Event Records

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200 Meters
1.11Ty Sadowski25.87PRApr 25Hawks Invitational
2.9Austin Beidermann26.17PRMay 1UCBAC Conference Championships
3.11Nathaniel Schott26.59May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
4.11Ryan Conway26.85May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
400 Meters
1.12Justin Asch51.54cPRMay 9Night at Wright
2.11Ian Fiser53.94cPRMay 9Night at Wright
3.11Ty Sadowski54.14cPRMay 9Night at Wright
4.12Ben Boegner54.54cPRMay 9Night at Wright
5.11Nick Fransham54.74cPRMay 9Night at Wright
6.9Austin Beidermann57.81May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
7.10Patrick Beck1:00.34cPRApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
800 Meters
1.11Ian Fiser2:03.18PRMay 1UCBAC Conference Championships
2.11Nick Fransham2:04.08PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
3.11Chris Busick2:08.41PRMay 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
4.12Justin Asch2:10.44PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
5.12Ben Boegner2:14.92PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
6.12Calen Dowley2:16.36PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
7.9George Morey2:21.5hApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
8.9George Schiminger2:22.3hPRApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
9.11Zach Wax2:24.0hMay 9Night at Wright
10.10Matt Munson2:24.39Mar 22Knights and Lions Invite
11.11Ben Dibastani2:26.8hPRApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
12.10Jacob Bemb2:27.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
13.11Roy Oh2:32.0hApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
14.10Chris Weir2:40.0hApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
1600 Meters
1.11Nick Fransham4:25.35May 24MPSSAA 3A State Championships Day 2
2.11Ian Fiser4:38.91May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
3.11Chris Busick4:46.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
4.12Calen Dowley4:49.10PRMay 1UCBAC Conference Championships
5.10Matt Munson4:59.00Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
6.9George Morey5:01.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
7.11Ben Dibastani5:05.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
8.11Zach Wax5:05.1hMay 9Night at Wright
9.9George Schiminger5:10.0hMay 9Night at Wright
10.10Jacob Bemb5:18.48PRApr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
11.11Roy Oh5:39.1hPRApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
12.10Chris Weir5:42.0hApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
3200 Meters
1.11Nick Fransham9:31.08May 24MPSSAA 3A State Championships Day 2
2.11Ian Fiser10:16.2hPRApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
3.12Calen Dowley10:25.77PRMay 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
4.10Matt Munson10:45.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
5.11Chris Busick10:57.00PRApr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
6.9George Morey11:05.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
7.11Ben Dibastani11:47.34PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
8.9George Schiminger11:49.04Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
9.11Zach Wax11:55.00PRApr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
10.11Roy Oh12:20.00Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
11.10Chris Weir12:33.00Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
110m Hurdles - 39"
1.11Rowan Litter19.34cApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
2.10Patrick Beck19.64cMay 9Night at Wright
3.12Greg Daffron20.64cPRMay 9Night at Wright
300m Hurdles - 36"
1.10Patrick Beck45.44cMay 9Night at Wright
2.11Rowan Litter47.56PRMay 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
3.12Greg Daffron50.44cPRMay 9Night at Wright
4x100 Relay
1.-Rowan Litter
Ryan Conway
Nathaniel Schott
Ty Sadowski
51.04cApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
2.-Greg Daffron
Ryan Conway
Cameron Nystrom
Nathaniel Schott
52.30Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
3.-Austin Beidermann
Ryan Conway
Greg Daffron
Nathaniel Schott
53.49Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
4.-Relay Team 53.54cApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
4x200 Relay -
1.-Relay Team 1:41.4hMay 9Night at Wright
2.-Patrick Beck
Austin Beidermann
Nathaniel Schott
Ty Sadowski
1:42.44May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
