KingCo 2A Hypothetical XC Meet 5,000 Meters

Check out the imaginary results for what would happen if all the athletes in the top 75 teams from KingCo 2A competed head to head and every athlete ran their season best times!
115Liberty (Issaquah), WA - Team Time (1st 5) 1:22:03.9 | Spread (1st 5) 1:28.3
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (6), (7)
Andrew Cooper, Sean Szymanski, Jake Knoblich, Nicholas Siegfried, Luke Knoblich, (Michael Daly), (Hunter Good)
15:44.1, 16:13.5, 16:15.2, 16:38.7, 17:12.4, (17:27.4), (17:39.4)
250Sammamish, WA - Team Time (1st 5) 1:31:55.7 | Spread (1st 5) 23.0
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, (13), (14)
Gunnar Hansen, Daniel Teplow, Zach Wall, Andrew Roundy, Caleb Roundy, (Trevor Eulau), (Ikbal Singh)
18:07.6, 18:25.1, 18:25.4, 18:27.0, 18:30.6, (19:24.7), (19:30.2)