Event Records

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60 Meter Dash
1.11Justin Desantis7.54cPRMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
100 Meters
1.11Justin Desantis11.24cPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
2.11Donny Waldorf12.04cApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
10Julian Kuykendall12.04cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
4.10Brandon Frizzle12.14cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
10Lathem Donald12.14cApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
9Shawn Severs12.14cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
7.12Nick Jacquemain12.24cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
8.12Andrew Shank12.34cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
9.9Robert Shields12.54cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
10.11Nick Peters12.74cPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
10Devon Bradley12.74cPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
9Nick Allen12.74cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
13.9Sam James13.04cMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
14.12Jalen Lee13.44cApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
15.9Chris Zygaj13.54cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
16.9Joey White14.04cPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
17.9Davale Halthon14.14cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
18.9Aaron Roach14.54cPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
12Brad Carothers14.54cMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
20.10Mark Cardy15.44cPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
200 Meters
1.11Justin Desantis23.34cPRMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
2.11Donny Waldorf24.34cMay 11Lakeview At Lamphere
11Matt Gentz24.34cMay 11Lakeview At Lamphere
4.10Geno Greer25.34cPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
5.10Brandon Frizzle25.54cPRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
12Andrew Shank25.54cPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
7.10Julian Kuykendall25.64cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
8.10Lathem Donald25.74cMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
9.9Ben Tyler25.84cApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
10.9Robert Shields25.94cPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
11.9Allan MacDonald26.14cPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
12.9Shawn Severs26.24cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
13.9Chris Zygaj27.34cPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
14.9Nick Allen28.24cPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
15.9Davale Halthon29.14cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
16.9Joe Habrowski29.34cPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
17.10Mark Cardy32.24cPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
18.12Brad Carothers33.04cApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
300 Meters
1.9Ben Tyler41.64cPRMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
400 Meters
1.11Bryce Holcombe52.04cPRMay 14Mustang Invitational
2.11Frank Woo53.14cApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
3.11Matt Gentz54.74cPRMay 18Lakeview VS South Lake
4.9Ben Tyler55.54cMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
5.11Donny Waldorf56.04cMay 18Lakeview VS South Lake
6.12Stephen Poleni56.34cPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
7.12Nick Jacquemain58.44cApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
8.10Brandon Frizzle59.14cPRApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
9.9Joe Habrowski1:07.14cPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
9Ethan Ottoy1:07.14cPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
600 Meters
1.9Robert Shields1:51.6hPRMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
2.9Allan MacDonald1:53.0hPRMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
800 Meters
1.11Bryce Holcombe2:06.0hMay 18Lakeview VS South Lake
2.11Jacob Lambert2:12.0hPRApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
3.9Ben Tyler2:19.0hPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
4.11Frank Woo2:20.0hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
5.11Justin Desantis2:23.0hPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
6.9Alex Mahler2:26.0hPRApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
7.10Connor Wheaton2:26.5hPRApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
8.9Ben Childress2:27.0hPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
11Donny Waldorf2:27.0hPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
10.9Ethan Ottoy2:40.0hPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
11.11Rob Turczyn2:46.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
10Mark Cardy2:46.0hPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
13.10Brandon Cybak-Vertin2:48.0hPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
14.10Phil Schreve2:49.0hPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
15.9Nick Cheick2:51.0hPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
16.11Nicholas Smith2:53.0hPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
17.11Machenzie Dudek2:55.0hPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
1600 Meters
1.12Stephen Poleni4:44.7hPRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
2.11Bryce Holcombe5:02.0hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
3.11Jacob Lambert5:15.0hPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
4.9Ethan Ottoy5:20.2hMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
5.10Connor Wheaton5:36.0hPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