3.-Patrick Beck
Austin Beidermann
Ryan Conway
Nathaniel Schott
1:42.89May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
4.-Patrick Beck
Nathaniel Schott
Ryan Conway
Rowan Litter
1:44.64Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
5.-Patrick Beck
Ryan Conway
Nathaniel Schott
Rowan Litter
1:46.95Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
6.-Rowan Litter
Austin Beidermann
Ryan Conway
Nathaniel Schott
1:47.05Apr 25Hawks Invitational
7.-Rowan Litter
Nathaniel Schott
Austin Beidermann
Patrick Beck
1:52.82Mar 22Knights and Lions Invite
4x400 Relay
1.-Relay Team 3:42.0hMay 9Night at Wright
2.-Austin Beidermann
Ian Fiser
Ty Sadowski
Ben Boegner
3:43.99May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
3.-Ty Sadowski
Austin Beidermann
Ben Boegner
Justin Asch
3:46.48May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
4.-Justin Asch
Ben Boegner
Nick Fransham
Ian Fiser
3:47.75Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
5.-Ty Sadowski
Ben Boegner
Austin Beidermann
Justin Asch
3:51.38Apr 25Hawks Invitational
6.-Justin Asch
Ben Boegner
Ian Fiser
Nick Fransham
3:53.2hApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
7.-Ty Sadowski
Justin Asch
Nick Fransham
Ian Fiser
3:54.08Mar 22Knights and Lions Invite
8.-Nick Fransham
Ty Sadowski
Ben Boegner
Justin Asch
4:04.14Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
9.-Matt Munson
Calen Dowley
George Morey
Chris Busick
4:16.80Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
10.-Ben Dibastani
Roy Oh
Zach Wax
Chris Weir
4:29.47Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
4x800 Relay
1.-Nick Fransham
Justin Asch
Ben Boegner
Ian Fiser
8:23.36May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
2.-Justin Asch
Ben Boegner
Nick Fransham
Ian Fiser
8:31.48Apr 25Hawks Invitational
3.-Relay Team 8:33.25Apr 5Pikesville Track Classic
4.-Justin Asch
Chris Busick
Ben Boegner
Ian Fiser
8:34.69May 24MPSSAA 3A State Championships Day 2
5.-Justin Asch
Nick Fransham
Ben Boegner
Ian Fiser
8:42.93Mar 22Knights and Lions Invite
6.-Chris Busick
Calen Dowley
Matt Munson
Justin Asch
9:07.80Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
7.-Chris Busick
Ben Dibastani
Matt Munson
Ben Boegner
9:08.0hApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
8.-Ben Dibastani
Jacob Bemb
George Schiminger
George Morey
9:33.00Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
Shot Put - 12lb
1.11Greg Fiackos32' 7.75May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
2.11Cameron Nystrom32' 2PRMay 9Night at Wright
Discus - 1.6kg
1.11Cameron Nystrom97' 8PRApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
2.11Greg Fiackos85' 9PRApr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
Pole Vault
1.11Rowan Litter9' 5PRMay 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
2.11Ryan Conway9' 0May 9Night at Wright
3.11Nathaniel Schott8' 11May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
Long Jump
1.12Justin Asch17' 1Apr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
2.11Ty Sadowski16' 6.5PRMay 9Night at Wright
3.10Patrick Beck16' 5PRMay 9Night at Wright
Triple Jump
1.10Patrick Beck33' 1PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford


100 Meters
1.10Emily Engelhaupt13.92May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
2.11Molly Clark14.44cPRApr 15North Harford, Aberdeen, Havre De Grace
3.12Juliet Dolinar14.54cPRMay 9Night at Wright
4.9Lauren O'Sullivan14.64cPRMay 9Night at Wright
10Kate Sullivan14.64cApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
6.10Hayley Boliek14.93PRApr 25Hawks Invitational
7.9Grace Ducote15.34cPRMay 9Night at Wright
8.10Michelle Martin15.59PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
9.10April Jones15.74cPRApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
9Elizabeth Eakes15.74cMay 9Night at Wright
200 Meters
1.11Molly Clark29.64cMay 9Night at Wright
10Emily Engelhaupt29.64cApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
3.10April Jones30.24cPRMay 9Night at Wright
9Lauren O'Sullivan30.24cPRMay 9Night at Wright
5.12Juliet Dolinar30.54cPRApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
6.10Kate Sullivan30.94cPRApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
7.10Hayley Boliek31.01May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
8.9Grace Ducote31.84cPRMay 9Night at Wright
9.9Elizabeth Eakes32.14cPRMay 9Night at Wright
10.11Laura Drapinski32.54cPRMay 9Night at Wright
400 Meters
