Event Records

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100 Meters
1.10Ben Iampieri12.34cPRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
2.10Matthew Chaney12.94cMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
3.10Nathan Santana13.44cMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
4.9Casey Smith13.94cMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
200 Meters
1.10Matthew Chaney26.74cApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
2.10Ben Iampieri27.18Jun 8MPSSAA 2A East Section 1 Championships
3.10Nathan Santana27.75Jun 8MPSSAA 2A East Section 1 Championships
4.9Casey Smith29.14cMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
400 Meters
1.9James Ortt57.84cPRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
2.10Nathan Santana1:03.34cApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
3.9Casey Smith1:04.84cMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
4.10Ben Iampieri1:07.64cMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
5.12Gavin Little1:09.14cPRApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
6.11Griffin Hevesy1:09.74cPRApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
800 Meters
1.9James Ortt2:12.44Jun 8MPSSAA 2A East Section 1 Championships
2.12Gavin Little2:21.8hPRApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
3.9Casey Smith2:35.2hPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
4.9Austin Parry2:44.9hMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
5.11Griffin Hevesy2:51.3hPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
1600 Meters
1.9James Ortt4:49.53PRJun 19MPSSAA 2A State Track & Field Championships
2.12Gavin Little5:58.9hPRApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
3200 Meters
1.9Austin Parry12:34.0hApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
300m Hurdles - 36"
1.11David Richardson53.04cPRApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
4x100 Relay
1.David Richardson
Casey Smith
Matthew Chaney
Nathan Santana
54.44cApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
2.Daniel Lane
Matthew Chaney
Nathan Santana
Austin Parry
57.54cApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
3.Relay Team 57.64cApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
4x200 Relay -
1.David Richardson
Casey Smith
Matthew Chaney
Nathan Santana
1:51.9hApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
2.David Richardson
Nathan Santana
Matthew Chaney
Casey Smith
1:55.0hApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
4x400 Relay
1.James Ortt
Nathan Santana
Casey Smith
Ben Iampieri
4:19.45Jun 15MPSSAA 2A East Region Championships
2.James Ortt
Nathan Santana
Casey Smith
Matthew Chaney
4:26.6hApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
3.Griffin Hevesy
Austin Parry
Casey Smith
Nathan Santana
4:37.3hApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
4.Relay Team 4:44.1hApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
5.Austin Parry
Nathan Santana
Casey Smith
Ben Iampieri
4:45.87Jun 8MPSSAA 2A East Section 1 Championships
4x800 Relay
1.Relay Team 10:23.4hApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
2.James Ortt
Casey Smith
Austin Parry
Griffin Hevesy
11:11.1hApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
Shot Put - 12lb
1.12Daniel Lane31' 11PRApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
2.9Ian Rivera27' 5May 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
3.9Ian Huth20' 6May 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
Discus - 1.6kg
1.12Daniel Lane97' 1PRMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
2.9Ian Rivera68' 9May 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
3.11Griffin Hevesy61' 2PRApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
4.9Ian Huth58' 10Apr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
Pole Vault
1.10Nathan Santana9' 0Jun 15MPSSAA 2A East Region Championships
2.9James Ortt8' 6PRMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
Long Jump
1.9Casey Smith14' 1Jun 8MPSSAA 2A East Section 1 Championships
2.12Daniel Lane12' 6PRApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
3.10Matthew Chaney9' 7PRMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
Triple Jump
1.12Daniel Lane25' 10.5PRApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech


100 Meters
1.12Darian Hauf12.54cPRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
2.10Finley Lavin13.34cApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
3.9Aubrey Hyman13.54cPRMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
11Annika Peterson13.54cPRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
5.10Jenna Amrhein13.74cApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
6.9Sara Ford13.94cMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
7.9Elizabeth Ballistreri14.34cPRApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
8.10Ally Kozak14.94cPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
12Sophia Trimble14.94cMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
10.9Madelyn Wagner15.34cPRMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