6.9Alex Mahler5:40.0hPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
7.11Rob Turczyn5:59.0hApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
8.10Mark Cardy6:08.0hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
9.10Brandon Cybak-Vertin6:12.0hPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
10.10Phil Schreve6:13.0hPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
11.9Nick Cheick6:16.0hPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
12.11Nicholas Smith7:01.0hPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
13.11Frank Woo7:07.0hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
3200 Meters
1.12Stephen Poleni10:24.0hPRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
2.11William Poleni11:33.9hPRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
3.9Ethan Ottoy11:45.0hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
4.9Alex Mahler12:27.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
5.10Connor Wheaton13:52.0hPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
60m Hurdles - 39"
1.11Duane Waldorf8.94cPRMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
2.11Alex Parsell9.14cPRMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
110m Hurdles - 39"
1.11Duane Waldorf15.14cPRMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
2.11Alex Parsell16.14cPRMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
3.9Shawn Severs17.94cPRMay 18Lakeview VS South Lake
4.9Ben Childress19.94cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
5.9Aaron Roach20.24cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
6.11Casey Palermino21.84cApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
7.9Robert Shields23.04cPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
8.9Joey White25.14cApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
300m Hurdles - 36"
1.11Duane Waldorf41.44cPRMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
2.9Shawn Severs44.54cPRMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
3.11Alex Parsell45.34cPRMay 14Mustang Invitational
4.11Casey Palermino47.54cApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
5.9Ben Childress49.44cPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
6.10Brandon Frizzle50.34cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
7.9Joey White50.94cMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
8.9Robert Shields52.74cPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
9.9Davale Halthon57.44cApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
10.9Sam James59.44cApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
4x100 Relay
1.-Justin Desantis
Matt Gentz
Geno Greer
Devon Bradley
46.24cApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
2.-Matt Gentz
Lathem Donald
Devon Bradley
Justin Desantis
46.34cApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
3.-Justin Desantis
Geno Greer
Matt Gentz
Lathem Donald
46.64cApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
4.-Relay Team 46.74cMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
5.-Matt Gentz
Devon Bradley
Duane Waldorf
Justin Desantis
46.94cApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
6.-Justin Desantis
Matt Gentz
Nick Jacquemain
Donny Waldorf
47.44cMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
7.-Justin Desantis
Matt Gentz
Devon Bradley
Donny Waldorf
47.54cMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
8.-Devon Bradley
Shawn Severs
Brandon Frizzle
Justin Desantis
48.04cApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
9.-Julian Kuykendall
Andrew Shank
Geno Greer
Nick Peters
49.24cApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
10.-Julian Kuykendall
Allan MacDonald
Jalen Lee
Brandon Frizzle
49.74cApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
11.-Julian Kuykendall
Allan MacDonald
Andrew Shank
Robert Shields
50.94cApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
12.-Julian Kuykendall
Allan MacDonald
Nick Peters
Brandon Frizzle
53.44cApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
13.9Sam James
Joe Habrowski
Nick Allen
Davale Halthon
57.44cApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
14.-Sam James
Joe Habrowski
Davale Halthon
Brad Carothers
57.84cApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
4x200 Relay -
1.-Justin Desantis
Matt Gentz
Lathem Donald
Donny Waldorf
1:36.0hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
2.-Relay Team 1:36.5hMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
3.-Ben Tyler
Justin Desantis
Matt Gentz
Donny Waldorf
1:37.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
-Steven Jackson
Tyler Nemens
Timothy Pierce
Derek Tabacchini
1:37.0hMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
5.-Matt Gentz
Ben Tyler
Devon Bradley
Duane Waldorf
1:37.3hApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
6.-Justin Desantis
Duane Waldorf
Lathem Donald
Matt Gentz
1:37.7hApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
7.-Devon Bradley
Ben Tyler
Shawn Severs
Julian Kuykendall
1:41.0hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
8.-Devon Bradley
Matt Gentz
Brandon Frizzle
Ben Tyler
1:41.5hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
9.-Justin Desantis
Duane Waldorf
Lathem Donald
Ben Tyler
1:43.0hMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
10.-Ben Tyler
Geno Greer
Shawn Severs
Julian Kuykendall
1:50.0hApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
4x400 Relay
1.-Frank Woo
Stephen Poleni
Justin Desantis
Bryce Holcombe
3:38.3hMay 1Muskrat Classic
2.-Justin Desantis
Frank Woo
Bryce Holcombe
Ben Tyler
3:41.0hApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
3.-Bryce Holcombe
Frank Woo
Matt Gentz
Justin Desantis
3:41.3hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