1.10Alyssa Baca1:05.54cMay 9Night at Wright
2.10Casey Welsh1:06.44cPRMay 9Night at Wright
3.9Valerie Taylor1:06.94cPRMay 9Night at Wright
4.11Sydney Newlon1:06.99PRMay 1UCBAC Conference Championships
5.12Tessa Mirajfary1:07.29May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
6.9Elizabeth Rydzewski1:08.04cPRApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
9Paige Evans1:08.04cApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
8.10Mikaela Tillman1:08.43Apr 25Hawks Invitational
9.12Juliet Dolinar1:09.64cPRApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
10.10April Jones1:12.24cPRApr 15North Harford, Aberdeen, Havre De Grace
11.11Molly Clark1:12.52PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
12.9Lauren O'Sullivan1:15.69PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
13.9Grace Ducote1:16.14cPRMay 9Night at Wright
800 Meters
1.10Casey Welsh2:26.0hMay 9Night at Wright
2.9Valerie Taylor2:32.44PRMay 1UCBAC Conference Championships
3.9Courtney Klapka2:34.04PRMay 1UCBAC Conference Championships
4.10Alyssa Baca2:35.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
5.11Sydney Newlon2:36.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
12Tessa Mirajfary2:36.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
7.9Paige Evans2:36.82PRApr 5Pikesville Track Classic
8.11Logan Furness2:40.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
9.10Mikaela Tillman2:42.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
10.11Regan Davis2:43.01PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
11.9Emma Foote2:45.0hMay 9Night at Wright
12.10Kaylee Holliger2:46.0hMay 9Night at Wright
13.12Ellen Shephard2:50.08PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
14.9Meredith Parks2:51.0hApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
15.12Megan Tidey2:57.18Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
16.12Paige Rickey3:01.70PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
1600 Meters
1.10Casey Welsh5:27.23May 24MPSSAA 3A State Championships Day 2
2.9Valerie Taylor5:33.17May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
3.11Regan Davis5:48.0hMay 9Night at Wright
4.9Courtney Klapka5:53.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
5.10Kaylee Holliger5:54.0hMay 9Night at Wright
6.9Emma Foote5:55.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
7.12Ellen Shephard5:59.0hPRMay 9Night at Wright
8.12Megan Tidey6:02.0hMay 9Night at Wright
9.11Logan Furness6:08.4hApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
10.9Meredith Parks6:20.3hMay 9Night at Wright
11.12Paige Rickey6:32.51Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
12.9Madison Clark6:48.98PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
3200 Meters
1.11Regan Davis12:15.85May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
2.12Megan Tidey12:40.85May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
3.12Ellen Shephard12:47.74PRMay 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
4.10Kaylee Holliger13:27.6hApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
5.9Emma Foote13:35.00PRApr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
6.12Paige Rickey14:18.00Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
100m Hurdles - 33"
1.9Elizabeth Rydzewski20.04cApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
2.10Hayley Boliek20.94cPRApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
300m Hurdles - 30"
1.9Elizabeth Rydzewski52.57May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
2.10Hayley Boliek56.77PRMay 1UCBAC Conference Championships
4x100 Relay
1.-Relay Team 56.14cMay 9Night at Wright
2.-Hayley Boliek
Molly Clark
Juliet Dolinar
Emily Engelhaupt
56.22May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
3.-Kate Sullivan
Molly Clark
Juliet Dolinar
Emily Engelhaupt
56.87Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
4.-Kate Sullivan
Molly Clark
Emily Engelhaupt
Elizabeth Rydzewski
57.24cApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
5.-Molly Clark
Juliet Dolinar
Emily Engelhaupt
Lauren O'Sullivan
57.45May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
6.-Laura Drapinski
Grace Ducote
Elizabeth Eakes
Michelle Martin
57.60Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
7.-Juliet Dolinar
Molly Clark
Elizabeth Rydzewski
Hayley Boliek
59.42Mar 22Knights and Lions Invite
8.-Emily Engelhaupt
Hayley Boliek
April Jones
Elizabeth Rydzewski
1:01.67Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
4x200 Relay -
