinnock9' 6PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
11Josh Werner9' 6PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
3.12AJ Brown9' 0PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
11Tony Mull9' 0Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
5.10Ian Barnes8' 6May 8Metro League JV District Meet
6.11Jack Miller7' 6PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
Long Jump
1.11Jon Jon Moore21' 3May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
2.10Chris Un19' 3.75Jun 27USATF Oregon Jr. Olympic Championship
3.12Vince Mull19' 3PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
4.10Alan Bell18' 8PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
5.10Kevin Gregg18' 1PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
6.10Deondre Rakestraw17' 7Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
7.9Devin Wieker17' 4May 8Metro League JV District Meet
8.10Eric Feigner16' 9PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
9.10Jonathon Shaffer16' 1.25PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
10.9Mugaddas Ibrahim15' 6PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
11.9Jeff Horton15' 2Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
Triple Jump
1.10Chris Un42' 3May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
2.10Deondre Rakestraw39' 2.75May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
3.10Tige McSwain36' 5Apr 18Aloha Relays
4.10Eric Feigner35' 0Apr 29Aloha @ Westview


100 Meters
1.10Taisha Moore12.84cPRJun 27USATF Oregon Jr. Olympic Championship
2.12Priya Gupta13.17PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
3.10Jessica Mull13.66PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
4.12Abby Allen14.03Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
5.9Christine Shatzer14.05PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
6.12Tonya Gorman14.28Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
7.10Jessica Barzler14.30PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
8.9Kendra Dahl14.40PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
9.12Amanda Edgerton14.50PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
10.11Corrin Neff14.61Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
11.11Christie Ellett14.99PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
12.9Eleni LaRue15.04Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
13.9Tracy Tanner15.07PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
14.10Special Lovincey15.09Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
15.9Chelsea Bull15.14PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
16.9Crissa Grady15.74PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
200 Meters
1.11Katie Pratt26.08May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
2.10Taisha Moore26.61PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
3.12Priya Gupta28.26PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
4.10Jessica Barzler28.99PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
5.10Jessica Mull29.11PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
6.9Kendra Dahl30.95PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
7.9Christine Shatzer31.31Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
8.10Special Lovincey32.77Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
400 Meters
1.11Katie Pratt57.57Apr 2545th Centennial Invitational
2.11Corrin Neff1:02.34PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
3.10Jessica Mull1:11.77PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
800 Meters
1.11Katie Pratt2:21.17PRJul 12Junior Olympic Region 13 Championship
2.10Nicole Ashby2:33.69Apr 15Southridge @ Aloha
3.11Andrea Yarnell2:42.70PRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
4.9Samantha Wight2:42.81Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
5.11Eliza Vistica2:43.9hMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
6.10Kaila Chapman2:49.22Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
7.12Donielle Lepine2:50.8hMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
8.9Annalise Miller2:55.91Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
9.10Yollixpa Rios2:58.87PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
10.9Blossom Le2:59.12May 8Metro League JV District Meet
11.12Bridget Phillips2:59.9hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
12.9Deanna Clayson3:01.08May 8Metro League JV District Meet
13.12Danielle Singly3:02.19PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
14.12Shandelle Pepper3:14.48PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
15.9Hyeyoong Moon3:15.92PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
16.11Danielle Clayson3:18.67Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
17.11Morgan Petrevich3:47.1hPRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
18.11Monica Solano3:47.72Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
1500 Meters
1.11Andrea Yarnell5:07.10PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
2.9Samantha Wight5:16.25May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
3.10Nicole Ashby5:29.70May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
4.10Kaila Chapman5:38.55May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
5.12Donielle Lepine5:39.8hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
6.11Eliza Vistica5:47.20Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
7.12Danielle Singly5:56.39PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
8.10Yollixpa Rios6:03.7hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
9.9Deanna Clayson6:20.4hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
10.12Bridget Phillips6:20.58PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
11.11Carrie Stafford6:20.81Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
12.9Hyeyoong Moon6:29.66Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
13.9Blossom Le6:29.91Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