4.-Frank Woo
Bryce Holcombe
Duane Waldorf
Matt Gentz
3:41.8hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
5.-Relay Team 3:42.5hMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
6.-Frank Woo
Bryce Holcombe
Matt Gentz
Donny Waldorf
3:50.0hApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
7.-Justin Desantis
Ben Tyler
Matt Gentz
Bryce Holcombe
3:53.6hMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
8.-Frank Woo
Nick Jacquemain
Matt Gentz
Bryce Holcombe
3:56.0hMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
9.-Andrew Shank
Nick Peters
Robert Shields
Brandon Frizzle
4:03.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
10.-Nick Jacquemain
Ben Tyler
Sam James
Ben Childress
4:08.0hApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
11.-Ben Tyler
Justin Desantis
Casey Palermino
Bryce Holcombe
4:18.0hApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
12.9Joe Habrowski
Sam James
Nick Allen
Davale Halthon
4:24.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
13.-Ben Tyler
Bryce Holcombe
Frank Woo
Casey Palermino
4:36.0hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
4x800 Relay
1.-Bryce Holcombe
Ben Tyler
Jacob Lambert
Stephen Poleni
8:35.0hMay 14Mustang Invitational
2.-Jacob Lambert
Bryce Holcombe
Frank Woo
Stephen Poleni
8:36.0hApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
3.-Relay Team 8:38.9hMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
4.-Bryce Holcombe
Frank Woo
Stephen Poleni
Jacob Lambert
8:47.0hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
5.-Bryce Holcombe
Stephen Poleni
Jacob Lambert
Frank Woo
8:48.0hApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
6.-Stephen Poleni
Frank Woo
Jacob Lambert
Bryce Holcombe
8:50.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
7.-Bryce Holcombe
Stephen Poleni
Frank Woo
Jacob Lambert
9:03.0hMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
8.-Connor Wheaton
Mark Cardy
Alex Mahler
William Poleni
10:35.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
9.-Ethan Ottoy
Mark Cardy
William Poleni
Alex Mahler
10:53.0hApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
10.-William Poleni
Connor Wheaton
Mark Cardy
Nick Cheick
11:07.0hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
-Connor Wheaton
William Poleni
Alex Mahler
Ethan Ottoy
11:07.0hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
12.-Connor Wheaton
Ethan Ottoy
William Poleni
Alex Mahler
11:14.0hApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
Shot Put - 12lb
1.12Vinnie Giattino44' 7.5PRMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
2.12Danny Sweetwood43' 4PRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
3.12Matt Hillebrand42' 1PRApr 24Bather Titan Relays
4.11Erik Montgomery37' 8May 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
5.12Jalen Lee33' 9PRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
6.10Jack Molloy30' 1PRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
7.11Ja'Bre Harris29' 0PRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
8.11Richard Soulliere27' 10PRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
9.9James Blumline27' 9Apr 15Lakeview At Cousino
10.10Ricardo Quintanillo26' 7Apr 15Lakeview At Cousino
Discus - 1.6kg
1.12Vinnie Giattino129' 10.5PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
2.12Danny Sweetwood125' 9PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
3.11Erik Montgomery111' 7Apr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
4.12James Callahan109' 11PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
5.12Matt Hillebrand99' 1PRApr 24Bather Titan Relays
6.10Ricardo Quintanillo79' 0Apr 15Lakeview At Cousino
7.10Jack Molloy77' 10Apr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
8.9James Blumline77' 0Apr 15Lakeview At Cousino
9.11Ja'Bre Harris69' 10PRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
10.11Richard Soulliere67' 3PRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
High Jump
1.11Alex Parsell5' 9PRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
9Allan MacDonald5' 9PRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
3.11Donny Waldorf5' 3Apr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
Pole Vault
1.11Donny Waldorf11' 7May 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
2.12Nick Jacquemain10' 0.25May 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
3.11Casey Palermino10' 0Apr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
Long Jump
1.9Shawn Severs19' 3PRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
2.10Lathem Donald18' 7.5Apr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
3.10Geno Greer18' 6PRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
4.11Donny Waldorf18' 5.25May 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
5.10Devon Bradley18' 3PRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
6.10Brandon Frizzle18' 1PRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
7.9Robert Shields15' 11.5PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
8.9Aaron Roach13' 2PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
9.9Sam James12' 6PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore


60 Meter Dash
1.12Jackie Langer8.54cMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
100 Meters
1.12Jackie Langer12.94cMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
2.11Princess Sims13.34cPRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
3.12Jorde Hardy13.74cApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
4.12Ashley Lindsey13.84cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
5.10Jessie Langer13.94cApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
6.11Vanessa King14.34cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
