Event Records

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100 Meters
1.12Timazray Shepherd10.83May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
2.10Darrell Daniels11.04cMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
3.11Adrian Perez11.15 (2.7)PRApr 9Delta Mustang Invitational
4.12D'Amora Cooper11.24cMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
5.9Joe Mixon11.49Mar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
6.10Marcell Zander11.79PRMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
7.9Joe Metcalf11.96PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
8.9Aaron Mullins12.09May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
9.10Andrew Werkheiser12.25May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
10.9Justin Mortensen12.37PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
11.9Malachi Cheney12.49Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
12.10Malik Jackson12.75Mar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
13.9Ruben Gomez-Paez12.79Mar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
14.9Justin Everhart12.96PRMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
15.10Grant Bigness13.29PRMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
16.10Austin Hinds13.32PRMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
17.9Jesus Villalobos13.75PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
18.10Jared Montgomery13.84cPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
19.9Nicholas Lenford17.44cPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
200 Meters
1.11Adrian Perez22.26 (.4)May 28CIF North Coast Section Meet of Champions Finals
2.12Timazray Shepherd22.42PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
3.10Darrell Daniels22.82PRMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
4.9Joe Mixon24.14cApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
5.9Joe Metcalf24.91PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
6.10Marcell Zander25.14cPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
7.9Aaron Mullins25.24cMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
8.10Andrew Werkheiser25.27PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
9.9Justin Mortensen25.94cApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
10.9Ruben Gomez-Paez26.37Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
11.10Jesse Padilla26.40PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
12.10Austin Hinds27.01PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
13.10Jordan Garcia28.04cPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
14.9Justin Everhart28.34cMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
400 Meters
1.10Jesse Padilla57.69May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
2.9Ruben Gomez-Paez59.39Apr 16Mudville Invitational
3.11Osbaldo Diaz59.85PRApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
4.10Jordan Garcia1:00.74cPRApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
5.9Michael McKeen1:01.96PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
6.9Justin Lee1:05.81PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
7.9Bret Hart1:08.74cPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
800 Meters
1.10Ezra Zamora2:08.02PRApr 15Woody Wilson Invitational
2.11Michael Valdez2:20.4hPRApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
3.10Joey Fajardo2:20.52May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
4.11Besada Nakhla2:26.10May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
5.11Alexander Byrd2:30.17PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
6.9Josh Omoletski2:30.29PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
7.9Doug S Cherry2:35.0hPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
8.9Doug Cherry2:35.27Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
9.9Justin Lee2:37.49PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
10.9Bret Hart2:37.53PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
11.10Jared Montgomery2:42.4hPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
12.11Nathan Witty2:49.7hPRApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
1600 Meters
1.10Ezra Zamora4:42.60PRApr 15Woody Wilson Invitational
2.10Joey Fajardo4:56.17Apr 16Mudville Invitational
3.11Michael Valdez5:02.20May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
4.10Austin Hinds5:25.20May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
5.9Doug Cherry5:31.49Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
6.9Josh Omoletski5:34.24PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
7.9Bret Hart5:36.00PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
8.9Doug S Cherry5:37.09PRApr 16Mudville Invitational
9.11Alexander Byrd5:43.43May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
10.11Nathan Witty6:17.5hApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
3200 Meters
1.11Michael Valdez10:30.65PRApr 9Delta Mustang Invitational
2.10Ezra Zamora10:54.0hPRApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
3.10Joey Fajardo10:59.61Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
4.11Alexander Byrd11:27.48PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
5.9Josh Omoletski12:12.26PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
6.11Nathan Witty13:41.3hPRApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
7.9Doug S Cherry13:45.4hPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
110m Hurdles - 39"
1.12D'Amora Cooper14.42 (-.6)PRMay 28CIF North Coast Section Meet of Champions Finals
2.9Michael McKeen19.19PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
3.9Malachi Cheney21.13PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
300m Hurdles - 30"
1.9Malachi Cheney48.28PRApr 16Mudville Invitational
300m Hurdles - 36"