11.10Eva Bloom15.54cApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
12Cara Chaney15.54cMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
13.12Shaun Glogowski15.64cPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
14.10Brooke Bogdan16.14cPRApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
15.9Anna O'Leary17.14cPRMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
200 Meters
1.10Finley Lavin26.74cMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
2.9Aubrey Hyman28.42PRJun 8MPSSAA 2A East Section 1 Championships
3.12Emily Iampieri29.04cPRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
4.11Annika Peterson29.64cPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
5.9Sara Ford29.74cMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
6.9Elizabeth Ballistreri30.34cPRApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
7.12Sophia Trimble31.44cMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
8.12Cara Chaney31.74cMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
9.10Eva Bloom32.14cApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
10.10Ally Kozak33.44cApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
11.9Madelyn Wagner34.24cPRMay 10North Harford @ Bel Air
400 Meters
1.10Finley Lavin1:00.98Jun 19MPSSAA 2A State Track & Field Championships
2.10Jenna Amrhein1:04.14cApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
3.12Emily Iampieri1:05.14cPRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
4.10Brooke Bogdan1:19.44cPRMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
800 Meters
1.12Laurel Brown2:24.22PRJun 19MPSSAA 2A State Track & Field Championships
2.10Finley Lavin2:34.1hApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
3.10Sierra Weaver2:55.1hMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
4.12Emily Iampieri2:59.8hApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
5.12Lina Goetz3:05.7hPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
6.9Valentina Angulo3:10.9hApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
7.10Madison Kingsley3:12.5hMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
1600 Meters
1.12Laurel Brown5:34.2hApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
2.10Finley Lavin5:56.0hPRMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
3.9Valentina Angulo6:35.0hMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
4.10Sierra Weaver6:42.8hPRApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
5.12Lina Goetz6:59.3hPRApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
6.10Madison Kingsley7:15.6hMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
7.9Kendra Dyckman8:00.2hPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
3200 Meters
1.12Lina Goetz13:54.0hPRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
2.9Valentina Angulo14:05.7hApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
3.10Madison Kingsley14:54.3hPRApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
100m Hurdles - 33"
1.9Elizabeth Ballistreri17.54cPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
2.12Hannah Burgess17.64cPRMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
3.11Kayla Smith18.24cPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
4.10Stephanie Erisman21.44cPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
300m Hurdles - 30"
1.11Kayla Smith50.68PRJun 19MPSSAA 2A State Track & Field Championships
2.9Elizabeth Ballistreri51.34cPRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
3.12Hannah Burgess58.74cApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
4.10Stephanie Erisman1:06.44cPRMay 10North Harford @ Bel Air
4x100 Relay
1.Annika Peterson
Hannah Burgess
Aubrey Hyman
Darian Hauf
53.52Jun 19MPSSAA 2A State Track & Field Championships
2.Relay Team 54.04cApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
3.Kayla Smith
Aubrey Hyman
Jenna Amrhein
Darian Hauf
54.14cApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
4.Elizabeth Ballistreri
Hannah Burgess
Finley Lavin
Darian Hauf
55.24cMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
5.Annika Peterson
Aubrey Hyman
Sophia Trimble
Darian Hauf
55.94cApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
6.Kayla Smith
Aubrey Hyman
Elizabeth Ballistreri
Hannah Burgess
57.14cMay 10North Harford @ Bel Air
7.Hannah Burgess
Kayla Smith
Aubrey Hyman
Cara Chaney
57.44cMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
8.Hannah Burgess
Cara Chaney
Sophia Trimble
Darian Hauf
59.44cMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
9.Cara Chaney
Brooke Bogdan
Sara Ford
Eva Bloom
1:02.54cApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
10.Kendra Dyckman
Katelyn Roloff
Madelyn Wagner
Shaun Glogowski
1:04.04cMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
11.Elizabeth Ballistreri
Brooke Bogdan
Madelyn Wagner
Aubrey Hyman
1:05.54cMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
12.9Emma Hammond
Madelyn Wagner
Kendra Dyckman
Katelyn Roloff
1:05.84cApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
13.9Emma Hammond