7.9Kourtney Arrington14.84cPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
8.9Lauren Preston15.64cPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
9.10Hannah Carver1:41:04.24cMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
200 Meters
1.12Jackie Langer26.84cMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
2.11Princess Sims26.94cPRMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
3.12Jorde Hardy27.64cPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
4.10Amber Koprin28.84cApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
5.10Ashley Koprin29.14cPRApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
6.10Jessie Langer29.34cApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
7.12Ashley Lindsey29.64cPRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
8.11Vanessa King32.54cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
9.9Lauren Preston36.64cPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
300 Meters
1.12Jorde Hardy46.94cPRMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
2.9Sarah Moen47.84cPRMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
400 Meters
1.12Jorde Hardy1:02.64cPRMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
2.12Ariel Almanza1:04.94cPRMay 18Lakeview VS South Lake
3.10Ashley Koprin1:05.24cPRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
4.12Jackie Langer1:06.14cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
5.10Amber Koprin1:06.34cPRMay 18Lakeview VS South Lake
6.9Sarah Moen1:08.14cApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
7.9Megan Palazzolo1:11.14cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
8.11Shannon Watkins1:11.34cMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
9.12Ashley Lindsey1:12.14cPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
10.9Alexis Olechowski1:14.14cPRApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
11.9Anna Kouri1:15.14cPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
12.10Rebecca Rice1:16.14cPRApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
13.11Vanessa King1:22.14cPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
600 Meters
1.10Amber Koprin2:04.0hPRMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
800 Meters
1.10Amber Koprin2:35.0hPRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
2.9Sarah Moen2:39.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
3.11Shannon Watkins2:45.0hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
4.9Megan Palazzolo2:47.0hPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
5.10Ashley Koprin2:49.0hPRMay 18Lakeview VS South Lake
6.12Jorde Hardy2:59.0hPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
7.12Ashley Lindsey3:00.0hPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
12Ariel Almanza3:00.0hPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
9.9Abbey Lampron3:29.0hPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
1600 Meters
1.9Anna Kouri5:43.22PRMay 29MITCA D2 Team State Championships
2.9Megan Palazzolo6:06.0hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
3.11Shannon Watkins6:48.0hPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
4.9Alexis Olechowski7:17.0hPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
5.9Abbey Lampron7:18.0hPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
6.12Ariel Almanza7:32.0hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
3200 Meters
1.9Anna Kouri12:51.0hPRApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
2.9Megan Palazzolo15:07.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
3.9Abbey Lampron16:53.0hPRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
60m Hurdles - 33"
1.11Jacqueline Williams10.34cPRMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
100m Hurdles - 33"
1.9Sarah Moen16.14cMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
2.11Jacqueline Williams16.54cPRMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
3.12Ariel Almanza16.84cMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
4.10Ashley Koprin18.24cMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
5.9Leah Willoughby20.04cPRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
6.10Rebecca Rice20.44cPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
300m Hurdles - 30"
1.9Sarah Moen47.14cMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
2.12Ariel Almanza47.84cMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
3.11Jacqueline Williams48.34cPRMay 14Mustang Invitational
4.10Ashley Koprin53.14cMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
5.10Rebecca Rice57.74cPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
6.9Leah Willoughby57.94cPRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
7.9Kourtney Arrington1:01.14cPRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
8.9Amber Williams1:02.14cPRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
4x100 Relay
1.-Jackie Langer
Jessie Langer
Princess Sims
Ashley Koprin
51.14cMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
2.-Relay Team 51.44Jun 5MHSAA D2 Track and Field Championships
3.-Jackie Langer
Jessie Langer
Ashley Koprin
Princess Sims
52.34cMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
4.-Jackie Langer
Jessie Langer
Ashley Lindsey
Jorde Hardy
52.44cMay 1Muskrat Classic
5.-Jackie Langer
Jessie Langer
Princess Sims
Amber Koprin
52.94cApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
6.-Jackie Langer
Jessie Langer
Princess Sims
Ashley Lindsey
53.24cApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
7.-Ashley Lindsey
Vanessa King
Princess Sims
Jessie Langer
54.14cMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
8.-Hannah Carver
Ashley Lindsey
Kourtney Arrington
Jacqueline Williams
