KingCo 3A Hypothetical XC Meet 5,000 Meters

Check out the imaginary results for what would happen if all the athletes in the top 75 teams from KingCo 3A competed head to head and every athlete ran their season best times!
130Bellevue, WA - Team Time (1st 5) 1:20:30.2 | Spread (1st 5) 1:20.5
1, 2, 6, 10, 11, (12), (13)
Joel Ambo, Michael Williams, Phillip Matthews, John Fowler, Charlie Penner, (Robert Ferris), (Ryan Harber)
15:20.9, 15:36.9, 16:10.4, 16:40.6, 16:41.4, (16:45.4), (16:52.0)
263Mercer Island, WA - Team Time (1st 5) 1:23:43.2 | Spread (1st 5) 53.5
5, 7, 16, 17, 18, (23), (26)
Aaron Elefson, Nicholas Ford, Will Clausen, James Kashima, Andy Wingerson, (Leo Phillips), (Matt Wotipka)
16:09.8, 16:25.1, 17:02.0, 17:03.0, 17:03.3, (17:17.8), (17:26.1)
368Liberty (Issaquah), WA - Team Time (1st 5) 1:23:55.5 | Spread (1st 5) 1:26.9
3, 9, 14, 20, 22, (24), (28)
Eric Bice, Josiah Sherwood, Tyler Westenbroek, Scott Turner, Alex Velasquez, (Connor Moseley), (Jared Bales)
15:49.2, 16:40.2, 16:57.3, 17:12.7, 17:16.1, (17:19.5), (17:31.6)
479Juanita, WA - Team Time (1st 5) 1:24:20.9 | Spread (1st 5) 1:35.0
4, 8, 19, 21, 27, (31), (32)
Raul Silva, Caleb Ferrell, James Bauman, Santos Zaid, Drew Hoffman, (Jonathon Ellis), (Michael Przystupa)
15:51.5, 16:38.1, 17:11.1, 17:13.7, 17:26.5, (18:02.2), (18:12.1)
5132Mt. Si, WA - Team Time (1st 5) 1:28:27.0 | Spread (1st 5) 1:15.0
15, 25, 29, 30, 33, (34), (35)
Michael Blackmon, Zac Pearlstein, Joseph Williams, Richard Carmichael, Ben Houldridge, (Christian Dewey), (Alex Censullo)
16:58.0, 17:22.9, 17:52.2, 18:00.9, 18:13.0, (18:15.0), (18:16.0)