Emerald Sound Hypothetical XC Meet 2 Miles

Check out the imaginary results for what would happen if all the athletes in the top 75 teams from Emerald Sound competed head to head and every athlete ran their season best times!
124King's, WA - Team Time (1st 5) 54:47.0 | Spread (1st 5) 54.0
2, 3, 4, 7, 8, (10), (13)
Staser Simpson, Nahom Getachew, Micah White, Sam Richards, Elijah Trevino, (Evan Blair), (Lucas Hansen)
10:32.0, 10:42.0, 10:46.0, 11:21.0, 11:26.0, (11:30.0), (11:44.0)
238South Whidbey, WA - Team Time (1st 5) 56:24.6 | Spread (1st 5) 1:15.6
1, 5, 9, 11, 12, (14), (15)
Rowan Jung, River Kline, Asher Stadler, Colten Smith, Carter McKnight, (Carter Castle), (Alexander Zarifis)
10:27.9, 11:12.5, 11:28.0, 11:32.7, 11:43.5, (11:59.0), (12:26.2)
376Bear Creek, WA - Team Time (1st 5) 1:03:31.0 | Spread (1st 5) 2:33.0
6, 16, 17, 18, 19, (20), (21)
Findlay Hartshorn, Tate Hartshorn, Yuhe (John) Cao, Wesley Liao, Yohan Kang, (Joshua Weed), (Kwan Yui (Jared) Yu)
11:15.0, 12:42.0, 12:52.0, 12:54.0, 13:48.0, (15:01.0), (15:04.0)