56.64cApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
9.-Princess Sims
Ashley Lindsey
Amber Koprin
Jessie Langer
57.14cApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
4x200 Relay -
1.-Relay Team 1:46.43Jun 5MHSAA D2 Track and Field Championships
2.-Jackie Langer
Jessie Langer
Princess Sims
Jorde Hardy
1:48.0hMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
3.-Jorde Hardy
Jackie Langer
Princess Sims
Jessie Langer
1:49.58May 29MITCA D2 Team State Championships
4.-Jackie Langer
Jessie Langer
Amber Koprin
Jorde Hardy
1:49.9hMay 1Muskrat Classic
-Jessie Langer
Jackie Langer
Princess Sims
Jorde Hardy
1:49.9hMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
6.-Jessie Langer
Princess Sims
Shannon Watkins
Jorde Hardy
1:52.0hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
7.-Jackie Langer
Ashley Lindsey
Princess Sims
Jorde Hardy
1:54.0hApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
8.-Amber Koprin
Shannon Watkins
Princess Sims
Jessie Langer
1:56.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
9.-Jorde Hardy
Jackie Langer
Sarah Moen
Kourtney Arrington
1:57.4hMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
10.-Jackie Langer
Jessie Langer
Sarah Moen
Princess Sims
1:57.6hApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
11.-Princess Sims
Jackie Langer
Amber Koprin
Ashley Lindsey
1:58.0hApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
12.-Ashley Lindsey
Kourtney Arrington
Amber Koprin
Jacqueline Williams
1:59.0hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
4x400 Relay
1.-Relay Team 4:08.07Jun 5MHSAA D2 Track and Field Championships
2.-Ariel Almanza
Jorde Hardy
Jacqueline Williams
Sarah Moen
4:09.9hMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
3.-Jorde Hardy
Jacqueline Williams
Ariel Almanza
Sarah Moen
4:13.3hMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
4.-Ariel Almanza
Jorde Hardy
Sarah Moen
Jacqueline Williams
4:13.33May 29MITCA D2 Team State Championships
5.-Amber Koprin
Jorde Hardy
Sarah Moen
Jacqueline Williams
4:18.0hMay 14Mustang Invitational
6.-Jorde Hardy
Jacqueline Williams
Sarah Moen
Amber Koprin
4:21.4hMay 1Muskrat Classic
7.-Sarah Moen
Amber Koprin
Leah Dries
Jacqueline Williams
4:28.0hApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
-Jacqueline Williams
Jorde Hardy
Sarah Moen
Leah Dries
4:28.0hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
9.-Ariel Almanza
Sarah Moen
Jorde Hardy
Amber Williams
4:45.0hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
-Princess Sims
Sarah Moen
Jorde Hardy
Leah Dries
4:45.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
-Leah Dries
Shannon Watkins
Jacqueline Williams
Amber Koprin
4:45.0hMar 31Macomb County Indoor Championships
12.-Ashley Lindsey
Princess Sims
Amber Williams
Sarah Moen
5:36.0hApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
4x800 Relay
1.-Sarah Moen
Amber Koprin
Anna Kouri
Ashley Koprin
10:27.4hMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
2.-Sarah Moen
Jorde Hardy
Amber Koprin
Ashley Koprin
10:37.0hMay 14Mustang Invitational
3.-Relay Team 10:46.0hMay 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
4.-Megan Palazzolo
Shannon Watkins
Amber Koprin
Anna Kouri
11:04.0hApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
5.-Shannon Watkins
Leah Dries
Megan Palazzolo
Anna Kouri
11:08.0hApr 29Saint Clair Shores City Championships
6.-Shannon Watkins
Leah Dries
Anna Kouri
Megan Palazzolo
11:25.0hApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
7.-Shannon Watkins
Leah Dries
Megan Palazzolo
Alexis Olechowski
11:34.0hMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
8.-Megan Palazzolo
Anna Kouri
Jorde Hardy
Alexis Olechowski
12:46.0hApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
9.-Jackie Langer
Sarah Moen
Lauren Preston
Jorde Hardy
14:56.0hApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
Shot Put - 4kg
1.11Ashley Ross34' 5PRMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
2.10Jessie Kinsora28' 3May 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
3.11Jasmine Gonzales26' 6PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
4.11Adrianna Kubica25' 8PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
5.10Hannah Carver25' 4.5May 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
6.10Rebecca Rice23' 0PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
7.9Amber Williams19' 11PRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
Discus - 1kg
1.10Hannah Carver106' 10May 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
2.11Ashley Ross86' 1Apr 15Lakeview At Cousino
3.11Adrianna Kubica83' 6PRMay 25MAC Silver Division League Championship
4.10Jessie Kinsora82' 2PRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
5.10Rebecca Rice66' 2PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
6.9Amber Williams55' 1PRMay 4Lakeview VS Lake Shore
7.11Jasmine Gonzales51' 2PRApr 22Lakeview At Harper Woods
High Jump
1.10Amber Koprin5' 2May 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
2.10Ashley Koprin5' 1May 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
3.10Allison Monterosso4' 6PRApr 15Lakeview At Cousino
4.12Ariel Almanza4' 3May 1Muskrat Classic
9Kourtney Arrington4' 3PRApr 20Lakeview VS Marysville
Pole Vault
1.11Jacqueline Williams10' 3Jun 5MHSAA D2 Track and Field Championships
2.9Sarah Moen7' 0PRApr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
11Vanessa King7' 0PRMay 18Lakeview VS South Lake
Long Jump
1.10Amber Koprin16' 3.25PRMay 27Macomb County Outdoor Championship
2.10Ashley Koprin16' 3May 21MHSAA Regional 17-2 at Bloomfield Hills Lahser
3.12Jackie Langer14' 9Apr 27Lakeview VS Mt. Clemens
4.9Kourtney Arrington13' 3PRApr 24Bather Titan Relays
5.11Princess Sims12' 9Apr 15Lakeview At Cousino

*Recent improvement