14.12Shandelle Pepper6:53.2hPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
15.11Monica Solano7:09.12Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
16.11Morgan Petrevich8:06.5hPRMar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
3000 Meters
1.9Samantha Wight11:08.30May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
2.11Andrea Yarnell11:09.49PRApr 2545th Centennial Invitational
3.10Kaila Chapman12:04.13May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
4.12Donielle Lepine12:13.44May 8Metro League JV District Meet
5.10Nicole Ashby12:22.76Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
6.11Eliza Vistica12:30.7hMay 1Jesuit Twilight Relays
7.10Yollixpa Rios13:26.3hPRMar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
8.11Carrie Stafford13:48.97May 8Metro League JV District Meet
9.12Danielle Singly14:24.41PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
10.9Deanna Clayson14:24.5hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
11.11Monica Solano15:17.90Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
100m Hurdles - 33"
1.9Alexa Mull16.14cJun 28Junior Olympic Association Championship
2.12Morgan Cain17.71PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
3.10Ashley Hunt18.65Apr 4Mike Kostrba Invitational
4.10Mary Sarpong20.13PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
5.10Rose Tucker20.70May 8Metro League JV District Meet
6.9Brooke Modrell20.94cPRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
7.11Schirin Aghalale-Hokme21.44cPRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
8.9Sarah Aguiar21.54cPRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
9.10Megan Taylor23.84Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
10.10Jeannie Buss1:04.24Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
300m Hurdles - 30"
1.9Alexa Mull49.40PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
2.12Morgan Cain51.99PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
3.10Ashley Hunt52.83May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
4.9Brooke Modrell57.03Apr 15Southridge @ Aloha
5.10Mary Sarpong57.94PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
6.9Sarah Aguiar1:01.34cPRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
7.11Schirin Aghalale-Hokme1:02.42PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
8.10Megan Taylor1:08.90Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
9.10Jeannie Buss1:12.37PRMar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
4x100 Relay
1.-Alexa Mull
Taisha Moore
Kathryn Pratt
Corrin Neff
50.14May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
2.-Alexa Mull
Priya Gupta
Kathryn Pratt
Taisha Moore
50.70Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
3.-Priya Gupta
Kathryn Pratt
Alexa Mull
Taisha Moore
51.35May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
4.-Kathryn Pratt
Taisha Moore
Alexa Mull
Priya Gupta
51.49Apr 2545th Centennial Invitational
5.-Alexa Mull
Taisha Moore
Kathryn Pratt
Priya Gupta
51.63Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
6.-Kathryn Pratt
Priya Gupta
Taisha Moore
Alexa Mull
51.70Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
7.-Abby Allen
Kathryn Pratt
Alexa Mull
Taisha Moore
52.24cApr 18Aloha Relays
8.-Taisha Moore
Alexa Mull
Kathryn Pratt
Priya Gupta
52.25Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
9.-Jessica Barzler
Special Lovincey
Christine Schatzer
Kendra Dahl
55.64May 8Metro League JV District Meet
10.-Ashley Hunt
Jessica Mull
Abby Allen
Sarah Bain
56.48Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
11.-Sarah Bain
Jessica Mull
Ashley Hunt
Abby Allen
56.54cApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
12.-Christine Shatzer
Jenny Pham
Brooke Modrell
Jessica Barzler
57.14cApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
13.-Special Lovincey
Kendra Dahl
Christine Shatzer
Jessica Barzler
57.24cMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
14.-Sarah Bain
Abby Allen
Ashley Hunt
Jessica Mull
57.60Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
15.-Sarah Bain
Abby Allen
Corrin Neff
Jessica Mull
57.92Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
16.-Schirin Aghalale-Hokme
Jenny Pham
Brooke Modrell
Morgan Cain
58.22Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
17.-Morgan Cain
Brooke Modrell
Jenny Pham
Schirin Aghalale-Hokme
58.34Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
-Kendra Dahl
Special Lovincey
Jessica Barzler
Christine Schatzer
58.34Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
-Morgan Cain
Jenny Pham
Brooke Modrell
Schirin Aghalale-Hokme
58.34cMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
20.-Sarah Bain
Ashley Hunt
Abby Allen
Jessica Mull
58.70Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
21.-Kendra Dahl
Rose Tucker
Jessica Barzler
Christine Schatzer
59.92Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
22.-Jenny Pham
Megan Taylor
Ashley Hunt
Morgan Cain
1:00.42Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
23.-Jeannie Buss
Rose Tucker
Sarah Aguiar
Brooke Modrell
1:01.62Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
24.-Jeannie Buss
Megan Taylor
Sarah Aguiar
Mary Sarpong
1:02.74cApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
25.-Sarah Aguiar
Mary Sarpong
Rose Tucker
Brenda Leuth
1:03.24cMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
26.-Jeannie Buss
Megan Taylor
Mary Sarpong
Sarah Aguiar
1:05.78Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
4x200 Relay -
1.-Abby Allen
Corrin Neff
Kathryn Pratt
Jessica Mull
1:53.71Apr 18Aloha Relays
4x400 Relay
1.-Taisha Moore
Alexa Mull
Priya Gupta
Ashley Hunt
4:05.55May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
2.-Alexa Mull
Taisha Moore
Kathryn Pratt
Corrin Neff
4:09.38Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
3.-Alexa Mull
Taisha Moore
Kathryn Pratt
Priya Gupta
4:15.54Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