Kendra Dyckman
Madelyn Wagner
Katelyn Roloff
1:06.14cApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
4x200 Relay -
1.Annika Peterson
Cara Chaney
Aubrey Hyman
Sophia Trimble
2:01.3hMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
2.Annika Peterson
Cara Chaney
Sara Ford
Sophia Trimble
2:01.8hMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
3.Relay Team 2:04.6hApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
4.Emily Iampieri
Cara Chaney
Sophia Trimble
Darian Hauf
2:05.8hMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
5.Annika Peterson
Aubrey Hyman
Sophia Trimble
2:07.7hApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
6.Cara Chaney
Aubrey Hyman
Sara Ford
Madelyn Wagner
2:09.3hMay 10North Harford @ Bel Air
7.Sara Ford
Brooke Bogdan
Katelyn Roloff
Madelyn Wagner
2:10.0hMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
8.Ally Kozak
Brooke Bogdan
Katelyn Roloff
Madelyn Wagner
2:12.0hMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
9.9Kendra Dyckman
Emma Hammond
Madelyn Wagner
Katelyn Roloff
2:16.0hApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
10.9Emma Hammond
Madelyn Wagner
Kendra Dyckman
Katelyn Roloff
2:23.3hApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
4x400 Relay
1.Kayla Smith
Emily Iampieri
Finley Lavin
Laurel Brown
4:23.24Jun 19MPSSAA 2A State Track & Field Championships
2.Elizabeth Ballistreri
Emily Iampieri
Finley Lavin
Laurel Brown
4:26.8hMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
3.Relay Team 4:43.3hApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
4.Erin O'Leary
Elizabeth Ballistreri
Emily Iampieri
Finley Lavin
4:45.8hApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
5.Sierra Weaver
Erin O'Leary
Brooke Bogdan
Finley Lavin
4:52.2hApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
6.Erin O'Leary
Brooke Bogdan
Lina Goetz
Emily Iampieri
4:57.2hMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
7.Erin O'Leary
Lina Goetz
Emily Iampieri
Laurel Brown
5:00.4hMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
8.Erin O'Leary
Valentina Angulo
Finley Lavin
5:15.1hMay 10North Harford @ Bel Air
4x800 Relay
1.Finley Lavin
Sierra Weaver
Madison Kingsley
Emily Iampieri
11:14.12Jun 19MPSSAA 2A State Track & Field Championships
2.Relay Team 11:17.0hApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
3.Laurel Brown
Lina Goetz
Emily Iampieri
Valentina Angulo
11:53.8hMay 10North Harford @ Bel Air
4.Finley Lavin
Lina Goetz
Emily Iampieri
Sierra Weaver
12:00.8hApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
5.Emily Iampieri
Lina Goetz
Sierra Weaver
Valentina Angulo
12:17.8hApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
6.Lina Goetz
Elena Schell
Emily Iampieri
Finley Lavin
12:28.5hMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
7.Madison Kingsley
Sierra Weaver
Elena Schell
Lina Goetz
12:39.7hMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
8.Laurel Brown
Lina Goetz
Emily Iampieri
Elena Schell
12:45.0hMay 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
Shot Put - 4kg
1.12Erin O'Leary29' 0PRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
2.9Anna O'Leary28' 11.25Jun 8MPSSAA 2A East Section 1 Championships
3.12Shaun Glogowski21' 4PRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
4.12Caroline Ulmer19' 11May 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
Discus - 1kg
1.12Erin O'Leary118' 3PRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
2.9Anna O'Leary97' 2Jun 8MPSSAA 2A East Section 1 Championships
3.12Caroline Ulmer57' 0PRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
4.12Shaun Glogowski52' 8PRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
High Jump
1.12Laurel Brown4' 10PRJun 8MPSSAA 2A East Section 1 Championships
2.12Hannah Burgess4' 8PRApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
3.10Ally Kozak4' 0PRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
Pole Vault
1.12Darian Hauf11' 8PRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
2.10Ally Kozak7' 6Jun 8MPSSAA 2A East Section 1 Championships
12Sophia Trimble7' 6May 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
4.10Jenna Amrhein7' 0May 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
5.10Brooke Bogdan6' 6PRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood
9Sara Ford6' 6May 7Aberdeen/Joppa @ North Harford
7.10Eva Bloom6' 0PRApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
Long Jump
1.10Jenna Amrhein13' 8Apr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
2.10Ally Kozak13' 4PRMay 10North Harford @ Bel Air
11Annika Peterson13' 4May 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
4.10Eva Bloom13' 2PRApr 16NH / ABE @ Harford Tech
5.10Stephanie Erisman12' 5PRMay 21Patterson Mill/Fallston @ North Harford
6.9Kendra Dyckman10' 1PRApr 23North Harford and Joppatowne at Havre de Grace
7.9Katelyn Roloff8' 2PRApr 9Fallston @ North Harford Dual Meet
Triple Jump
1.11Annika Peterson29' 1PRJun 15MPSSAA 2A East Region Championships
2.10Stephanie Erisman27' 1PRMay 14North Harford, Joppatowne @ Edgewood

*Recent improvement