1.12D'Amora Cooper42.55Apr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
2.10Jordan Morgan43.72PRMay 21NCS Tri-Valley Area Championships
3.9Michael McKeen47.13PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
4.9Malachi Cheney47.14PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
4x100 Relay
1.-Relay Team 42.77Apr 15Woody Wilson Invitational
2.-D'Amora Cooper
Adrian Perez
Timazray Shepherd
Darrell Daniels
43.13May 21NCS Tri-Valley Area Championships
3.-D'Amora Cooper
Adrian Perez
Joe Mixon
Darrell Daniels
43.33Apr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
4.9Joe Metcalf
Justin Xavier Mortersen
Malachi Cheney
Aaron Mullins
47.56May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
4x200 Relay -
1.-Relay Team 1:31.78May 20IHSA Guilford Sectional
4x400 Relay
1.-Relay Team 3:35.31May 20IHSA Guilford Sectional
2.-Adrian Perez
Besada Nakhla
Jordan Morgan
Brandon Lenford
3:45.04May 21NCS Tri-Valley Area Championships
3.-Adrian Perez
Jordan Morgan
Besada Nakhla
Ezra Zamora
3:51.65May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
4.-Adrian Perez
Besada Nakhla
Osbaldo Diaz
Ezra Zamora
3:57.0hApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
5.-Ruben Gomez-Paez
Austin Hinds
Michael McKeen
Jesse Padilla
4:01.16May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
6.-Jordan Morgan
Besada Nakhla
Alexander Byrd
Ezra Zamora
4:02.00Mar 26Deer Valley Invitational
Shot Put - 10lb
1.9Jacob Bloxsom30' 1PRApr 16Mudville Invitational
Shot Put - 12lb
1.9Joel Sepulveda41' 4.5May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
2.11Haris Alam-Khan37' 5PRApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
3.12Brian Oliver35' 2.5PRApr 16Mudville Invitational
4.10Marcell Zander34' 10PRMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
5.9Nicholas Lenford29' 7May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
6.9Jacob Bloxsom25' 8Apr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
Discus - 1.6kg
1.9Joel Sepulveda115' 2May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
2.12Brian Oliver110' 3.5PRApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
3.11Haris Alam-Khan76' 10PRApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
4.9Nicholas Lenford68' 5Apr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
5.9Jacob Bloxsom65' 0Apr 16Mudville Invitational
High Jump
1.12Mike Kicenski6' 5May 27CIF North Coast Section Meet of Champions Trials
2.9Joe Metcalf5' 8PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
3.10Jordan Morgan5' 6Mar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
Pole Vault
1.10Grant Bigness10' 8May 21NCS Tri-Valley Area Championships
2.9Jacob Bloxsom7' 6Mar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
3.11Nathan Witty6' 6PRApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
Long Jump
1.12D'Amora Cooper23' 4.75PRApr 9Delta Mustang Invitational
2.10Jordan Morgan19' 2Mar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
3.9Justin Mortensen18' 1PRApr 16Mudville Invitational
4.10Andrew Werkheiser17' 9Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
5.10Marcell Zander17' 6PRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
12Brandon Lenford17' 6PRApr 16Mudville Invitational
7.9Malachi Cheney17' 2Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
8.10Grant Bigness16' 2Apr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
9.9Ryan Terry15' 10May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
10.11Alexander Byrd15' 7.5PRApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
11.9Elijah Walker15' 2Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
12.9Justin Everhart15' 1PRApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
13.10Jared Montgomery15' 0Mar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
14.9Nicholas Lenford14' 9PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
15.9Michael McKeen12' 10PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
16.10Drecee Streete10' 4May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
Triple Jump
1.10Jordan Morgan40' 7.75May 21NCS Tri-Valley Area Championships
2.12Brandon Lenford36' 7PRApr 16Mudville Invitational
3.11Alexander Byrd36' 2.5PRApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
4.9Justin Mortensen34' 10.5May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
5.10Grant Bigness32' 9Apr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
6.9Elijah Walker30' 10Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
7.9Nicholas Lenford30' 9.5Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
8.10Jared Montgomery25' 7.25Apr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual


100 Meters
1.12Meghan Delamater12.80Apr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
2.9Amy Garcia13.24PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
3.12Antinique Wilson13.92PRApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
4.10Mariah Walker14.01May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
5.9Jynessa Jones-Montez14.14May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
6.10Selena Gonzalez14.17PRApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
7.9Gianna Milana DiMercurio14.54Apr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
8.12Whitney Hill15.04cPRApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
9.9Juanita Lopez15.09PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
10.12Tayler Nelson15.66PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
11.11Patricia Medina16.24cPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
12.9Vanessa M Powell16.54cApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
13.9Deanna Rundall17.65Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
200 Meters
1.12Meghan Delamater27.18 (1.3)Apr 22West Valley/Chico Invitational
2.9Amy Garcia28.53May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