1.-Molly Clark
Elizabeth Rydzewski
Juliet Dolinar
Emily Engelhaupt
1:56.53May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
2.-Emily Engelhaupt
Hayley Boliek
Molly Clark
Elizabeth Rydzewski
1:57.58May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
3.-Relay Team 1:57.7hMay 9Night at Wright
4.-Kate Sullivan
Molly Clark
Emily Engelhaupt
Elizabeth Rydzewski
1:58.80Apr 25Hawks Invitational
5.-April Jones
Emily Engelhaupt
Kate Sullivan
Elizabeth Rydzewski
2:00.06Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
6.-Michelle Martin
Molly Clark
Grace Ducote
Lauren O'Sullivan
2:00.57Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
7.-Juliet Dolinar
Hayley Boliek
Molly Clark
Elizabeth Rydzewski
2:03.00Mar 22Knights and Lions Invite
8.-Emily Engelhaupt
Hayley Boliek
April Jones
Elizabeth Rydzewski
2:10.48Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
9.-Michelle Martin
Lauren O'Sullivan
Elizabeth Eakes
Laura Drapinski
2:11.9hApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
4x400 Relay
1.-Elizabeth Rydzewski
Alyssa Baca
Sydney Newlon
Tessa Mirajfary
4:26.80May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
2.-Alyssa Baca
Elizabeth Rydzewski
Sydney Newlon
Casey Welsh
4:29.42May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
3.-Elizabeth Rydzewski
Alyssa Baca
Tessa Mirajfary
Casey Welsh
4:32.89Apr 25Hawks Invitational
4.-Relay Team 4:37.0hMay 9Night at Wright
5.-Mikaela Tillman
Tessa Mirajfary
Lauren O'Sullivan
Elizabeth Rydzewski
4:40.47Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
6.-Courtney Klapka
Sydney Newlon
Paige Evans
Casey Welsh
4:47.92Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
7.-Paige Evans
Courtney Klapka
Sydney Newlon
Casey Welsh
4:48.4hApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
8.-Alyssa Baca
Valerie Taylor
Casey Welsh
Paige Evans
4:53.79Mar 22Knights and Lions Invite
9.-Alyssa Baca
Regan Davis
Ellen Shephard
Megan Tidey
5:09.0hApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
10.-Emma Foote
Kaylee Holliger
Meredith Parks
Megan Tidey
5:11.36Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
4x800 Relay
1.-Casey Welsh
Alyssa Baca
Courtney Klapka
Valerie Taylor
10:04.29May 24MPSSAA 3A State Championships Day 2
2.-Alyssa Baca
Sydney Newlon
Valerie Taylor
Casey Welsh
10:18.22May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
3.-Alyssa Baca
Tessa Mirajfary
Sydney Newlon
Courtney Klapka
10:23.24May 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
4.-Alyssa Baca
Courtney Klapka
Sydney Newlon
Valerie Taylor
10:27.13Apr 25Hawks Invitational
5.-Relay Team 11:01.0hApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
6.-Emma Foote
Courtney Klapka
Valerie Taylor
Kaylee Holliger
11:08.65Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
7.-Courtney Klapka
Emma Foote
Mikaela Tillman
Alyssa Baca
11:09.2hApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
8.-Tessa Mirajfary
Paige Evans
Alyssa Baca
Courtney Klapka
11:16.90Mar 22Knights and Lions Invite
Shot Put - 4kg
1.11Jordynn Hughes27' 1PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
2.11Eden Ferrara23' 9PRApr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
3.9Kirsten Dibastiani22' 9Apr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
4.11Morgan Ayres22' 7.25PRApr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
5.11Eden Ferrera20' 6PRApr 5Pikesville Track Classic
Discus - 1kg
1.11Jordynn Hughes82' 0PRMay 17MPSSAA 3A North Regional Championship
2.11Morgan Ayres67' 5PRApr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
3.9Kirsten Dibastiani64' 7Apr 17North Harford, Elkton, Patterson Mill
4.11Eden Ferrara62' 5PRApr 10Joppatowne, North East @ North Harford
5.11Eden Ferrera58' 2PRApr 5Pikesville Track Classic
Pole Vault
1.10Kate Sullivan7' 0May 9Night at Wright
10Michelle Martin7' 0PRMay 1UCBAC Conference Championships
3.10April Jones6' 6May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
4.11Molly Clark5' 0PRApr 1North Harford, Harford Tech Bo Manor
Long Jump
1.12Juliet Dolinar13' 7PRMay 9Night at Wright
2.11Molly Clark13' 0.75May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
3.11Laura Drapinski12' 11.25May 1UCBAC Conference Championships
4.10Michelle Martin11' 10Apr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford
Triple Jump
1.11Molly Clark27' 6May 9Night at Wright
2.11Laura Drapinski27' 0.5May 9Night at Wright
3.12Juliet Dolinar25' 11.5PRApr 22Rising Sun, Fallston, North Harford

*Recent improvement