4.-Kathryn Pratt
Corrin Neff
Priya Gupta
Alexa Mull
4:15.76May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
5.-Alexa Mull
Kathryn Pratt
Corrin Neff
Priya Gupta
4:16.77Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
6.-Taisha Moore
Alexa Mull
Kathryn Pratt
Corrin Neff
4:20.02Apr 4Mike Kostrba Invitational
7.-Sarah Bain
Jessica Mull
Jessica Barzler
Ashley Hunt
4:37.58May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
8.-Sarah Bain
Jessica Barzler
Ashley Hunt
Jessica Mull
4:40.74Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
9.-Sarah Bain
Jessica Mull
Jessica Barzler
Alexa Mull
4:42.5hApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
10.-Priya Gupta
Sarah Bain
Morgan Cain
Jessica Barzler
4:44.37Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
11.-Jessica Barzler
Crissa Grady
Special Lovincey
Christine Schatzer
4:48.82Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
12.-Sarah Bain
Morgan Cain
Jessica Barzler
Jessica Mull
4:53.38Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
13.-Relay Team 5:17.84Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
4x800 Relay
1.-Nicole Ashby
Eliza Vistica
Donielle Lepine
Samantha Wight
11:10.50Apr 18Aloha Relays
2.-Annalisa Miller
Bridget Phillips
Jessica Mull
Carrie Stafford
12:22.22Apr 4Mike Kostrba Invitational
DMR 4000m - [1200-400-800-1600]
1.-Nicole Ashby
Kaila Chapman
Eliza Vistica
Christine Shatzer
14:54.07Apr 18Aloha Relays
Shot Put - 4kg
1.9Summer Young29' 1Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
2.10Erica Geller28' 11.25Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
3.11Tori Dreeke28' 5.75PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
4.10Rose Tucker28' 0Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
5.9Stephanie Boultinghouse24' 0Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
6.10Crystal-lyn Gullungs23' 8.5Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
7.11Jasmine Fleming23' 4.5PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
8.11Ashley Sealy-Smith22' 10.75PRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
Discus - 1kg
1.11Tori Dreeke103' 1May 15Metro League Championships Day 2
2.12Sarah Bain93' 6PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
3.10Erica Geller90' 10PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
4.10Crystal-lyn Gullungs89' 8Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
5.10Rose Tucker80' 5May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
6.9Summer Young79' 9Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
7.10Elyse Viegas79' 7PRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
8.9Stephanie Boultinghouse74' 2Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
9.10Brianna Bain71' 2Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
10.11Brenda Leuth70' 7May 8Metro League JV District Meet
11.11Jasmine Fleming69' 10May 8Metro League JV District Meet
12.11Ashley Sealy-Smith67' 9PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
13.10Jadelyn Fernandez51' 0May 8Metro League JV District Meet
14.9Aven-itza De Primarera48' 9PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
15.10Savannah Phillips48' 2PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
Javelin - 600g
1.10Brianna Bain139' 4May 23OSAA 6A State Championships
2.10Elyse Viegas93' 6PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
3.11Jasmine Fleming68' 10PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
4.10Savannah Phillips56' 0PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
11Ashley Sealy-Smith56' 0PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
6.11Brenda Leuth54' 7PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
High Jump
1.10Brianna Bain4' 8Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
2.12Amanda Edgerton4' 7PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
3.12Tonya Gorman4' 6PRApr 2Sunset @ Aloha
4.12Tara Mills4' 2PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
5.9Jaclyn Simmons3' 8PRMar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
Pole Vault
1.12Tonya Gorman8' 0PRApr 18Aloha Relays
2.10Jadelyn Fernandez7' 6PRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
3.12Amanda Edgerton7' 0PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
4.12Tara Mills6' 6PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
5.9Christine Shatzer6' 0Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
10Brianna Bain6' 0Mar 18Oregon City & Summit @ Aloha
7.9Eleni LaRue5' 6Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
8.9Jaclyn Simmons5' 0Apr 29Aloha @ Westview
Long Jump
1.10Taisha Moore16' 4Jul 18Track City Classic
2.12Abby Allen16' 2.5PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
3.11Corrin Neff16' 2.25PRApr 18Aloha Relays
4.11Christie Ellett13' 9PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
5.9Eleni LaRue13' 5May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
6.9Tracy Tanner13' 3.75PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
7.11Jenny Pham12' 9Apr 2Sunset @ Aloha
8.9Kendra Dahl12' 2PRMay 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
9.9Jaclyn Simmons11' 10.5PRMay 8Metro League JV District Meet
10.9Elvendina Salkanovic11' 4May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
11.9Chelsea Bull11' 2Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
12.9Crissa Grady11' 0.25PRApr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
Triple Jump
1.10Taisha Moore40' 0.25PRJul 19Track City Classic
2.12Abby Allen33' 8Apr 15Southridge @ Aloha
3.11Corrin Neff33' 2.75Jul 19Track City Classic
4.10Brianna Bain31' 8.5PRMay 15Metro League Championships Day 2
5.9Tracy Tanner28' 11PRApr 29Aloha @ Westview
6.11Christie Ellett28' 3.25PRApr 15Southridge @ Aloha
7.11Jenny Pham28' 1Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit
8.9Elvendina Salkanovic24' 9.5May 6Beaverton vs. Aloha
9.9Chelsea Bull24' 2Apr 8Aloha @ Jesuit

*Recent improvement