3.10Mariah Walker29.14cApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
4.11Vanessa Espinoza29.24cApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
5.10Selena Gonzalez29.34cPRMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
6.9Jynessa Jones-Montez30.44May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
7.10Lauren Zickenberg30.47PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
9Juanita Lopez30.47PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
9.11Patricia Medina33.14cPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
10.12Tayler Nelson33.91PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
11.9Vanessa M Powell34.74cPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
12.12Whitney Hill35.34cPRApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
400 Meters
1.10Lauren Zickenberg1:07.96PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
2.12Antinique Wilson1:10.74cMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
3.9Deanna Rundall1:45.14cPRApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
800 Meters
1.12Carmen Martinez2:33.66PRApr 16Mudville Invitational
2.10Lisa Tilcock2:41.8hPRApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
3.11Kendall Kawalkowski2:42.2hPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
4.11Marisa Higgins2:47.36Apr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
5.10Fionna Lehmann2:49.5hPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
6.9Monique Paris3:06.41Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
1600 Meters
1.12Carmen Martinez5:28.54PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
2.10Lisa Tilcock5:40.7hPRApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
3.10Fionna Lehmann5:46.2hPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
4.11Kendall Kawalkowski5:47.8hMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
5.11Marisa Higgins6:03.81Apr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
6.9Monique Paris6:44.63Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
3200 Meters
1.12Carmen Martinez11:35.20PRApr 22West Valley/Chico Invitational
2.10Lisa Tilcock12:11.75Apr 22West Valley/Chico Invitational
3.11Kendall Kawalkowski12:23.76Mar 26Deer Valley Invitational
4.10Fionna Lehmann12:54.0hPRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
5.11Marisa Higgins13:17.6hPRApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
6.9Monique Paris14:55.6hApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
100m Hurdles - 33"
1.12Sara Radda15.57PRApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
2.11Vanessa Espinoza18.28May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
3.9Amanda Schweitzer19.77 (.3)May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
4.9Gianna Milana DiMercurio20.28PRApr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
5.9Deanna Rundall33.44cMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
300m Hurdles - 30"
1.11Vanessa Espinoza48.99May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
2.10Mariah Walker52.57May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
3.9Amanda Schweitzer1:00.61May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
4.10Selena Gonzalez1:02.37PRApr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
5.9Deanna Rundall1:23.54Mar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
4x100 Relay
1.-Mariah Walker
Sara Radda
Amy Garcia
Meghan Delamater
53.43Apr 13Heritage at Freedom Dual
2.-Relay Team 53.49Apr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
3.-Mariah Walker
Vanessa Espinoza
Meghan Delamater
Sara Radda
53.58May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
4.-Vanessa Espinoza
Tayler Nelson
Sara Radda
Meghan Delamater
56.32Mar 26Deer Valley Invitational
5.-Mariah Walker
Sara Radda
Amy Garcia
Vanessa Espinoza
58.34cApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
4x200 Relay -
1.-Relay Team 2:04.74Mar 26Deer Valley Invitational
4x400 Relay
1.-Vanessa Espinoza
Selena Gonzalez
Gianna Milana DiMercurio
Jordan Woods-Cunningham
4:42.01May 21NCS Tri-Valley Area Championships
2.-Antinique Wilson
Selena Gonzalez
Vanessa Espinoza
Carmen Martinez
4:44.40May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
-Antinique Wilson
Gianna Milana DiMercurio
Selena Gonzalez
Vanessa Espinoza
4:44.40May 12BVAL Varsity Trials
4.-Relay Team 4:50.40Apr 16Mudville Invitational
5.-Lauren Zickenberg
Vanessa M Powell
Amy Garcia
Amanda Schweitzer
4:53.92May 14BVAL Track Championship Final
Shot Put - 4kg
1.11Nadean Hurtado25' 8PRApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
Discus - 1kg
1.11Nadean Hurtado77' 4PRMar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
2.11Samantha Pfau34' 9.5PRMay 10BVAL Frosh Soft Trials
3.11Francesca Zarate33' 11PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
High Jump
1.12Sara Radda4' 4Apr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
2.9Amanda Schweitzer4' 0PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
9Jordan Woods-Cunningham4' 0PRMay 14BVAL Track Championship Final
12Meghan Delamater4' 0Apr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
5.9Gianna Milana DiMercurio3' 8PRApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
9Deanna Rundall3' 8PRMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
Pole Vault
1.11Amy Yonemoto7' 0Apr 27Liberty at Freedom Dual
2.11Nadean HurtadoPRMar 30Deer Valley at Freedom Dual
Long Jump
1.12Meghan Delamater16' 7Apr 16Mudville Invitational
2.9Gianna Milana DiMercurio14' 6PRApr 6Pittsburg vs. Freedom Dual
3.11Vanessa Espinoza14' 4Mar 9Antioch at Freedom Dual
4.9Amanda Schweitzer12' 7.5PRApr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
5.9Deanna Rundall10' 5Apr 23Northern California Frosh Soph Championships
Triple Jump
1.9Gianna Milana DiMercurio30' 1PRApr 16Mudville Invitational

*Recent improvement